¥ TRACTOR > Shorter hours on the farm --The Fordson saves from thirty to forty per cent. of the farmer's time. Fewer horses on the farm --The Fordson does the work of from four to six horses. Less farm help --One man with a Fordson can do more work and with less expense than two men with horses. More money for the farmer --A farmer with a*Fordson can raise more crop easier with less expense. He therefore makes more profit. McKEE & HOOD LOCAL DEALERS PORT:PERRY Cirning hots We take a personal pride i in the quality of the building materials we Handle. We stand back of every one of them, and you can bet we've made sure they're good. Take Beaver Board, for instance. PURE WOOD FIBRE We like Beaver 'Board because every panel is plainly marked with the Beaver trade-mark. No camou- flage here; no guess work; because the ihanufaciirers stand squarely behind their product "When you're planning new building, remodeling or repairing, let us tell you sbout this handy wall and ceiling material. Why not phone. us today? : Atth oa. the Be Rlember Boo were present. Minutes of aan Richa Tes deputation of 8 Ser p C Ferguson, J J Jobb, J S Devitt, Jas Sis req the Council to- have the Ba 0 aye he reetsl ter was Stak to Reeve and Councillor Devitt. On motion the Recyeis tohave piano in hall re A. Hanna's bill and fish referred to Reeve and 0 The Assessors are to be structed to get the names be bi Soitage owners along the lake ront. J H Devitt was appointed col- lector of taxes for 1921 at a salary of so. .00. Couneil or Devitt gave notice of asby-law to change the time of nominations. Accounts passed-- R McNally, plank. Receipts, Manvers boundry, $19.10. House for Sale Mrs Geo Nesbitt is offering her house and lot on Union Ave, 8 roomed frame house, wash- room, woodshed, good cellar, stable, garage, hen house, hard and soft water, 3 lots, fruit tree, berries, splendid garden. Apply to Neil Sweetman, Port Perry. = {over Star 0 eo) = 3 or Fo Mrs. 485, Swan Fore Grinder for effi d adi iy an seonamy on I A Toronto Farm E; § separator or anning mill. : Think of the labor saved ! It i ol in your t if yoru a in and discuss Tor- onto Farm Equipment with me. MILTON STONE Seagrave Garage Wanted APPLES POTATOES All Kinds of Live POULTRY Junk Hides and Sheep Skins Wanted. We pay the big price TURNER BROS.| Bell Phone 213" Ind. 1800 JOHN BELDON LUNDY. DENTAL URGEON, Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. geons and University of Toronto: " Office hours 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. ~ Evenings y appointment, ; Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residence ring3 | Office over Morrison's Drug Store ! LLIOTT 2% Yorge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is a School with a Splendid Record. n superiority, of training is Sons sidered this college ranks among best on the continent: Write to- ko for aaalogus. Eter at any time, Wed ENT 1 SaolhL, et Collins Real Estate Agent Loh FOR SALE ~ Beonduicat Roof fon Factories or Farm Buildings PL new buildings or reroofing. the old. One : t Paroid is the most Seonomical e old Nepong buy, not only in first cost buf' "hecaine o She nice of years protect] Section {CAH wil giYS: thoroughly saturated and coat best CO ie