pe Salts Formerly The, now 500 bottle , 65c pound. Montserrat Lime Juice % 50¢ and $1.00 per bottle Ena Health Salts, 60c per tin Morrison's Drug Store "SILVERWARE : The Gift of Excellance je rtment of - sil rware' Ee oe best 1 aah si ; '| sons. | Electric Power Extension It is estimated that it means a such i Satis well kept, properly assorted Stock. 1 Phone in your orders to No. 36.. We have ~~ onr own delivery service. 7 v We also carry a full line of -- by. Shoes, and Rubbers ir aware, Glassware es. to kill ten in d NA Bi on Hydro-Electric Power ih ¢ Government will | ute fit per, cent. of the the cdSt of lines and cables Lane d for the delivery of power in rur: districts, and to de this. amount a fund will be es ed known kpown as the power are. cash bonus of $250'to every far- taking power in & rural '| power district. Drainage Provincial aid in drainage' is now available under greatly | simplified legislation. 170 Education : Boards of education may now | provide, either in separate voca- | | tional schools or in vocational {departments of schools under] 1l| their charge, day or evening vo- onl | cational courses of instruction in |B 5 | trade and industry, in home; |¥ in art, in technol in , and in pS Children may now be excused when bid from school for the purpose of receiving instruetion ainysie where the period of absence does not exceed one-half day in each week. « 'Another change in the law 4 provides for for the payment by the unty of its proportionate share of one hundred per cent. i|of the cost of maintenance of high schools, and of eighty per cent. of the expenditure on cap- ital account, so that a county grant is now based on the cost of education instead of the cost of maintenance, Municipal Act. - Farm lands may be separated from towns and villages on the application of the owners, by the itario and Municipal Board. Members of Councils in coun- ties and townships may be paid at a rate not exceeding $8 a day for attendance at meetings of the Council instead of $5 as for- merly. { Cemeteries' \Provision is made for the ap- Jointment of inspectors, whose uty it is to visit and inspect cemeteries throughout the Prov- ince and see that the provisions of the Cemeteries Act are obser- Vv : . Public M Those interested in ins ling dro are invited to a public meeting at the Township Hall, onday, 'August be H E 4H 2 7 P.C. .666 666 9 a tton leads to Northern Dis- "| Port Perry Wins the Championship of the Central ( Bowling League [Port Perry Tournament Perhaps the most pleasing gent sporting event was the Bowling Tournament held in t Perry last week. Some wenty-five rinks took part in 'this most enjoyable event. It is true that nearly all the prizes went to Oshawa, but they deserved to win, for the town sent six rinks of good players. Competition was keen for jhe handsome Jeffrey and Port Perry cups: The Jeffrey cup was won Mr, Dentenbeck's rink. The Port Perry trophy was taken to Oshawa to be competed for there by the rinks of Messrs. Porter and Foe. Shege rinks having carried i as far as the semi- finals. Of course these trophies will be open for competition again, and we hope that next time our bowlers enter the con- test they League Tournament at * Lindsay On Civie Holiday there was a tournament at Lindsay in which five Port Perry rinks took part. One rink brought home the: Shampiohship ey cup. The players were--Dr. Mellow, skip; John Nasmith, pe Dave Carnegie, second; H. W. Linke, ad. The other rinks were skipoed by Mestrs Letcher (this rink won second in the primary event), McHoull, Harrison, and Purdy. Appreciated The following letter explains itself Mr. and Mrs John McLaren, - R.R. 8 Port Perry, Ont. Dear Mr. and Mrs, McLaren-- At a meeting of the Rotasy Club of ay yesterday a res- olution was carried expressing members' appreciation for your kindness to the boys who at- "tended Hy Ride. at your place for the past few weeks. : TER Baths, of LD Wine: : TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS nl Port Perry Branch: igh any "Port Perry Honours 'Upper School Examinations At the onour Matriculation - | Examin the following can- didates , obtaining the class of ours indicated: Elizabeth Allin-- Mathematics I, Latin"L, French rozier -- Mathematics 3 josie 11 Latin I, French I, Chemistry be more fortunate. | Hen Crozier -- Mathmetics II, German { Miriam Harris -- English I, Mathematics I, Physics I11 i Harold Jackson -- English III, History TII Helen Mellow -- English III, History I Sinatics III, German 'I, Biology At the Faculty Entrance ex- aminations Miriam Harris passed art All the candidates who tried were successful. Qut of thirteen First Class Honours obtained by the four High Schools in Ontario County, Port Perry has taken eleven. Horse killed by lightning In the storm of Saturday night Mr. Wilson Crosier's horse was killed by lightning when within a stone's throw of his home gate. on the town line of Uxbridge. Neither Mr. Crosier nor hiswife were injured; although in the buggy behind the horse. Big Bill of Fare There's nothing skimping . about the program of sport that being put on by the Port Perry Athletic Association at the Fair Grounds next Wednesday after- noon, August 10th. Eight baseball teams and four football teams will 'keep the i ball a-rolling."" Don't miss the fun. At night thercis to be a dance in the town hall, with the Oshawa Orchestra providing the music, PORT PERRY By Minnie O'Leary s there not {20s ma man in Port Perry-- Strong less, brave and free-- Who will fa go giant Ennui, And shew what Port Perry can be?-- A buzzing town of industry, With its people well fed and glad, With no spare time to be sa The workless are waiting for work; Some ps i We Sena winter they dread. Port Perry,» waiting for Hydro-- What more need be said? Awake Port Perry. let Canada see What you can de for prosperity. Grace Rose--History I, Math-|"\ Warriner Lodge No. 78 Meets svery Second and Fourth Mond: ay J in each month in the Oddfellows' Hall. Visiting Brethren Welcome T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, N. G. Secretary CLEAN FRESH GROCERIES Good, old Cheese, per Ib 25¢ Prunes, per Ib 15¢ Peanut Butter, per lb 30c Christie's Sodas, 1b 20¢ Economy Tea, Black 40c 1b, 3 lbs for $1.00 New Bulk Dates, 1b 20c Good Laundry Soap 4 bars for 25¢ Redpath Sugar, bag $9.25 D. CORBMAN Bell Phone 157 PORT PERRY, ONT. Successful Music Pupils Pupils of Miss Haeel Adams, Myrtle, were all ful in inati of Ti Conservatory of Music: Piano (Primary) Marjorie Ashton, Col- umbus thnore)t lorence Adams, Myrtle; Blanche Cook, Prospect. Elementary--Betty Nell Pas t I(h) Daisy Rodd, Myrtle (h); gy i: ice. W ad (h) and Hattie Ward, hg ane Wat. kins, Pontypool; Harry Donnelly, Myrtle. Introductory--Myra Holliday (hb); Mer. gan Rowland (h); Wilhemine Holliday (hb); all of Brooklin, Introductory School--Bessie Donnelly, Myrtle, (Ist Class honors). Metlshon (0, F Spencer (h) and Grace Then (bh), Pontypool; Lillian Jones (h) oiln a Primary Rudiments -- Jean Fisher (h), Myrtle. Special mention should be made of Blanche Cook, who passed her elementary with honors in February, thereby passing two examinations in less than a year. PORT PERRY BASEBALL TOURNAMENT WED. AUG. 10 Bad News for Bugs Paris Green We have a fresh supply of Arsenate of Lead Sprayers, (all kinds) ry We have a full stock of