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Port Perry Star, 28 Apr 1921, p. 2

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Ey The Right Paint fo Paint Right" The Blind amwese_ By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM. CHAPTER I . been brought out TeoeIy Dy Duin oF Lady Anselman stood in the centre |sufféring of some so of thie lounge at the Rita Hotel and [reclined uselsaaly fo a black sil sie with a delicately-poied forefinger | He glanced around the little assembly. counted her guests. There was the "First of all," he said, bowing to the great French actress who had ev French jietgss ang raising her fingers "charm but youth, chatting vivecionly to his lips, " is no one who does with a 1, pale-faced man whose not know Madame - Selarne. Lady French seemed to be as perfect as his Patrick, we have met before, haven't attitude was correct. The popular we? Iam going So sce your husband wife of a great actor was discussing | in his new play the night I am her husband's latest play with a Cab-| allowed out. Mr. Daniell I have met, inet Minister who had the air of alend Lord Romsey may perhay #chool-boy present at an illicit feast.|the honor of remembering me," he A very beautiful young woman, tall added, shaking hands with the Cabinet and fair, with grey-blue eyes and a|Minister, wealth of golden, almost yellow hair, was talking to a famous musician, A yers, who had been watching him with little further in the background, a terest. 'Lady Anselman at once in- Joung man in the uniform of a naval| troduced them. jeutenant was exchanging what Seery-| uy pnow that you haven't met Miss ed {o be rather impressive chaff with Conyers because she has been asking a netits Bi Sxceedingly govd-lecking about you. This is my Ron. girl. lady nselman coun em : : re twice, glanced at the clock and frown- Je; Seraldine, I hope that you will ed. The girl murmured something /in- "I can't remember whom we . Are | audible as she shook hands. The young waiting for!" she exclaimed a little soldier looked at her for a moment. helplessly to the Jejuainig est, &| His manner became almost serious. somewhat tired-looking publisher who "I hope 0, toc," he said quietly. stood by her side. "I am one short. "Olive, come and make friends with I dare say it will come to me in a my nephew if you can spare a moment minute. You know every one, I sup-|from your young man," Lady Ansel- pose, Mr. Daniell?" man continued. in Granet-- The publisher shook his head. Miss Olive Moreton. And this is Ger- "1 have met Lord Romsey and also|aidine's brother--Lieutenant Con- Madame Selarne," he observed. "For |yers. the rest, I was just thinking what a]. The two.men shook hands pleasant- stranger I felt". ly. Lady Anselman ced at the "The man who talks French so clock and turned bri towards the " Ansel -| corridor. well," Lady iman told him, drop "And now, I think," she announced, oe her Voice a little, "is Sugeoni, ajor e is inspector o hospitals at the front, or something of | tes ghe moved forward, ihe was a the sort. The tall, fair girl--isn't she denly Baia M e Sel He prettyl--is Geraldine Conyers, daugh- heey a ng 0, Xi ada me rl re ter of Admiral Sir Seymour Conyers. rawn a Hi a ol That's her brother, the sailor "over Was w atehiing SS er aie there, talking to Olive Moreton; their ® curious in tness, e ted the engagement was announced last week. | 0 her nephew and touched on Lady Patrick of course Joa know, and Ronnie" she said, "I don't } 3 enor Seagel, and Ade aide | Me fap you have met Surgeon-Major TO oh OO Thomson in France? Major Thomson Daniell? She is my dearest friend. this is my nephew, Captain Granet How many. do you. mike that? ne ere at once and offered he publisher counted them CAT his hand to the other man. Only Ger. fully. 3 as "Eleven including ourselves," he, 8ldine foo in was 2. 3 ous oo an need. ould " | had fh reasons of her own for being And we sh be twelve," Lady interested, observed the rather pecu- Phnciman sighed "Of eursel". she Mictested, chestved the rai regarded added, her i35ce Fide my Digitening, the other Something which might al- " t an idi am! 's Ronnie we . are waiting for. One can't be cross, Most have Deen 3 Challenge seemed to with him, poor fellow. He can only Lr in Te Fan a pera ate a who had cverheard, | ally," Granet admitted, "but if you leaned onlin "The shade of newly &re the Surgeon-Major Thomson who ; inte: § Y has been doing such great things with awakened interest in her Jace, and the the Field Hospitals at the front,' then rig 02 her Tips 88 he spo Sided ike nearly every poor crock out there hy B Tow- her I owe you a peculiar debt of gratitude. flashed on the vellow-gold of "| You are the man I mean, aren't you?" Faint yo oy bal Captain Ronald: the young soldier concluded cordially. Teor ep ie 4, Captain Ronald: Major Thomson bowed, and a mo- Granet, who is com.ng?" she asked a ee tor the oll Lis a Hille agerly, an nodded along the OETA across the restaur- "He onl h ke ant, searched for their names on the y came home last Tuesday | anid AOR tha at. the with dispatches from the front," she, cards hich Tad 1a Plates at for said. "This is his first day out." . |table whi er] rese! "Ah! but he is wounded, Perhaps 2" them. Hs aay Anselman Slanced Oar ound Madame Selame inquired solicitously. | Bex Winiaing ons Jiro "In the left arm and the Tight leg," essional "hostess, ated or Lady Anselman assented. "I believe guests od ie: co br that he has seen some terrible fight- she hoy gL heradlf od or ovis ps ing, and we are very proud of his D. Minis . Iy every on u 3 5 ol only trouble is Sat, he od i have put you next Miss Conyers, Jike 0 e will us 1 thing." * |Ronnie," she remarked, "because we mak gl 1 i cen all the good things to our men He. ws excellent . Judgment, hen they come home from the war dor RB ghseryed, "And I Tare put you next Olive, Adelman glanced Ralph," she went on, turning to the a ats tho | ncols tr po; ow Fri "because 1 hear you are ex- al now- , 3 fet it = I peeting to your ship to-day or to- adays, isnt it?" she remarked. "I am pesiing ay Eo duy ot 10 not sure t you are wise. When one od a little, 'Aw'a general Tule I * ps do me |p Be! He turned to face Geraldine Con- quite long enough. been "out, oe you?" gravely. WE with the first division. = At wes in charge of a fleld| . I Jove having peo-| Minard's Liniment for Burns, ste J) Hearty Dishes the Men Will Like. | pepper, 2 egg yolks, 4 tablespoons Rice cooked in this way will be| cream. Cut the meat in medium-sized white, and every grain will stand|Pieces, cover with the water, and stew rice; 1 teaspoon salt. Into the boi and butter together, then-add the water drop the rice which has ie milk, salt, and pepper. Stir this com- well washed; add the salt. Stir well| bination into the tender meat, When until the boiling is resumed, then doit thickens slightly, remove from the not stir again, When the rice is done,| fire, and add the egg yolks, which haye Water. Place in the oven ten minutes, | to the fire just long enough to reheat a border of boiled rice. is and every grain will stand a 5 Cheese and rice fritters--114 cups x 3 cold boiled rice, 3% cup milk, 1 egg, % What Shall This Child Be? cup grated cheese, % cup flour, % tes~| As the oak sleeps in the acorn; as spoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon salty the headlong torrent sleeps in the tiny 3 tablespoons melted butter or pings... Combine the rice and. \ 1 add the beaten egg and cheese. sleeps in the marble block, waiting for well, and add the flour, baking pow:| the genius of the sculptor to set it der, and salt. Drop small portions frée--80 = unmeasured possibilities into a frying pan containing the melt-I'slumber in the soul of every. little ed fat, and brown. Serve hot with!| ghild. y Ri fruit preserves, honey, or syrup. s Surprise croquettes--1% cups chop- ped raw beéf, 13% _cups boiled rice, 1 teaspoon 'salt, 3% teaspoon pepper, 1 ; tablespoon chopped onion, % cup to-| mato juice, 12 large cabbage leaves. Abel the worshipper, and Cain the COARSE SALT LAND SALT Mix together the beef, rice, salt, pep- Carlots per, and onion. Cook the cabbage Bulk . 4 leaves in boiling water three minutes; TORONTO SALTY WORKs i then in each leaf wrap some of the 0. J. OLIFF TORONTO meat and rice mixture. Place the cro. | Se : quettes in 'a baking dich, pour over | g= - - - them the juice from canned tomatoes, |' , and bake in @ moderate oven. Serve TORCAN with tomato sauce. : g Tomato sauce--1% cups canned to- F ANCY GOODS Co., Ltd. matoes, 1 slice onion, 8 tablespoons » : East butter, 3% tablespoon salt, 8 table-!} _ 7 Ww St. spoons flour, 3 teaspoon pepper. Cook i 1 y onions with tomatoes, rub through a : 3 ! strainer, and add to butter, flour, and}. aods, Cut Glass, 'Earth. seasonings, hich have been combined. enware, Fancy China, Toys, Sport- Cook together five minutes. ~ Jing 'Goods, Smallwares, Hardware Cream of lamb stew--1 pound shoul- der of lamb, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 cup milk, 8 cups water, 1 teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoon | Travellers Exerywhere Wholesale Only "This Is (Ten Whether you are resident in a e city or two or three hundred miles away. pA Wireless Equip- ment furnishes you endless instructive en . ment. We can Supply ecelving Apparatus which 3 pick up signals from the bi, Stations enable you to "If A ephone ¢ gerts ' radiated by Secu ansmiiting, Set -- y und Jicensed General Electric Patents, 2 apart: 2 quarts boiling water, 1 cup|®ently until tender. Blend the flour | remove from fire, and drain 'off gll| been beaten with the cream. Return x Rice cooked in this way will be white, | but not boil, and serve at onee" with 3 ill; ag music sleeps in the plain eggs| oh nightingale; as "the ~statie] - Sammie Wirsoms YourT| Gh Ounce of Provention ~~ Cleanliness and CGarefulness ad | To he taken regularly in large dose "THIS is the most potent prescrip- - tion for fire-itis. An emic> that is dest

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