So x the medium through which the germ: 'typhus is transm ! Retsonsl as' fy ness is there- oi ts sho provided in| to season, not only as a he, Syaeul from these irritating pests, {but on account of them sometimes mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. | be no "figurehead" chief. 3 transmitting the § germs of malaria. When infectious disease does break out in a house the residents sometimes object to having. the house placarded, although by this means others who may take the disease are deterred from entering. - Similarly there are many '| people who object to be quarantined, on account of personal inconvenience, -| although 'by having been in contact with a pérson suffering from infec- tious disease they are liable to spread at whole community. 5s not Sraugh il ill motives that | Ben e Beglest, to these health safoguarle. It is pri that they do not know enough about She prevention "| putit. 'women and for old ped who fail in strength, Dr, Willlams' Pink Pills are 'an ideal tonic. Their benefit in anae- mic conditions is shown by the case | of Miss Lucy A. Steeves, Hillsboro, N.B, who says: "Last spring I was in m | poor a oily run down. I had severe headaches, the least ex- ertion would cause my heart to palpi- °¢ | tate violently, my appetite was poor, from certain banks and fears tertalned for the maintenance codfish supply. Hence it is that dur ing the last few years the U.S. Fsher- Aes' Bureau has been hatching codfish | eggs by the hundreds of millions and planting the young "fry." How much good this has done no- body knows. But it is manifest that in trying to help the preservation of any species of fish every bit of infor. mation that can be gained regarding its life history is of value. the usefulness of Bose of tagging Wh the codfish. WHEN BABY 1 ILL 'When the baby is ill; when he cries "la great deal and no amount of atten- tion or petting makes him happy, Baby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay. The Tablets® are a mild but thorough laxative which re- gulate ' the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus drive out constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. Desire Theberge, Trois Pistols, Que., writes: "I am well satisfied with my use of by's Own Tablets. I have found them of great benefit to my baby when he was suffering from constipation and I can strongly recommend them | to other mothers," The Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by' Williams® Medicine Co., Ont. Brockville, rent MO nents, Few Centenarians. Of a thousand persons only one reaches the age of one hundred years, while only one couple in eleven thous- and live to celebrate their diamond wedding. reef mi MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. hl Perfect Confidence. Jones--*"Heaven bless him! He] showed confidence in me when the! clouds. were dark and threatening." _ Robinson--*"In what way?' Jones--"He lent me an umbrelia." free Minard's Liniment Lumberman's F Friend | | Britain Seem fbi tain's Mystery Monument. | - The most perplexing monument in| the world is the great circle of mighty | stones which we call Stonehenge. No one can say how they were placed in position, or by whom the work was: done. All we know is that the builders were early inhabitants of this country and that Stonehenge was a temple. The fact that it was a temple has en- abled ua to find thee date when it was 'These early men were sun worship- | pers, and. they laid out their temiple | so that at sunrise on Mid-summer Day the rays. of the sun shone directly up-' i the great altar in the midst of the' 'As the earth does not spin! ; vane £0 upstairs without becom and at times'I had fainting spells. ?| This went on for some months, and al- though I was taking medicine, I seem- Led to be growing weaker, and the least Fexertion would leave me worn out. Then on the advice of a friend, I changed the treatment to-Dr, Willams' Pink Pills, : and I.have great cause to I did: so, as they have mprovement in my: "now work without - You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. rr ee sn What Boy Scouts Are Doing. Two thousand, two hundred Boy Scouts from thirty-five different On tario towns and cities participated in this year's Provincial Scout Rally at Toronto Exhibition. A veritable cloud burst broke over the Exhibition grounds at the very hour the assembled Scouts were to march past Provincial Commissioner W. K. George, but that did not deter the boys from carrying through their announced programme. It did delay them an hour--they could not be blamed for that--and it very materially reduced the number of their spectators, but otherwise every- thing passed off as-arranged. Over five hundred of the eight hundred and fitty out-of-town Scouts were accom- mcdated during their stay in Toronto in a special Boy Scout model camp, which was one of the big features of this year's Fair, -. . . f * His Excellency Lord Byng, Canada's new Governor-General, has just been gazetted as the "Chief Scout for Cana- .da," succeeding to this office upon the retirement of His Excellency, the Duke | ot Devonshire. And Lord Byng will In England | he has been an active Scoutmaster of a troop of boys in his own town, later | was Commissioner of his County, and still more recently has been a mem- ber of the Imperial Headquarters Couneil of the Boy Scouts Association. He also wears the "Silver Wolf"-- the highest decoration in Scouting-- "And I earned it too," he said to a Canadian .Scout official the other day, in 'reference to it." By this he meant it was not an honorary decoration, but | one which he earned just the way an | ordinary Seu, would earn it. 's » * | Reports of over one hundred Boy | Scout camps held in different parts of the province during the past sum-| mer have already been received at Provincial Headquarters, these camps caring for some five thousand boys. | Out of Toronto alone there were forty. i six camps attended by seventeen hun- | dred Scouts. Although these camps iran = full programmes of swimming, boating, water work, cance trips and long; hard hikes, not a single serious accident marred the happiness of any one of them--a splendid testimony to ! the effectiveness of the Boy Scout scheme of directed recreation. And besides all the games, and fun, and en- tertainment, the boys found time to qualify themselves for hundreds of Boy. Scout badges and awards. Hon, Maize Diherr Shinkir of Agriculture, and Hon. Dr. A. 8. Grant, | Minister of Education, participated in! a Bs Few ns do T. ell, my dear, I igot my y * The conjurer was producing eggs from a top-hat. He Sddreided a boy in the front row. "Your mother can't get oees with- out hens, can she?" he asked. "Oh, yes," said the boy. "How's that?" asked the conjurer. "She keepy ducks," = answered the boy. mein, Why They Quarrelled. The lady of the house ushered the new cook into the dining room and be- gan the usual interrogations. "And now, tell me," she asked, "why did you leave your last place?" "Oh, mum, it was somethink haw- ful. I couldn't stop there on no ac- count. The master and missus used to quarrel like cat and dog." . ~ "How sad!" said the inquisitor. "No | wonder you couldn't atop; 'and wha "Weight. "did, they quarrel ¢ about?" ™ Sy "Wel I imiostly, se replied 'the "domes te, "the way the inner was cooked. " Pleased to ro Moet Her. A minister told the story of a strdp- ping fellow who brought his demure young bride to the manse for matri- monial purposes. "According to my custom," said the: minister, "I turned to the bridegroom at a certain part of the ceremony and sald, 'John, this is your lawfully-wed- ded wife.' "In the excitement of the occasion, John turned in the direction of his newly-acquired partner and stammer- ed, "I'm pleased to meet you.' " A Serious Question. Little Douglas had been told that he must always wait patiently until he was served at meals, and not cry across the table or help himself, 'One day, whilst dining at a neigh- bor's with his mother, the little fellow was accidentally overlooked. He was very patient for a time, but at last he could bear the strain no longer. The sight of everyone feed- 'ing but himself was too much for the hungry child. Leaning across to his 'mother, said, in a loud whisper: "Mother, do little boys who starve to death go to heaven?" he mer (Pt mean Unhappiness is often an illness, a cure for which may be found in rest or a change. | Rural Route No. 1, Mascouche, Que. | | The Minard's Liniment People, 8irs--I feel that I should be doing a wrong if I neglected to write you. 1 ave had four tumors growing on my i head for years. 1 had them cut off by a surgeon about fifteen years ago but ja.5 grew again till about three months ago I had one as large and shaped like a lady's thimble, on the verv place | where my hair should be parted, and fit | was getting so embarrassing in public that it was a constant worry to me. I About three months ago I got a bottle of your liniment for another purpose | and "saw on the label good for tumors. |W ell 1 tried it and kept it for exactly two months, with the result that it has . entirely removed all trace of the tumor, | and were it not that they had been. cut fifteen years ago, no mark would be Been. I have not been asked for this Jestimon. ial and you can use it vou see fit. (Signed) FRED e ROBINSON. P.8.--1 am a farmer and intend usin- nt on a mare for a and am hoping for some 'RED C. R. Minard's Linime: | strained tendon, | results. and How +4 Feed Mailed Free t o Say dress b the" An gO PS Was dia 81st val New York, U, COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS ©. 4 OLiFP TORONTO f Hi ASPIRIN. N ,an interesting Boy Scout function re- | , cently at Cochrane. Im the course of (2n address to a crowd of 8,000 settlers quite truly on its axis, but wobbles. gathered from all over the scattered | slightly, like a top 'that is nearly run - Northland, Mr. Doherty referred to all | wy, the position of the sun at Mid: al hanglat a co in suntrod the assets of the new country. "But | ther 3 on ential asset, and it is it. asset of all countries, of | ; all industries. That |: 3 als rising 'generation. ere are many organizations to help and which help his pacents. Joy oY in the north and pe proud 'to be in a pos!- ask the Hon, Dr. Grant, Minis- | rane Troop." Dri the new colors over per the wets | Warning! "Bayer" on package or on tablets you! are not getting Aspirin at all. Take ' Aspirin only as told in the Bayer puck Lage for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Tcothache, and dosage |. "I want to give a little history of my case just to let the public know what Tanlac has really dope for me," sald Edward White, 27 Suro. South Hamilton, Ont., a mau for the Dominion Steel Company. Na HE "Several years ago I suffered a m- plete breakdown and it was only I got Tanlac that I recovered oe health. We were making engines and were anxious to turn out as many as possible, night and day. "Well, this finally got the best of me and I just had to go to bed 'and stay there for a number of days. This left me in such a bad condition that I had no appetite at all and was so weak that when I walked around I would just stagger. I tried treatments and all kinds of medicine, but failed to get any better and I began to think noth. - ing would help me. ~ . "However, 'Tanlac has built me wp 50 in 'every way until I feel like an en- trely. 'Qifferent person now.: My ap- pet! 1s 1s fine and I eat hearty at every poo Why, I'vé gained eleven pounds in weight and am back on the job every night working as good as ever." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv. retell r------ Sea-water contains certain ingredi- ents, such as compounds of iodine, which make it useful as an internal medicine in certain illnesses. Liverpool is now stated to be the sootiest place in England, Hull and Newcastle-on-Tyne being second and third. Ask for Minard's and take no other. Experience is always teaching, and those who are no better are those who think they know better. Classified Advertisements. EPRESENTATIVES WANTED TO sell Dresswell Hand Tailored Clothes for Men. Big profits. No inyest- ment. State experience and send refer- ences with application, North American Tailors, Ltd. 366 Adelaide St. W., To- ronto, Ont. V ANTED--YOUNG LADIES oF good education to train as nurses. Apply Wellandra Hospital, St. Cathar- ines, Ont. CUTICURA PREVENTS FALLING FAIR If your scalp is irritated, aud your hair dry and falling out in handfuls, _try this treatment: Touch spots of "dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment and follow with het shampoo of Cuticura Soap. Abso- lutely nothing better. Seap25¢c. Ointment 25 and 50¢. T: throughout the Dominion, Can: Limited, 344 St. Paul Soap shaves without mug. ABLE T0 DO HER WORK After Lang Suffering Mrs. Peasey Restored to Health by Lydia E, Pinkham's, Vegetable Compound Tosoma, at. sufere] . with | run down, could not eat and had headaches. The Sea an Depo Moatreal. Unless you see the name , H Ti "| Lumbago and for Pin. Then you will | ~! 'be following the directions so lots of time I worked