eh 3] ddleton will be glad fo answer questions on Public BY DR. J. ters' through to of the day. a menace to als 'of the people and stability of government. No be. expected to be a goad ' ; "his a "has no roof over h I have just returned from New this column. Address Kim at the Parliament Bldgs. f§ | spects exactly. do, but they don't an ey dog. move = in known as the Eskdale seven and one-eighth The rail gauge is one It is leased to -Narrow Gauge » Lim e@ passenger carried y midget ex: press engines, built to a scale of one- quarter the size of ordinary British nan line locomotives, but the same in construc- | tion and appearance. 'box from The Dr. | healthy women, These pills help to Brockville, | put rich, red blood int® the veins, and ' this blood reaches every part of the - "© «| body, giving strength, rosy cheeks and "rats will have at | brightness in place of weakness, pros- a metHing like | trating headaches and a wretched - state of half-health. . Weaver; R.R. No. 1, Chippewa, Ont, gays: "I' was very much run-down, weak, nervous and troubled with pains "= | in the side. I tried different medicines WA | put without any benefit until I began the use of Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills, nder the use of this medicine 1 gain- $ ed strength, had better appetite, slept # bétter and the pain in my side disap- Health mat ' peared. My health has since remain ed excellent and I advise any one troubled with anaemia, or weakness, to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial" . Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia and . ear, PER Ch pr TC ed o o al 5 twenty-four. families and| gents your battles = against disease. e jum, he, survey spade Take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as Department during the {ionic if you are not in the best phys past few weeks these conditions have cal condition and cultivate a resist- nd it been Lund to be existing;|ance that with the observance of or- ane y 5 als 3 termined to 28 per| ginary rules of health will keep you 9 e tal inhabitants of New| well and strong. Get a box from the ¢ City "are living' in 4 state of | nearest. drug. store and begin the 'over: ! . + | treatment now, or send to The Dr. In spite of these terrible conditions, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, joy the infant mortality rate, viz, the| Ont, and the pills will be sent you number of deaths of infants under postpaid at 50 cents a box or six one year of age per 1,000 births, boxes for $2.60. during the past year was only 85, the pt lowest on record. is an extreme- . Wisdomettes. A little each day is much in a year, eA en ; always been re- ' of 'good fortune, and -from the moon itself this belief gradually spread until it included ar ticles which were crescent-shaped. Iron, too, has always been surround: ed with a similar halo of luck--the ancients evidently believing that it | was so essential to commerce and manufacture that it possessed a dis- * | tinct influence for good. These two beliefs date back to the early history of the Egyptians and Phoenicians, Gradually they spread until they reached the British Isles, where, in those days, the horse was regarded as a beast of good omen-- probably for the same reason that iron was favored, because of its service to mankind. In Yhe horseshoe we find these three ancient beliefs combined in one ob- ject--a piece of irom, a crescent, and sometimes pertaining to a horse-- which accounts for the esteem in which the horseshoe is held. resi ss Why we See "Stars." Each of the five senses has its special set of nerves through which sensations are recorded in the brain. With the exception of the nerves of touch, which extend to all parts of the body, these perform special functions for certain individual organs--the nerves of sight, being connected with the eye, those of smell with the nose, those of taste with the mouth, and those of hearing with the ears. 'Whenever the brain receives a sud- den shock, such as would follow a blow on the head, the vision nerves are disturbed in such a way as to pro- duce the effect of seeing flashes of light, or "stars." in other re-- An Irish policeman was giving evi- dence ln a case where the prisoner was alleged to have been drunk, i "You say thé prisoner had been drinking,' said his worship. *"Drink- on ! stable... g "You think?" stormed the great man. "Don't you know the smell of whisky? Aren't you a judge?' "No, sorr," retorted the officer, "I'm only a policeman." 3 , O1 think," 'replied the con- Sokal + Real Fresh. _ The other day, rather early in the 'forenoon, a woman entered the village grocer's shop and inquired: ~ "Any really fresh' eggs to-day?" "Yes, ma'am," repMed the grocer. I've got some that were only laid this morning." A day or two later, somewhat ear- lier in the forenoon than before, the woman called again. "Any more of those really fresh eggs?" she inquired. | Whereupon the grocer said to his { assistant: "Run to the back room, {| boy, and see if this morning's eggs are cool enough to be sold yet." ieee A in Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper | | ae Vast Plains In South America. South America has the greatest un- broken extent of level surface of any region of the globe. The plains close to the Orinoco are-so flat that the mo- tion of the riverg can scarcely be de- tected over an area of two hundred thousand square miles, lL eins When butter will not spread easily, turn a heated bowl or pan upside down over the butter dish for a few minutes. This will soften the butter without melting it. Ontario has one-third of Canada's railway mileage. WAIN IRINA NNUAL FREEZONE, Corns Lift Off with Fingers Magle! Drop a little, "Freezone" on an 'aching corn, instantly that corn 'where 1 learned much about ising conditions in that city, and 3 rts are very disquieting. The ymmissioner, Dr, Copeland, 'that 'there are 100,000 more ii York City to-. Tk a ditions recent survey, it was foun ) human pA credit ble ate, of affairs, when | { babie s Bo aoe in a York City 185.000 If you desire easier travelling, mend the past twelve months, 2 FOUL Ways... Commissioner Copeland, however, dreads to anticipate what the infant mortality may be in the near future if the present lamentable conditions ue. ¥ ty of these 133,000 new arrivals belong to homes on 5th : Avenue-or Riverside Drive? No, in- usand people in one: deed. Over 100,000 of them are born eh of affairs exists : dren working energetic- | the situation, but is For a dead opportunity there is no resurrection, "Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose, Te knows much who knows how to, hold his tongue. Be not the first to quarrel, nor the last to make it up. Who. would wish to be valued must make himself scarce. - It's not so much the early rising, as : spending of the"day. The sensitive eye-nerves cannot be : ! stops hurting, then shortly you lift it jarred without producing this effect | .i.)¢ of with fingers. Doesn't hurt a of light, while a severe blow will often | react in a similar manner upon the | vo. v dru ; ggist sells a tiny bottle of nerves of hearing, Se leading the | ipreezone" for a few cents, sufficient person who 18 struc! do magine that | 1, remove every hard corn, soft corn, he fs listening to unusual noises. | or corn between the toes, and calluses. tr mls Rub hot bran into your furs, and ASPIRIN you will be surprised to see how much dirt will be removed in the process. | The population of London to-day is| -- fifty times greater than it was in the "Bayer" is only Geriuine reign of James I. The fnvisible ear drum invented by { + 0. Rn ¥ 0, ard, which is a miniature: megaphone, fitting inside the ear en tirely out of sight, Is restoring the} hearing of hundreds of people in New York City. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to reliéve himself of deafness | and head noises, and it does this so a baby were found to be living Tooms, a four-family ho successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed natur- al drums. A request for information | to A. 4. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth te, New York City, will be f s : : advt. ys , works' of art, heirlooms. tolen during the war by in occupled territory are It is effective when | given| | NOTH coming to light, and in mang} BAUME BENGUE Highly efficient in colds and Catarrhal affections of the nose and throat * Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on puckage or on tablets you In. every Bayer package tions for 'Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, = Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada, Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. OLD STANDBY, FOR "Any man or woman who keeps A handy tell you that same thi "California Syrup of Figs" ~ Child's Best Laxative FAs AT IN are not getting genujne Aspirin at all. | are direc- | But the little deeds of life Call for heroes every day. --------l, ~ For ipation Just think! A pleasant, harmless Cascaret works while you sleep and has your liver active, head clear, stom- ach sweet and bowels moving as re- gular as a clock by morning. No grip- ing or inconvenience. 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes. Children love. this candy cathartic too. ---- et -- Typical of the Race. A Jewish boy was sent to school for the first time. When asked to state his age he replied, "Sixteen." As he was obviously not more than eight, the teacher sent him home with a note to his father requesting that he should be whipped for telling a bare-faced lie. His bewlldered father asked him to explain why he bad lied to the teacher, and the boy replied, "I thought he would try to beat me down." he MONEY: ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. pant Wet umbrellas should be stood on their handles to dry. This allows the water to run out of them instead of! into the part where the silk and ribs meet, thus causing the metal to rust land the silk to rot. The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations sold on the Merits of 4 MINARD"S LINIMENT. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed un Olay ver 118 West 31st Street New York, U.B.A. DANDERINE Stops' Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. | Pd A few cents buys "Danderine." Af. { ter a few applications you cannot find every hair shows new life, T, lo fallen hair or any dandruff, besides brightness, more tolof #hd Abundance. ----------------------------------------------------