pedce treaty, which entrusts the reparations' commission with-the task of fixing thie ameunt of the indemnity. Then another confer- ence will be 'called to which, the Ger- mans will be invited. FRANCE REDUCES _ EMNITY CLAIM efforts the Doumer demand for an indemnity total of 200,000,000,000 gold misxks, which strained the rela- tions between the French and the Bri- tish delegations, was thrown aside and the negotiations 'will henceforth pro- ceed on the basis of the Boulogne plan of last July, which 'fixed the total at 100,000,000:000° 'marks gold, current value, payable in 42 years, with in- terest, bringing the grand: total pay- ments. £0 about two hundred and fifty billion" gold marks. Doumer's. plan would have made Germény lable for wore: than four hundred billion gold marks ultimately. Ae. un result of this situation M. may resign as French Fin- As a result of President Millerand's action 'in calling down the French dip- The reparation negotiations were to have been reopened at 11 o'clock Thursday morning. At 9 o'clock M. illerand called Briand to the Elysee told him the Doumer plan would do and it would be better for +o accept less than to break her allfance with England. . Briand got in touch 'with Mr. doyd George and the morning session was called off while the Premiers con- erred. privately. The discussion was resumed at 4 y, when Mr. Lloyd George pre- his point: of view. tenor of his speech was that the indemnity matter must come to 50,000,000 BUS. WHEAT IN WEST Proportion of Crop is gr 5 and pspatch from Regin says:--Less $0,000,000 bushels of marketable wl premain in the West, is the esti- ; mabe of A. E. Wilson, Seed Grain Commissioner, Out of a total crop .arounid : 228,100,000 bushels, approxi- mabely 188,000,000 have. been inspect ed," Of the remainder 40,000,000 bushels ave being held for seed. With tne . ONLY . attracted almost as 60,000 Houses Built in England Last Year A despatch from London says: "The acute housing shortage continues, but is being slowly al+ leviated. Acpirging to the cur- rent issue of Housing, published by the housing department of the Ministry of Health, some 60,000 houses were constructed last year, More than 5,600. permits for private dwellings were issued in London alone. In' addition to the government housing schemes, municipal housing schemes 'and private home building, there is a new factor in English building in the modern office buildings now be- ing erected in London's business districts. TWO ROYALIRISH MURDERED IN BED Sinn Fein Outrage Occurred { "HE in Belfast Hotel. A despatch from Belfast says:i-- Two members of the Royal Irish Constabulary were niurdered in their beds at the Railway View Hotel here on Wednesday night, and a third con- stable was gravely wounded. Five Sinn Feiners, it is alleged, committed {'the erime, the circumstances of which | are mysterious. ol The three victims recently came to Belfast in mufti on special duty, One of the men was concerned in import- ant inquiries and his comrades were acting as escort, ' The Railway View Hote, where they stayed, is close to the aity headquarters of the RIC. As the bar was about to be closed for the night; "gbout 9.30, five men whe had been served with drink dashed toward the staircase leading to the bedrooms. They entered' the room| where the policemen had retired and a series of shots tang out, Revolvers in hand, the assassins returned to the bar :and ordered the bar man to open the side door, by which they escaped. The Reverend J. A. Irwin, the Pres- byterian minister ' who spoke i the United Stabes with Eamonn de Valera during the latter's recent stay in that country, and who. was arrested Mon- day and-gent to the Ballykinlar intern-| ment camp, was released on bail on y: A despatch from" Dublin says; Largest Business Owned by One Man Becomes a Companys J. R. Booth, great: lumber king, of Ottawa, who has turned his business into a joint stock company with a capi- tal of $10,000,000. Mr. Booth has con- ducted the business for almost seventy years. Afr Six Women Sitting "on London Jury A despatch from London says: --London's ancient law 'courts' enjoyed a red letter day last Von Thursday and Baron Dunsany of Dumsany Castles, ; who was arrested on Wednesday when a quantity of obsolete ammunition was found in his castle, but who after- wards was released, was re-atrested taken to an unknown destination. \ The atrest of Baron Dunsany res sulted from the shooting of game, a 1 portion of which was sent to England. The Baron, who is a keen sportsman; is said to have requested and receiv- ed permission from "Republican Vol« English friends to whom he sent the game returned it, saying they did not want to eat Sinn Fein binds, ' The military, learning of this; raid« ed Baron Dunsany"s house, where they are said to have discovered a number of shotguns and other sport- ing arms. : Plan to Help ¥ A despatch front London says: ~--A Warriors' Day, on which the proceeds of an extra' perform- ance at every legitimate theatre, movie house and music hall in Great Britain are to be devoted] wéek when for the first time in| to the relief of unemployed ser history women were empanelled a8 jurors in a British divorce case. : Six wemen sitting with six amen will decide one of London's most. sensational "trials: before Justice 'Horridge, who recently heard the Marlborough case, The women jurors sat in the second row of the jury box and! tion as the much atten- | oo Yice men, will be held on March been actively = supporti the scheme and Sir George: Perley and other High Commissioners have been' app that the method adopted in Great' Britain be made throughout the British mpire. on the same date for the pi oe of benefiting workless ex-sol| 19 diers in the various Dominio unteers" to shoot birds on his estates} Britain's Unemployed The Prince of Wales has! roached to suggest | A despatch from «XT, says:--Special parties that have been outfitting preparatory to mushitig 500 miles 'over the snow with dog teanis, toboggans and supplies to sbaké ofl A probably will 'ab ely , gold. com- missioner, that the Federal Govern- ment had suspended until further no- tice privileges for staking or other- wise acquiring oil lands in the North: west Territories, : ; |" The gold commissioner has passed the notification: on: to: sevens] 'inter. | ested parties, notably some of the Linque, en route from Victoris, on behalf of the British Columbie inves: tors. "North 'this coming spr mer; 'by any route, will for, secure and carry' - vers from the'Royal Canadian Mount- ed Police. There will be no suchi hing as booking passage without ng and sum- into the ofl country on any other terme. No flying machines of any type will be permitted" to 'leave for the Mackenzie territory without clear- ing the police, or without each of its passengeérs being certified by a medi- cal officer as physically and mentally fis to make the rip, BRITISH ELECTIONS - IN. MAY OR JUNE Party Machinery Ordered to be Ready, Says London Times. =A despatch from London says Mr. Lloyd George, says the London Times, has sent instructions from Paris for the Coalition Party machinery to be ready for a general election in May 'or June, after introduction of the bud- get early in April. ~~ 0 afford a favorable opportunity for ap- pealing to the country. 320 Million Bushels 'Bureau eral | partment. of lands in the Fort Norman district,|' A despatch from Edmonton; Alta] says:--The only way to get into the ; {ba be to qualify |' ual dhem , and {heve will be no open doom of Wheat in U.S. |™® from Washington [fas ally an allied ! French will occupy Stambul, the Briss Fish will move into Pera | Italians into Scutari. = This 'move 'presumably is in pur. 'suance of the notice given the Turk:! \lies that 'a renewed military occupa- tion of. Constantinople was imminent to guard against threatened disorders, owing to Nationalist and Bolshevik of the Turks Treaty. Should be Bankrupt | A despatch from Paris says: ~"Unless France hundred and twe mount: of indemnity to ired from Cro + Finance Minister de- be requ French clared: \ . 4 "If any nation must be bank- rupt, it: should ~be Germany. France must have 54,000,000,000 francs for pensions and 58,000, 000,000 francs for reconstruc-~ tion." . Canadian Air Force in Training at Camp Borden A despatch from Ottawa says: Training. ofs officers of the Canadian Alr Force is going on apace at Camp city Feb. 1, when the' ish Government last: week by the al- fs beeause 'of the failure! to. ratify the Peace ba | Green in : aple and. the : wo LE rolls, 38 to 89¢c. cottage rol [A 0 of wield, 1c let Bary Seats Bean pork, $35; or family back, ~boneless, goF< Es : 2g §¥ ~ i ~e ge £ Bag 20. sIEns Ego: wil gs' 2B ups Ash Rd