+i the cattle of vermin 1 for difficult breathing and Asthma New alcums iver Oil for a good general tonic | ims OPEN Tieng 5 erry. snot only in Port Perry, but improve our educational age to all concerned-- and a greater fitness is? That is the question n mind to learn the facts A : e we get Hydro in Port e Commission was fo 'take im- - to operation; and we are What Prohibitions Have | ople, but they ar not numerous, who would :d out by To and regulations that ;human- ped out by of sul | people: but theory does not al- - This particular theory of un- it does not work out satisfactor- Ye Sar : hn i Three avenues to danger to Bmanity must be be closed 3 oat as thoroughly as possible=intoxieating liquors, drugs and the white slave traffic. They must te closed, because to enter them is so easy and so deadly thatithe victim has no chance «of exercising judgment or British liberty. He is over-power- ed by the evil before he hag opps unity to form correct judg- ment as to his ability to withstand temptation. For these three prohibitiong humanity can afford to fight as long as the evfigemst Playing with poison will not steengthed charactet, andis dangercus. Having said that much. it wéuld be well Rodis dusty nother phase of life --a hase which the people generally: believe--the need to give importance to individual responsibility. Something. must be left to the judgment of the individual. Take the question of tobacco; for example. The use of this narcotic is growing tremendously--but prohibition of its use is not necessary. What ig neéded isa return to the be- i 8, FARMER, Publisher securities, \ WHEN ou cut the cou; ns from your Victory Bonds ; % or othe ities, the rend ioe to put them is into your savings account. : : At any branch of this Bank, you cain open a savin account with your] em . coupons, or we will cash Let the interest from 3 ad. for you without naling any chase. Investment ears more interest in the STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Auditors' Report © of P.P.AA. | "RECEIPTS Membership $66.00 Joe 3rd Celebration 982.95 aseball (Home Games) ~~ 68.55 Proceeds from grounds rent 44.50 Tournament July 14th 478.25 EXPENSES iQ Tri-County League fee and postage $10.27 June 3rd Celebration 572.7 ournament July 14th eam ; Rent of Grounds Work on Grounds ete. Printing Wnd advertising Donations included in Jue 3rd Balance on han $1640.25 $1640.25 o| T.W. McLean, wip . I' Bowerman Auditors: i I R. Bentley Third of June Port, Perry Athletic Assoe-| iation will Hold a celebration | on the thirdof June. A com-| mittee has been appointed, and | is busy on plans for the hig day. | What the citizens generally can! Ra - Warriner Lodge No. 76 Meets every Second and Fourth 'Monday in each month in the Oddfellows' Hall. Visiting Brethren Welcome P. Ingram, N. G. i ~Seecretary Patronize Those who have done you a real service by bringing the prices down Blue Rose Rice, lb. 10c Icing Sugar, lb. 15¢ Peanut Butter, 1b 35¢ 5 Ibs. for $1.50 Tomatoes per tin 15c. Christie's Sodas, 1b. 20¢ Dates, good and juicy, ping and Printing done here ~~ bringin your films and negatives j{ i; that the individual is responsible for his own acts. State do to make it a success is to talk per 1b, 20, Morrison's Drug Store Eo me control of all our actions ig unthinkable--it is the, dream of the German overlord and of the Russian Bolshevist; but it is not to be thought of in'a country where the spirit of self respect is to be maintained among its citizens. Prohibition of such things as are not poisons hould come from within and they should come. Cigarette smoking is capable of m terially lowering the physical and moral tone, and no self respecting.man will be extreme in his tse of them. it up among their friends and make it a re-union day of those! who have left the town but still have an interest in it. News in General (Whitby) i Remember, our goods are fresh, and handled in a' clean and modern way. SPECIALS Purest of Lard, 20 1b pail, u Fred-Kushner, who has been y Qup imprisoned since Christmas Day Pure Maple Syr up, qt 0c. CO dmakea more handsome "But there is one place where the use of cigarettes should a ona charge of manslaughter; Eure Jam, 4} Ibs tin $1.00 ; plec Te I lage ? ©] be prohibited, and that is among minors. | The use of tobacco, a ) ce of Cut ( er mo on fle "-pakticularly ci wettes, by childpen is, dangerous. The law |was aquitted on Tuesday, after] Pink Salmon tin 20¢ forbidding such use should be strictly enforced. : ten minutes deliberation by the R 5 It all comes back to the same idea--law is a protector, not |jury. ; olled Oats, 20 lb $1.00 a master. "It is designed to protect the individual from being Currants, per lb. 22¢ destroyed before he has had opportunity to develop strength Sar dines. tin 100 or * NN CO, 3 3 for 25¢ . of character to resist temptation. Kippered Herring, tin 22¢ gs It 'would be just about as sane to throw a child in the Milbrook is to have a marble Soap Flakes for washing lake, and tell it that it had the personal liberty to stay in or swim out as it pleased; as it would be to allow alcohol and monument placed in the front of woolen and all fine goods the town hall, in honour to the! ° 1b. 25c¢. drugs to be freely'used in the country. = Humanity may sur- Iyoung men of Cavan and Mill- Laundry Soap, bar 10e vive the ordeal and come out clean and self-respecting; but the thousands of drunkards' graves testify that many splen- brook who gave up their lives in ida : the war. Preserved Pineapple, large can 50c. il Joel satisfied that this is true when you see our fx isplay of cut glass water sets, vases, sugar and cream, fl herbert glasses, oil and vinegar bottles, bon-bon dishes, comports, marmalade jars, syrup. jars, and many other pieces which we feel sure will please you. Call 30d we shall be glad to show you these: ! a 'ou are always welcome whether you buy or not. JAMES McKEE JEWELLER ~~ = STATIONER The Thomson Knitting Co. which is opening a factory at Whitby will choose the site some time this week. fe) did fellows cannot gtand the, pace: h ae : EEE RRR * Tet us enforce the prohibitions we have, and for the res ala eRe: | teach men self-respect and high ideals. . _ "The Flood at Cadmus The following essay was written on the flood which oc- cured at Cadmus in March last, and was the prize essay of a contest held at Cadmus. - W. B. Ferguson offered the prize. The winter, with the exception of a few cold snaps, had been exceptionally mild. There had been several snow falls but the warm weather and sun had soon left-the fields bare again. These thaws had caused 'the water to rise and on PortPerry - 1 ie Our seed corn will be here in a short time. It will be as usual of a high germinating quality Your order will be appreciated. J. F. McCLINTOCK A err AR . Ontario A _gome occasions it appeared quite wild, but owing to the watchfulness of the miller small damage had been done. It had reached the latter half of March and the morning was gray and chilly. About ten o'clock the rain came ac- companied by heavy thunder and lightning. The storm con- tinued, except for brief intervals, until evening. The rain ' came in torrents, 'the ground was frozen and hard, the water raced down the ditches and wherever it could find a 'slight . hollow washed deep ruts in the roads. The water began to rise in the pond but caused no serious 'alarm. The storm ceased, the moon shone fitfully-through the clouds that went 2 hurrying acres the sky and the air had-become warm and like, * , : Sia 2 spring: } yo dpe HL 4 ; me x RO <i Suddenly, about half-past eight, the alarm came. The water was rising rapidly and the mill dam must go. -In.a few moments the water had risen above the bridge and road. . Soon part of the dam broke and the water rushed on carry- ing with it stumps, trees and everything that it could wrench || loose.' Large logs were washed on to the road and down the Fence posts were jerked out of the ground and joe. istening in the moon ong current. ~Sudd 'what is that?' along w current, struck the "room 'containing an ly widening the the water was "bysofne that the ght, were carried on from those standing" 'some object, larger than Change in Time-table The early morning - train will leave Port Perry at the old time, 6.40, beginning Monday May 2nd instead of 7.20 Referendum Campaign The result of the Referendum was satisfactory to those who believe in the 'advantages of prohibition of intoxicating liquor and the expense of such a cam- paign is a small price to pay for such a reform. The local com- mittee have undertaken to pro- | vide $60.00 as their share of the Provincial Committee expenses, and take this means of asking those who are willing to help them in this way, to hand their contributions to any of the fol- lowing persons: . Jas. Stonehouse S. Farmer Mrs. S. Farmer Harry Nasmith FOR SALE + Good range {conf or wood) 4 holes, high shelf, 2 teapot hold- ers. 'Matchless Treasure," | Apply T. H. Mills, Port Perry Just received, a fresh sup- ; ply of Weston's famous iscuits, 40c, 50¢, 60c 1b. Bananas 40c¢, 50c; 60¢ doz D. CORBMAN Bell Phone 157 PORT PERRY, ONT. Victorian Women's Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Women's Insti- tute will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Wesley Bradburn on Wednesday 'afternoon May at 2,30 o'clock. All grandmoth- ers in the homes of Institu members are especially invited. Election of officers for ensuing year and other b usiness to be arranged. Read Page 3, Inside JAMES WARD PIANOS, ORGANS and GRAMAPHONES ~~ ALSO SECONDHAND ORE Hy PIANOS TUNED _{ Bell Phone 94 MAY and JUNE "PORT PERRY, ONTARIO