~~ Men's Felt Hats Our complete order of Fall and Winter : Hats for men has arrived. They are made +4 2822s a0ns of a fine all fur felt in Fedora style. Colors 2% On : Ch fied Grey, Brown, Fawn, Green, Navy and : MENSFINESHRTS: t™ We are clearing our summer stock of Men's Fine Shirts. ' | There is only two or three dozen of this particular line left, ts also have § goad assortment $ men's We are putting them in the window this week. . come in dark brown, grey and slate. Come - Regular price $2.50 and $2.75. Sale price $1'95 in and pick out a new fall hat while we < BS have a complete assortment of sizes. g Wal 3 «ry Cw EA 3 3 - 9 Ny 4 x n's Ready-to-Wear Suits Men's Cashmere Hose: Men's te 8 250 carrying ® he Bry stadk ot Meus © Men's All Wool Cashmere Hose with red toes and heels. Tweed Work P ants n tweeds, worsteds and serges. Sa This line comes in all sizes. Regular Spice J = 780 pair This line has been one of our biggest sellers Special we are sffering this: weeks Is a i : in Men's Work Pants that we have had this last nice dark grey worsted made up in the three : : : summer. They come in dark tweeds made button sacque, fitting style. : ese suits have FEES SST HEELS TE ee ; with belt loops, watch pocket and cuffs. Sizes een reduced 331% ~ Sale price $23.00 32 to 42. Price per pair $2.95 +4 SETS TE TUN ; ' C H SHEE EPI IEEE E HEE EE bbb bbb batt gee : Men's Cotton Hose ~~ "Young Men's Suits ~~ we still have two or three dozen hose left of this line we Men's Cottonade Pants We also have a nice assorted stock of youn are putting on the counter this week. These hose are made of : : men's clothes in check or striped tweeds an a dark brown cotton thread. The right hose for every-day We have a complete assortment and sizes worsteds. Prices range from $21.00 to $27.00. wear. : Sale Price per pair 25¢ of Men's Cottonade Pants. Price $1.95 V. TIcINTYRE semliis'ss. ' = MR. FARMER! | Burglars Shoot to Kil | Manchester Store . : four n were murdered in Why send your cream to Onis thi yeas by hldup men | for yry News : city creameries when ne Why rink Your, sccuritice -- ou Good line ladies' white A 1 1 . . 1 5 L ANS your home creamery can hard earne. Savings by sxglosing them hose to clear at 39c pr. sma out ay in shing es or A. E. Rogerson, Pro ay you more money. |i {helene ie oontote Xo in the : i i i A. E. Rogerson, Prop. | [PAY YOU TOKE MONCH. |defending them when you can sbuain the |" | agies' Vests 23c each | roofing cement will pay for itself 8000 MODERN -SERVICE year. 'Give us a trial and |vaultsof the Standard Bank of Camads.) Boys' Oyeralls, blue and in a short time by stopping that = nd be convinced. . mr white stripe, $1.25 y PP \ g 2 You can recomme Allan Goode, Proprietor the Sebert House to Anulversary Services ; Men's ork S ns of leak in the building. Nie he-5 oN We. mm splendid quality, $1. i your. iriends --_-- Hobs fo. Solo Roh p gualicy Drop in and see what we have know : si d frame house, barn, | Breadlebane Presbyterian to offer. Have the 'repairs done . you in hotel accom- | oC Oe nh arden, | Church are holding anniversary| Highest market price paid . modation. BT a leper Be re on Sunday and Monday, | for potatoes. Flour and feed | before the fall weather arrives. Steir aid to L. Jacobs, Port Perry. September 18 and 19. Particu- always on hand. lars later. : i il ; % C---------------------------- : Notice o 1 Apnlication Church of the Ascension| ; HARNESS SHOP "NC given that 'Eva = SUNDAYS: u 3 in Blong Block 3 0 er, . a.m. i 3 ; Sunday Schoo! aid Bible Class, Tain SEL THE FARMERS' UNION MILLING COMPANY, LTD. 1 - at p.m: Amie db ea . eC WANTED Defi | ore ownane sband William ens of | day of month at 7 p.m. . 1. Club Bags Trunks a . - "City of Toronto in the County of - THURSDAYS Suit Cases She Promince of ON ms | Service of Prayer. <at 8 pa Alsike Repairing a specialty ground of adultery A ehava. in the |REV. C. F. STENT, B.A., L. Th. : at the Town of Oa es Aue Te Incumbent W. E. HARRISON : A.D. 1921. ; cm a : Port Perry, Ont. but still better to taste. .. House for Sale > lover ge = = 3 Bread must look appetizing House 1g : : y 2 because nothing but quality A. Ww. Allin is offerin his ol * : E. D. Smith & Son ia ingredients are used in home for sale, corner of Per Lf NURSERYMEN : making it. Bread is one of an Shanley Ste : 2: room brick Highest market 1500 Acres of Nursery| the few articles a Jolate 'house, elect »- NArAWood| = . ' . . easing foods at are floors, iy 3 soft water, Tine price paid . and Fruit Farm 1 a a ni wholesome. Let the own of Oshawa | Morn "Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees i --or the gr We clean with power Shrubs, Roses and Vines : a Shildeth a Represented in this district by oy 5 this pure, wholesome, de- E. H. PURDY | roils ™ on | Vi fries produc fou oe | Egerton Boyce H. S. WHITE Tooter of smn ven een eos. | Baker and Confectioner Port Perrv 3 lawn, possession' in August. Classes now forming for Fall term. Pupils prepared for exrminations if deaired. For further information ap- 'to Box 11 or private studio at the Mr. Wm: Graham. = © | To the Dairyman RE your returns as large as they should be? 4 High costs make maximum yields an'