i "This store ones every - Wednesday pn The centre is p is a pretty flora 'Hand Made Oiled Window Shades $1.00 The cloth used in making these shades is of good quality but is cut out between flaws. may be Colors white or cream, at 12 30 'scrim for window curtains, 36 inches wide, op white and the border on each Side design in blue or mauve. a few inches short of six feet or an inch nar- row. Each shade is mounted on a spring roller. Yard 25¢ Some shades Each $1.00 on, ular | Valenceinnes and Cluny. val Beg, 10¢ to 15¢ yard Clearing price per yard be A i] on on, The lot Ancluges Tor- Reg- Pure White Saxony Flannelette, 24 inches wide, with soft finish. -quality usually sold at 80c yard. ; Price per yard 19¢ A wor straw hat i in the store u poop brims, roll brims and sailor s 29c. to 50c will be placed on sale. pe in plain and fancy straw. : Clearance Price on Children' s Straw Hats Re There are Price 29¢. Men's 'Lounge Shirts $1.95 Made of print and percale in neat up-to date patterns: These in- clude Gordon and W. G. & R. brands. They are made with soft double cuffs. These shirts sold regularly at $2.50 Sale price $1.95 - F. W. TIcINTYRE Men's Khahki Pants $2.75 Just the thing for working, boating or outing pants. They are made of cotton drill in khahki shade and are finished with belt of self and neat cuffs. Size 30 to 4o. Price pair $2.75 Summer Butterick 35¢ _ June Delineator 25¢ A. E. Rogerson, Prop. GOOD MODERN SERVICE You can recommend the Sebert House to Jo ur: friends. We - know we can please you in hotel accom- ~ modation. iS MR. FARMER! Why send your cream to city creameries when your home creamery can ay you more money. e pay every week this year. Give us a trial and be convinced. Allan Coode, Proprietor , | ---------------- ~ a Columbia Records at 69¢ at the Star Office Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereb _ Florence Heavens of the Town of Osha in the County of Ontario, in the Provines io, married woman, will apply to the ent" of at the next a session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from usband orge Heavens of isi of Onta) 4 William IE Se Dated at the Town of iven atk Eva the. County of Lal House for Sale Six rooms, nicely painted, divided cement cellar, cement cistern, double lot. Apply to wa | John H. Doubt, Port Perry. [27 Church of the Ascension : SUNDAYS Morni er, . . 11a.m, Sunday Se ool aud 4 Bible Class, f| "Evening Soap 'the last Sun- day of each month at 7 p.m. THURSDAYS Service of Prayer . at8 p.m. .| REV. C.F. STENT, B.A., L. Th, Incumbent A. MURRAY . DENTIST Office above Archer's Hardware .| hours,9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 J. : Ye. Jaa Swan 1th Notice to Creditors of CHARLES HOLTBY late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Onberio, retired farmer, deceased Pursuant te Section 56, of Chapter 121 of the Revised Stitutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Charles Holtby, late qf the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, retired farmer, who ied on or about the7th day of May, AD." 1921. are, on orbe- fore the 13th day of August A. D. 1921, to send by post, prepaid, to Jno, W. Crozier, Barrister, Port Perry, Ontarie, or William F. Thompson, of Manchester, Ontario, Execufyrs of the last Will and Testament, of the said deceased their christian names, dd. and d the full particulars of thei claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the se- curity (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aferesaid the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard Fuly to such claims of wl notice shall have been given as above required, and Ib said executors will not be liable for the said sssets or any part ereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been rateived by them at the time of such dis. sibtion +H Post Penny; Ont, this 4th day of July, AD. Bo: 2 Seer By thes Suiicer Jor W. CROZIER JOHN BELDON LUNDY EON. Graduate of DENTAL Cols of Dental Sur. geons and University of Toronto. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ' Evenings by a appointment, Bell Phone oe 68, ring 2; residence ring3 "Office over Morrison's Drug Store W. A. SANGSTER -- DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over L. G. Hall's | PORT PERRY ONTARIO PORT PERRY | cal and Materni Surglent po ty (over Saris fee) For T ) Manchester Store News Special Cash Price on Twine for Ten Days Only. Best Brantford Twine ¢ 50 FEET) 212 per Ib. HARNESS SHOP in Blong Block We have in stock Whips Curry Combs Brushes Horse Collars Sweat Pads Lap Rugs Club Bags Trunks British Columbia Shingles. Just arrived--a car of lump lime. Also cement and Prepared Plaster, Lath, & Building Material of all Kinds. Brantford Roofing. Genuine Scranton Coal in Stock. Shipped directly from the mines. Our prices on all lines are down to rock bottom. PORT PERRY . EE a Suit Repairing a specialty. W. E. HARRISON 'Port Perry, Ont. WOOL WANTED in any quantity our parlors. putation for. serving the best. staff are always ready to serve you and look after, your comfort. our special sundaes, Delicious Sundaes l on Monday, Tuesday or any day in the week, if you visit We have a re- Our equipment and Try one of THE FARMERS' UNION MILLING COMPANY, LTD. ONTARIO H. S. WHITE Baker and Confectioner Port Per: v : E. H. PURDY Florence M. Cook. _ Teacher Ey Fisne's and Theory : ma Sept.) Pupils ith to enter bua Port or Shoat Bll 573 To Investors TF rou vib so buy or sell Victery would re-