them and the service will be appreciated - by all who have valuables to protect. . H. G. Hutcheson, Manager Personal Mr. Gordon Howard has been transferred to the local branch of the Standard Bank at Maple, Ontario. We shall miss Gordon, and trust he will prosper. Mr. Oliver Bradley, of Syra- cuse, spent the week end in town, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley. He sang a delightful solo in the Methodist church in the morning. He has a wonderfully strong, sweet, and well trained voice, Miss Florence Walker has re- 'turned to her duties in the pub- lic school at Brampton. | Miss Mae Coultis has accepted ia position in a public school near Beamsville, Miss Coultis thas been. doing excellent work in the Epworth League and Sun- day School of the Methodist church here, and will be greatly missed, We wish her success. Dr. J. A. Murray has returned home after a pleasant holiday in Cleveland, and has resumed bus- . iness. Miss Estelle Bull has returned from holidaying in Bloomfield, and is resuming her music classes. \ = Miss Yarnold, who has been in Soronto for 'some months, is spending a few weeks at her home here. WANTED--Lady to take the "washing" for a small family. Apply at Star Offlce. Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Roberts, of Ottersville, motored to Port Perry, and spent the holiday here. They both look well, and are prospering. Mr. John Hern, of Orillia, has been visiting friends in town. Miss Kathryn Brown paid a flying visit to the City last week to attend the funeral of the late Lieutenant-Governor. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Parish, of Trenton, are visiting their cou- sins, Mr. and Mrs G. E. Mills. Dr, S. C. Phippen and wife, of Owosso, Mich., L. N. Phippen and wife, and Miss M. Phippen, of Sarnia, accompanied the body of the late Mrs. N. Phippen for interment in Pine Grove Ceme- tery, on Monday, Sept. 5. Summer days, Holiday time, so often spoiled by hay-fever or Summer Asthma. RAZ-MAH stops both. And for rheumatism Tempieton.s Rheumatic Cap- sules are safe and sure." Sold by P. G. Morrison. : Mrs. J. Stonehouse arrived home on Monday, after a twelve weeks sojourn in Sarnia, whére she was waiting on her aunt, Mrs. Phippen, who died on Sat- urday, September 3, 1921. . Miss Elsie Littler, of Orillia, is visiting Miss Edna Jackson,of Port Perry, and her many friends on Scugog Island. Lo] Mrs. Jason Stone «+ Mrs. Jason Stone was the third daughter of the late Geo. = Bush, of Greenbank. She spent | her early girlhood in the neigh- borhood of Honeydale and Beth. el, later moving to Greenbank with her parents. In 1874 she owas mari ; and for many years negrand for ye i ed to Mr. Jason Stone, | cars i Gi es Ba ET he VERE 0.E.B Oshawa Fair Oshawa Fair is here again. Next Mon- day the gates will open to exhibitors to bring their goods to compete for the bide gest prizes yet offered. Tuesday and Wednesday the gates will be open to the biggest crowd of visitors yet seen at Alex- to a good show, the public are prepared > 1 1d enjoy an annual outing. This year, rizes are any ind t, there sh Be no shortage in any line of exhibits. In aidition to 40 per cent increase in cattle prizes, three big prizes of $25.00 each, iven by President W. E. N. Sinclair, fipe. for shorthorn "herd; Managing Director D. M. Tod, for Tet Vice President Hiram Gifiord for team of heavy horses, should make a big show- ing of live stock. Additional stables have been built to take care of all that come. Besides. there is the 48th Highlander's Band of Toronto for both afternoons an the night show. This is a whole show in itself. Then thepé are the trials ofjspeed, midway, merry-go-rounds and all that goes with them. The night show on_ Tuesday night promises a real treat. For years the fair has been aiming at this. The main building and the will be open. There will be fire works and other attractions. Be sure and be at the Fair at all perfomances and have all your friends with you. You have enjoyed it other years and will do so this year. DR. F. W. RUNDLE olstein herd; and the sudden death of Dr. F. W. Rundle in North Dakota, on the eve of his departure for Canada, where he had Sry resid- ing in future. ' The late Dr. Rundle the son of the late Thomas Rundle, of this town, was an old Ontario Cotinty boy. He attended Port Perry High School, graduated in medicine in Toronto, and after completing his post graduate course in England and Scotland, entered active practice in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, and at the height of his career was an eminent surgeon. Owing to poor health he was not engaged in active prnc- tice lately. / Only last winter, the deceased visited the land of his birth, and renewed old acquaintances in these parts after an ab- sence of over twenty years. He was so favorably impressed with conditions in general in this country, that he was prevailed upon and decided to re- turn and make his home in Ontario Coun- ty. The family and friends feel the loss and disappointment very keenly, Mrs. R. G. Doubt and Mrs. Cephas Butt, of this town, are sisters of the deceased. ---- Personal Mr. and Mrs. A. Crandell and daughter of Toronto spent the holiday with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Town. Mr. Robt. Town is in Tor- onto attending: the funeral of his brother-in-law, the late Jas. Hubbard. Beginning next Sabbath Sept, 11th, the St. Johns Presbyterian Sabbath School will open at 38 o'clock. 4 : The Presbyterians hope to re-open their church on October 2nd. Particulars later. Mr. George Rose underwent an Jperation in Toronto this week. : ptist Church: September 18t0 30. Watch for further announcements as to this approaching campaign : #1: andra Park. By years of effort to putoniwith the many Word was received a short time ago. of |i ' ROUGHTON, Pas A Cood Start Some seventy-two students were present at the opening of the Port Perry High School--a better showing than for som years. Everybody is delighteg improvements that have been made. Things are looking spick and span---as they should -be--which will be an incentive to keep them in good condition: : All the teachers are presant including Miss Irene Glasgow, who has spent an enjoyable hol iday in the Rocky Mountains and Vancouver; and Mr. Alex. W. Blakely, B.A., who is the new man on the staff. . Millinery Opening Mrs. C. B. Tindall,-who has opened a millinery store upstairs in the Purdy Block, will hold her formal millinery opening on Wednesday and Thursday of next, week--September 14th and th. Sunday School in the Afternoon: Next Sunday the Methodist Sunday School will be held 'at 3 p.m. Every scholar, young and old, is invited and urged to be present. . Preparations are to be made for a big rally day on Sun- day, September 254k, of which you will hear more later. Vulcanizing Mr. S. L. Wright, who pur: chased the Nasmith Vulcanizing business next door to Beare Bros. Garage, is prepared to do your vuleanizing work promptly and well. Don't throw away your tires, when they are only partly worn. Have them re- paired. It will pay you. Farm for Sale 3 Bell Phone 115 r 4, R.R. No. 2 Seagrave, Ont. : We make CLOTHES that fit. See our range of suitings and "be convinced we make and sell the best. W. H. DOUBT OER a atta at ttt est ttt ttsstsrtt tras ERE aE E EERO L RAE At ASCE asa ne Ree sosnesnsona ohana hid Phone Adel 7458 threshing. "| to buy or sell securities, You will ind it a 150 acres. 90 acres under cul- tivation. Good buildings. Lot 19, con. 12, Reach. g R. D. WOON, Chevrolet 490 with full equipment BEARE BROS. Dealers at Port Perry and Uxbridge = Nr DO J EG ES ASRS S222 nana i bag DR. J. W, DAVIS, DE. JPhC. | CHIROPRACTOR Suite 104, 81 Victorla Street, Toronto \ Palmer Graduate Coal for Delivery licited. + C. L. VICKERY. Bond Department Owing to the numerous requests from customers to buy or sell Bonds, Debent. ures and Stocks, on their behalf, our head office has established a Bond Department in order to facilitate these transactions; and we are now: prepar service to our friends, in the purchase or. sale of securities. We cordially invite ou to avail yourself of the service of this epartment should you at any time wish ly secure. very Manager way, H. G. Hutcheson, For Sale Ontario Footlift Sulky Plow, and a Kid Kangaroo Gang Plow, both in first class condition. George Jackson, Port Perry Literature on request & . Car load of steam coal for i Pea, Nut and Stove | Coal now in stock. Orders so-|& ed to furnish efficient || % » .. McHale's Pyorrhea Remedy : contains no injurious ingredients, gives immediate and per- @ manent relief, even in the most acute cases, being a pene- @ trating liquid it reaches the seat of the Qesense, in the pus § pockets that harbor the germs, | : : PRICE $1.00 TRIAL SAMPLE, 25¢c. 1 your druggist-cannot supply you send direct to us. Acute cases treated by our dentist at a moderate i di C ltation free. ee. Nurse in or THE McHALE PYORRHEA REMEDY CO. LTD. : 17 BLOOR ST. WEST, TORONTO ; _ A.W. MORLEY CAMPBELL i +" REPRESENTING =: tc 3nd SB EDWARD CRONYN & CO. : Cronyn Building, Toronto ; members of Toronto Stock Exchange, 3 ~ a HN and of The Bond Dealers Association of Canada, Dealers in _ VICTORY BONDS Government and Municipal Bonds % For Sale Perfection Oil Stove, three burner, with oven. Apply at Star Office. Pure Honey for Sale A limited amount of Clover Honey at 20c¢ lb. Buckwheat Honey at 10c. Jno. F. Gerrow, Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169 r 2 Port Perry W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over L. G. Hall's PIC P23} Y ONTARIO. FOR SALE A, Ash St, Port Perry, Bell Phone H8r2 in Potatoes, Apples, all kinds live Fowl, Wool, Sheepskins, Hides, etc. Now is the time to sell. 1 am pay- __ingabigprice. L. JACOBS *".2"" PORT PERRY Bicycle, and a buggy,.apply at| | SERRA ME