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Port Perry Star, 4 Aug 1921, p. 7

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eal igs 'medicine or by! a box or six boxes for | $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. 2 ta a ROR EE Milk is so constituted as to Corfest the deficiencies of other foods when gernis, we owe to the microscope. Once upon & time diphtheria killed; about ninety out of "every hundred children it attacked. - Then, by the ald of this great, all-secing eye, a doctor found' 'the germ of diphtheria, - He studied. its. shape, its way of living. It re HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON - Provincial Board of Health. Ontario saan will be glad to snswar questions on Public Health ma» i ters through this column, Address him at the Parllament Bldss, exhaustion. Immediate steps be taken to restore the mor- "of the body and promote circulation of the blood, so must notice whether the striken 's Sempeiatire is- high or low. iver and the skin dry and ih is evidently sunstroke. 6 patient first complains of a tired accompanied by a sense of oppression in the head. Ei ea may ensue, leading to un- ¢ 8. if the attack is severe. face is flushed and the breathing dy the pulse: is irregular and iF A AR the outset the symptoms of-sun- stroke and heat exhaustion are very "The skin is cold and clammy; © and Sed is body tompen ee below: nor= } energetic and proper measures - mL to revive the patient, y quickly succumb, joke ; frst thing to do for a and examine whether the surface of 1 in is hot or cold. If it is hot 3 tely with ice water, e patient has been re- 'favorable place indoors; a 1 should be given, and 'the with a dry towel to.en- Yeturns, cold drinks may be given freely apd the patient should 4 kept n a quiet and shady room. of heat exhaustion, rapid| lief. is 'necessary. If the skin | ly. and moist the pa- be immediately covered | from nf revive much. quicker, and ite an. electric fan is available so much the better. Should a hospital be convenient, every effort should be made to have the pa- tient sent there on account of the special ~ facilities aud Senn as complete collapse "ai eath some- times follows | of heat exhaus- tion if proper. treatment is not resort-| "The ne ed .to without delay. . People should take warning of the dangers of having the head uncovered for any length of time in. the sun's rays. If this precaution was heeded, lend suitable headgear used in the heat 'of summer there wou 8 be much long, ish of sunstroke res Summary of treatment: Sunstroke-- (I) Remove patient to. shady spot and loosen clothing. (2) Sponge with ice water. (8) Rub skin with dry towel. (4) If patient ik conseious, cold drinks may be given. (5) Keep patient in a . quiet and cool room, i Heat Exhaustion-- Sy ® Cover patient with blankets. (2 'Apply hot water bottles to "feet. (3) Give hot drivks such as tea or lemonade, if "patient. As con- "1 i "scious. (4) Hold aromatic spirits of am: monia near patient's nostrils. - Ww. D. asks if ther is any cure itor hives. Answer: Yes, soda water and other alkalies are of service in giving re- H. W. P. wiitoss My little "girl three years and six months suffers from earache and is nervous: and sometimes feverish. Might these! ik 'troubles be due to adenoids? * Answer: Yes, they probably are. You should have your childs nose and 'throat examined a physician 4 .of suppuration| yt fg ultra-mieroscopic," | cal Shanges he No season of the Teil 80 of threo cus to the lite of little as is the summer. The 'excessiye "heat throws 'the little stomath out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at 'hand the, "18 the season when a infantum, dysentry t prevalent, Any one may prove deadly it. x _ mer the mothers' Dost friend is Baby's 1 Own Tablets. They regulate the i is A 3 bowels, sweeten the stomach a 'baby healthy. The Tablets are sold medicine dealers of by mail at 25 og cents a box from The Dr. Williams' In the words of science the germ of easles lies' beyond the microscape. And here we come to the new migro- + Thay. 'old microscope oy thought . "be absolutely pe Ee Hirars 'of the exquisite gli lenses with which it is fitted said the very limit: 'of its possible ower: had been reached, 'Lenses could hot | be made to give a greater enlarge- 'ment. . That idea has lasted for ten yeais. Doctors thought that no further. im- provement was possible in thelr won- derful "eye," and so had given up all | hope of seeing the very minute germs | which probably cause measles and other tamiliar diseases; such as whoop- ing cough, scarlet fever, chickenpox, and so on; for no one has yet fohnd the germ of thése commonplate ail ments. = iy i New Light on the Subject. But the new 'microscope brings new hopes with it. It ds no less than twelve and a half times stronger than the old one. That is to say, that an object which looked no larger than a pea under the old microscope } = Mferoscons, ne ost ren ideas, makes use of a new ne diple whieh is uh beautifully pdt oy 1ts discoverer, , Mr. d; . whose name is known all mes world for his knowledge of 'this subject, thought that equally as important as the"glass lens in a 'microscope was the light which enabled the eye of the: person using the lens to see throfigh it. Suppose that, instead of trying to make better 1énges, one tried to use a better kind, of light? He began to work on that simple idea, and employed. colored lights in- stead of the ordinary daylight. The daxlight, as a people know, is made up of se t colors. Sometimes it Boi? "split em these seven ? iin again. This: happens when! through rain--the rain- 'Bow: cdg dort iid through cut- glass of a, ror ~for example, the Dub al OF hs ne seen at the weraled ere Tals i split py | always .come iti exact 'order; violet being at one end of the row; and red at the other end. The orders: violet, indigo, blue, Breen, Yellow, orange, red. Mr/ Barnard used quartz glass, so bout as to split. up the daylight and send only one color at a time, into his 'microscope. © He found, by making trials, that violet light gave him the results he was looking for.. Bo he ar. ranged 'his giiartz glass in cuch a fas: hion that only violet: light should fail on the speciment he had under examis nation. : "Studying Living Specimens. And by this means and other techni- rged his great new His new microscope, with 'I the week-end, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ---- sree Boy Scouts at the TForonts Fair. For many years now. the Toronto Falr, or to use itd mbre euphonious: name, the "Canadian National Exhibi- tion," has been the mecca of Boy Scouts from all parts of Ontario, one day always being set apart by the management as Boy Scouts' Day. This year Boy Scouts' Day will be Batur- day, September 3rd, right in tho mid. dle of the Exhibition season when everything will be at its best. Local Committees at Toronto are now work- ing hard getting everything in shape for this big day and als®for other fea- tures prior to it and following it, all of which have to do with the Scouts, One of the special features this year will be a Model Camp for about 600 Scouts. Troops from outside Toronto will be accommodated in this camp without charge except for food, and that they may arrange for to suit their own desires. Tents, blankets, ground sheets, cooking flies, cooking | utensils, stoves, etc., will be there at their disposal, and epecial 'arrange ments are being made for the supply of the ingredients of their meals at the lowest possible price, The boys attending the model camp will have a special programme of ac- tivities for them every day, including both regreational and educational fea- tures. Bach afternoon there will be a series of Boy Scout and athletic com- petitions of varfous kinds on a parade ground which is being set aside for their own use. And each evening the campers will form up and parade through a portion of the Exhibition Grounds and adjacent sections of the! city. On the rally day itself, Toronto Scouts will turn out over two thous- and strong to greet their brother Scouts from outlying sections of the province, and it is assured that they will all have one great big, happy day of it. Luncheon on rally day will be provided for both visiting and Toronto troops by the Provincial Councn, Another special concession this year is that every registered Boy Scout pre- senting himself at the Exhibition gates in uniform and wearing the Boy Scout "Ontario Official Badge," will be permitted to pass through the turn- stiles without payment of fee or other formality. Those Exhibition folk sure | do think a great deal of the Scouts. ! And, if you could hear Managing Di- | rector John G. Kent, they have every reason to be, For haven't the Scouts in former years proven absolutely in. valuable to the Fair officials by locat- | ing lost children, acting ag guides for visitors, staffing the big grand stands with ushers, attending to emergency] {cases often long before calls could be put through to the'regular ambulance companies? "When in Doubt Ask a Scout" has become one of 'the slogans "| of visitors to the big Fair, and it is very seldom that Mr. Scout has had to disappoint those who would have his help. 7. # The Sunday following Rally Day will be marked by a monster "Scouts' i Own" service of Toronto Scouts and of visiting "Beouts who remain over It will probably take place on the University 'Campus or in : Convocation Hall, in' Queen's Park, mre fs Tommy's Howler. In a small village _school a teacher asked the scholars in her class to tence finishing with the "bitter end." the COW to a fair to be sold, ordering | the herdsman not to dispose of the! ER, 15, The enemy fought lets you are not getting Aspirin at all. : {In every Bayer package are | for , He Explained. An Irishman had a splendid-looking cow, but she kicked so much that it was. impossible to milk her. He sent animal without letting the buyer know i 'her "strong weakness.' 'The herdsman, however, brought back a large price. His master was surprised. "Are you gure you tola tne buyer all about her?" he asked. "Bedad, I did, sir," sald the herds- man. "He asked me whether she was 'a good milker. 'Begor, sir, says I, Jog you that would be tired milking Ber!" The Brute. g married woman "went r mother and sobbingly de- clared she just couldn' t be happy with [her husband again. * } fod | wou dn't have minded t so much, mother," she sobbed, "if Charlie had answered -mo back. When I scolded ht Bu-bubut he did something Worse. i Her mother wag duly; jshocked at this. 3 © "Mercy, my dear child!" claimed, "He struck you then?" "No; worse than that, mother!" -- and the young wife sobbed afresh. "Tell me at once!" indignantly de- manded her mother. "Hehe just yawned," dh iat she ex- Berlin's Best Jokes. Is the ex-Kaiser as popular in Ger- many as he was before the war? It would appear that he is' not the wor- shipful idol he was. . At one time his very name imspired fearful admiration among the German people--their great ruler who could do no wrong, Nowa- days ho is the subject of music-hall jokes. The following patter was given by two cross-talk comedians (Germans both by nationality) in one of Berlin's leading vaudeville theatres recently' "Good-evening, Hans!" said the first comedian. "So you're back from the war?" "Good-evening, ¥ritz!" sadond. "Yes, I'm back from the war, but it took me a long time to get back!" "I suppose, Hans," continued Fritz, "you must have heen the last one to leave," "No, Fritz; home yet." The "one" referred to was the ex- Kaiser, and the house roared with { laughter. replied the there is one who isn't i Those Having Sick Animals| SHOULD USE 3 ol Tor an threat ii chest apes istemper, Garget, BSprains, rulses, Colle, ange, -Spaving, Running Sores, ete, ete... Bhould always be in the stable --SOLD EVERYWHERE, As Well As He . Did in His Life. eto I was half through bottle 'of Tanlac 1 began to ! right up," declared Robert Da McCauley St., Hamilton, Ont., & ware store, "For about six months before # Tanlac I had been in a badly condition. At times I had no a at all and then sometimes I con heartily, but suffered terribly" wards from indigestion. "I was nervous and restless, never slept well, and many a night I rolled and toseed nearly all night long and in the morning felt so stiff in my Joints it was some time before I felt lke moving 'at all. I suffered a great deal from copstipation and was sub- ject to splitting headaches. : "But 'Tanlae helped me right' from the start and now I have si a ravenous. dppetite and everything agrees with me perfectly. 1 mever have a headache or a pain of any kind, sleep like a healthy boy and feel as well! ds iT ever did In my life. lag 'will always get a good word fro Tanlac is sold by leading d os everywhere. 7 i Adv, : | lady ink Comforting. "Officery" asked a nervous ol on her first trip over, "do you the ship's going down?" "Prob'lysnot, ma'am, prob'ly not" responded the salty mate encouraging- ly, stroking his chin. "Y'see, the boil- ers ain't none too good. She's lable to go up." : rn ae stn MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail gend a Dominion Express Money Order. Pianos made in Britain in 1913 numbered 120,000; last year the nume ber made was only 50,000. Minard's Liniment for sate everywhere The nails on our fingers do not grow with equal rapidity, that of the thumb being the slowest and of the middle finger the fastest. Natives of Algeria bury with the dead the medicines used by them in their last illnesses. Miss Flora Boyko Tells How Cuticura Healed Her Pimples "My face was very itchy at first, and after that it was covered with pisiples that disfi, The pimples were bard and red and they were small, and they were scat- tered all over my face and wereso itchy I hadto scratch and I could not sleep. "These bothered me nearly a year before used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment acd when I 'had used five cakes of Cuticura Soap and five boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed: (Signed) Miss Flora M. Boyko, Gardenton, Man., Dec. 26, 1918. Having obtained a clear bealthy skin by the use of Cuticura, keep it clear by using the Soap for all toilet es, ass by touches of intment as needed. Do not fail to lude the isi Cuti- cura Talcum in your toilet prepara tions. Splendid after bathing. Soap 2Bc, Sintment 25 and B0c, Sold i | | COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS o 4 oLIFP TORONTO i] America's Pioneer Dog Remedies , Book on DOG DISEASES pa is Genuine Only "Bayer" 'Warning! Take no changes with substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tab- lets of Aspirin" Unless you see the 'name "Bayer" on package or on tab- Lisnited, St. Paul St., Montreal, Soap shaves without mug. fit the Dominion. LanadianDupat: Boy Limite SUFFERING OF YOUNG WOMEN This Letter Tells How It May be Overcome--All Mothers Interested.

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