Shores hours on the farm / + --The Fordson saves from thirty to forty per cent, of the farmer's time; Fewer horses on the farm "~The Fordson does the work of from _ four to six horses. . Less farm help --One man with a Fordson can do more work and with less expense than two men with horses. More money for the farmer --A farmer with a Fordson can raise more crop easier with less expense. He therefore makes more profit. McKEE & HOOD LOCAL DEALERS PORT PERRY Reduction in Prices We are selling Coal Oil at 22¢ gal. By the barrel at 19¢ Delivered in town. Gasoline, 35c. gallon By the barrel 33c. =r Eg t {Peter Plan to be in on the o ing da 2 Write for terms now. 5 Sar The warm weathér's here-- This is your as hety~ ; grasp it--take Templeton's heumatio Capsules | Gel t it - of your system the Sold reliable druggists a Ask our agent or ns us for a free sample. ton's, 142 Koop Soa: Sold by P. G. Morrison Wanted Lady electors. are shetially in vited to be pres ent, and assist in the organization. Chair will be taken at 2 pam. A Full attendance is requested. JOHN J. MOORE, Secretary. 50 Seve by APPLES POTATOES All Kinds of Live POULTRY Junk Hides and Shoop Skins Wanted. We pay the big price TURNER BROS. 'Bell Phone 213 Ind. 1800 Fall Term Gait inthe ro Business' 4 ~ Col ege, Ltd. Tuostiay, aaust 30th 3. A. McKONE, Principal New Rooms in a Tew 'Hotes Do you need another room ? peinteasly, beautifully and eco- ia ; | Do your walls need ing? Ty Sosa