assortment just arrived HI bales | imopport portune for an d operation of radial railways. {Railway when {was first mooted. Dyimen who sincere. shat 'the time was he construction : r campaign was launch- | against the Oatadion fic its construction Had anybody suggested to the genau a, Boronts ity seus 3 "would be wise: spend a ior dollars to widen onge Street, he would' have been looked npon as crazy, While admitting the sincerity of those who 'started the cam- paign against (yao radials, it ust bea dmitted that the cam- n been "vigorous" an marRer wil ths Mog HS to "make a case" which has made political speeches a sort of {byword for in A de that Endures | nity Plate completely satisfies a woman's "desire to be proud of what she owns. SR Silver Plate never was better than Community is to day. = Money cannot buy a better table ware, . The economy of Community Plate lies in its ability to leasing service for the longest period. of to rétain ts inherent beauty during that Uc {not having qd { (Which had bee Jj war estimate) has 3 at our Store ur Store while in can supply your wants in CERIES, CHINAWARE special pleading. = | There are two reasons why ydro power Has not reached ort. Perry, one of which has been outlined. The other simply the fact that the .f ris not in a mood to make in- ust now, their year een a successful one. But bad crops are not usuall | continuous, and this feeling will 'The raise in rate at Brooklin, n 1 on a pre- i ate) has had 'some effect gpon the public, although it is a fact,which is not general- ly known, that' the Brooklin people are only paying the stan- dard rate set for rural districts. I{and the critics fofget to state: that Bsoeklin folk enjoyed a very .{low rate for a considerable time. . There should be as suggested by the engineer, some work of securing contracts done at once, so that the poles may be' taken out this winter, and work of construction begun in thespring. A new proposal has been made by the Hydro Commission that a || temporary "dstributing station vel ir. Newton Saylor, {and family were away gs Cartwright On Sunday last the barns of mile north of Burketon, were destroyed by together with hiserop and machinery. Mr. Taylor at the time. = Origin of the fire is un: know. . Loss will is estimated at '$7000 with only $2000 .in- surance Tt. e------ - Board of Trade "A reor the Port Petry Board of Trade was held on Tuesday evening elected: ! _ President--W. 8S. Short Vice-Pres.--W, L. Parrish Sec'y-Treas.--C. C. Jeffrey Publicity Committee--S. Far. mer, E. H. Purdy, J. F. McClin- 'toek, Brock. . W. A committee was also appoint- give such assistance as may be required to bring Hydro to Port Perry, 5 The committee consists of-- | Messrs. W, S. Short, S. Jeffrey, . L. Parrish, E. H. Purdy. "The meetings of * the Board of Trade will in futiire be held at the call of the President. Trains _A rumor was current a Short time ago that the evening train would not be possible to go to Toronto, have time to do busi- ness, and return the same day. Tne Secretary of the Board of Trade got in touch with the Dis: trict Superintendent and it is found 'that this order has been rescinded, the evening train is being retained, and the after- noon trains will be removed, the morning train leaving at 7.15, effective October 3rd. 000 The General Motors Corporat-- ion are to supply their export trade from their Oshawa plant, This in time will likely mean a big thing for Oshawa. 000 A gas flow was struck while deepening an old well on the be built at Greenbank to serve this district, including Uxbridge] south of Orono. The well is 130 feet. You are Cordially 'Educational Invited to attend COUNTY OF ONTARIO Convention dge, Friday, Sept. 30th r Citizenship.'" J. D. Bell, Cannington. -of the Association' --+W{ M. Morris, See'y- Trustees' Association. ai ; School Trustee"--Samuel Farmer, tion for Rural Schools"'--R, A. Hutch. LPS. for South Ontario). ~~ ization meeting of | and the following officers were was to be taken off, and it Neal farm, a mile and quarter : ducting ° Port Perry Branch: - - bs the bank's staff wher ) your banking busines, exten re you k . 'TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS H. G. Hutcheson, Manager. SE ti Big_Fire and Bad Runaway at Manchester Arnold Roach spent the week in Whitevale. Mrs. Osborne and grandson, of Montreal, are guests of Miss Parkin. Mr. W. F. Crosier has pur- chased the corner property from Mrs. Stone and has commenced improvement. 'Mrs. Jas. Masters is in Toron- i to for a few days. | While driving home on Sunday evening, Mr.~and Mrs. John Masters and children narrowly escaped serious injury. The bit broke and the horse ran to. ward home some mile and a half, when the occupants were thrown from the buggy. Mrs. Masters ' received injuries-causing uncon- sciousness for some hours, and is still under the doctor's treat- iment. Mr. Masters and children received only slight bruises. The horse ran home, and only a tug of the harness was broken. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fitchette, in the total loss of their new barn, butcher shop, garage, and house by fire on Sunday morning about -three o'clock. Only the splen- did service of the bucket brigade [saved the rest of the village. as a steady northeast wind blew burning brands and sparks over the buildings. Fire broke out many times in nearby dwellings and barns, but was immediately quenched by the wonderful work of neighbors who worked untir- ingly for nearly three hours. EE -- House for Sale in Port Perry, corner: Cassimir .and John, formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Thomas Allin. All Particulars as to terms, ete., can be had on application to R. W, Allin, Continental Life Building, Toronto; or to W. C. Wilson, Port Percy, Bell Phone 90 r 11. Notes and Comments Whitby are celebrating the opening of their new paved road on Thursday of this week. Hon F. C. Biggs, Minister of High- ways, and his Deputy Mr, Mec- Lean, have promised to be on hand. : 000 The Whitby Brick and Clay Products Company are again op- erating their Brick Plant. \ "000 : Mr. Paul Purvis has been ap: pointed as clerk of East Whitby to succeed his late father, - 000 The first sod of the Feldspur Glass Company's new plant at Oshawa, was turned on Thurs- day of last week, and. is to be completed in 60 days. 0700 Oshawa is building two port- able schools at a cost of $7000. : #000 : It is rumored that the Massey- 'Harris Co. are looking for a site sin Oshawa for the removing of their plant to that town. Warriner Lodg Meets every Second and Fourth Monday in each month in the Oddfellows' Hall. Visiting Brethren Welcome T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, N. G. Secretary Selling Out We are going out of the Phonogiaph business, and we have for sale TWO GENUINE VICTROLAS These machines will be sold at a sacrifice price to clear them out. They should sell quickly at the figure we are asking. No. 786 D. CORBMAN ! Bell Phone 157 PORT PERRY, ONT. Prize List Correction In Pure Bred Holsteins the list should read Cow, 3 yrs or over. 1st, 2nd and 4th--George Smith; 3rd Wm Holtby. Bull, 1 year and under 2, 1st-- George Smith. EEEEEEEE------------ Everybody knows that in Canada there are more Templeton's umatic Capsules Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Rheue matism, -- Neuritis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. Many doctors prescribe + em, most drugdists sell them. rite for free trial to Templeton, Toronto, Sold by P. G. Morrison - Manchester Church Anniversary Anniversary services and a' chicken' pie Subper and . enter- tainment will be held in con- nection with the Methodist church here at Thanksgiving time. Particulars later. Engagement Mr, and Mrs. Thos. 'Smith, of Prince Albert, announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter, Gladys Mary Viola, to Mr. William Thomas Arthur Hunter, second son of Mr. and Mrs. t« "Hunter, of Prince bert, The marriage to take ian arriage