Curre 1 nt Account he RE you getting the maximum of service i €0n- nip me fee on 'We are in a position to offer close Kepler's Cod with Extract of Malt. A Perfect. reparation 'palatable and easily digested. The best food Bi - for producing fat and muscle. ; Moir's Chocolates, a full assortment just arrived # Our Saturday Special i Fords' Candies, 49¢ per box. hy a . peted. of the 1 [the 8 : el of wheat, any kind, 8 Morrison's Drug Store : A Pride that Endures Community Plate completely satisfies a woman's desire to be proud of what she owns. ilver Plate never was better than Community 18 to day. "Money cannot buy a better table ware. ~The economy of Community Plate lies in its ability to give Pleasing service for the longest period of time and to retain its inherent beauty during that . service. vo ~~ BE000000 JAMES McKEE JEWELLER ~ | Call at our Store while in - iE ~ Town EN Ln - We can supply your wants in | 'GROCERIES, CHINAWARE DRY GOODS eee ase J. F. McCLINTOCK 10 Sr 0 be judged by appearance. ng and 'speak. ing abil "Tog groups com- ole pt, ne men, who thoroughly enjoye themselves, and put up, a go time for the peofle, hey de- serve credit for the business en- terprise which inspired the trip by the Lin men, However. ese men could not hope to com- pete with the group 'of ladies, gentlemen, and Jung folk under the leadership of Mrs F Water- house, which group hailed from Burketon. > The President, Mr. W. C. Fer- guson, is to be congratulated on of this venture. r. Stan Swain took Mr. Horn's special for the best bush- Mrs Carruthers won the Hope chest contest, ! and directers worked hard to achieve the success attained and the Cartwright people loyally supported them. 'Whitby minstrels did them- selves honor with the excellent entertainment they gave. A fine crowd was present both at the concert and the chicken pie sup: Jo|per, which. was particularly good. Prize List Ue | NOTE--The first name wins 1st io prize and second name wins 2nd Uc | prize, . HORSES : . Draught Team to wagon Colville Evans, Howard Henders, oneih Forder. Brood mare, foal by side, W C Ferguson, Jas Stark, H A Galbraith 2 year old colt, Geo Cochrane, Sol Taylor, 'WC Ferguson. = I year old colt, Jas Stark Foal by side of mother, W C Ferguson, H A Galbraith : i Agricultural P by W to wagon or democrat, (Prize by W } B PP. J6s Forder, Carl Wright, os Forder / Brood mare, foal by side, Jos Forder, Wm Forder, Norman Edgerton 2 year old colt, Norman Taylor, N Edger- ton, E Haine 11 year old colt, Oscar Edwards, |] Forder, N Edgerton, Foal by side of mother, | liams, O Edwa Te Genleral Purpose Team to Democrat, W G Hooey, W Mal- colm, illiams Brood Mare, O Wright, C Wilson, Cecil Wright Two ar old colt, O Wright | and 2 One year colt, O Wright, & Williams, H R Foal by side. of mother, W. Forder, O Wright, N Edgerton Roadster Brood Mare, C Evans ; Two year old colt, Geo Coehrane Single Driver, A ] Stanton, L Wilson, A Goode." ) be "onl by side of mother, C Evans ¥ lak "~ 'Carriage : Team in harness, G Forder, M Letcher, WB Fer, ; Forder, C Wil. 4 le Driver, CH Scot, R Gilbert, Jos 2 : *| Sow that has raised good | Pair Brown |. President Ferguson, Secretary Philp, and the other officers | bo: ae ted Eve, Hf Boacock, A W ht. h % EN H Marow | re Lars NH Firion, A Wi t ford Downs WC Forum hat 2 the datnee : SWINE d this season, C Wright, W C Ferguson | Sow under 7 months, W C Ferguson A Tamworth Carl Wright took fst on" young and old ~ Boar : ; | POULTRY Pair Plymouth Rock, R Hamilton . , Joe Taylor i Duckar E Gibson Wright Pai Bureed Rock Chickens, O Veaning, Pair Black Mincora Chickens, C Wright W Ww, Chickens, N Mountjgy, Pair W Leghorn Chickens; F Stinson, BUTTER 20 lbs Butter, Mre C Hill, Mrs F Crozier, Mrs juPin 10 ble Butter, Mrs | Jobb, Mrs ] Parr, Mrs 5 Ibs Butter, Mrs C Hill; Mrs ] Jobb, Mrs DOMESTIC SCIENCE ' H Beacock Loaf Bread, white, Mesdames E Gibson, W B Ferguson, Miss E McLaughlin Loaf Bread, brown, Mesdames C Hill, W A Vancamp, Jas Parr Dozen Buns, Miss McLaughlin, Mesdames iC Hill, Jas Parr zen Biscuits, Mesdames Jas Parr, H acock, F Crozier . Dozen Cookies, Mrs R J Crosier, Flo Parr, Mis F Crosier 5 : Dozen Ginger Snaps, Mesdames R Hamil- ton, R J] Crosier, Miss E McLaughlin ] Apple Pie, Mesdames C Hill, Jas Parr, Miss McLaughlin ! Pumpkin Pie, Mesdames S Swain, Earl Dorrel, | Jobb | Collection Canned Fruits, Mrs Newton Taylor, Flo Parr | Collection Jellies, Miss McLaughlin, Mrs Ashton | Collection of Pickles, Mesdames E Gibsoh, | Newton Taylor, and Miss McLaughlin Maple Syrup, Miss McLalghlin, Mesdames W C Ferguson, F Crozier Institute Prizes Beef Loaf, Mrs S Swain . Potato Salad, Mesdames A L. Bailey, S Swain Dosen Tea Biscuit, Mesdames A L Bailey, C Hill Dozen Drop Cookies, Mesdames S Swain, ey Light Cake, Mrs. Swain, Flo Parr Dark Cake, Mesdames C Hill, W A Van. camp . Apple Pie, Mesdames C Wright, W A Vancamp Table Boquet, Mesdames Vancamp, N Mountjoy IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Single Carriage, Tinney Bros. Sewing Machines, L. T Hobbs GRAIN and SEEDS Fall Wheat, H Beacock, W C Ferguson Spring Wheat, S Swain. C Wright, Joseph Taylor. pring wheat, soft, W C Ferguson Peas, Canadian Beauties, R Hamilton, F Taylor 8 Peas, small, S Swain, H Beacock Oats, white, L E Mountjoy, W C Ferguson Barley, C Mill, Jos Taylor Beans, | Elford, G Nesbitt, R Crawford VEGETABLES Potatoes, white, G 'Nesbitt, E Dorrell, N Mountjoy Potatoes, red, R Hamilton, F Crozier, R Crawford Turnips, F Stinson, R Hamilton, R Parr Carrots, white, F Crozier Carrots, table, |] Elford, R Crawford, N Moun; Cabbage, R Crawford Squash. W C Ferguson, E Gibson, F Stin- son Pumpkins, N Taylor, J Forder, R Crawford Table Beets, A Vancamp, F Crozier, Long BenicR Ciawlond, | Bria. F Cros ng Deet, I awior rs, Onions, white, R Crawford, N Taylor i slow. R Srawlord, J Byers i dB Com Hs In ERA SEE, Gi Vegetables, N Taylor, F Stinson joy, W C Bed exchange rates, Spr ee STANDARD, BANK _ . TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Port Perry Branch: er - H: G. Hutcheson, Manager. LADIES' WORK Baby's Bonnet, Mrs Ashton edroom Slippers, Flo Parr Bedroom Towel, Mesdames A Beacock, F S| Bedroom Towel, crochet, Mrs F Stinson Burnt wood work, Mrs 8 A Devitt, Lida Taylor Button holes, E tn, Mrs Elford Coronation Sraid, M: es W C Fergu- son, W Ashton y Crochet Yoka, Mesdames Jobb, Stinson Crochet work, Mesdames k, Nesbitt ollegtion fan. work Flo Parr, Mrs Ashton Daring on linen, E McLaughlin Daring Socks, Mrs Crozier, E McLaughlin Embroidery on Gotton, E McLaughlin, Mrs Embroidered Centrepiece, Mesdames Leith ers, coc! Embroidered centrepiece, colored, Flo Parr, Mrs A L Bailey Eyelet emb. Mrs Ashton, E McLaughlin Fancy apron, E McLaughlin, Mre Crozier anby pincushion, Flo Parr Faney wrist bag, Mrs Ashton, E McLaugh. in Sweater, E McLaughlin, Flo Parr Underskirt, Mrs Ferguson, Flo Parr Handkerchiefs, Mrs Carruthers, Flo Parr Hemstitching, E McLaughlin Irish crochet, Mrs Stinfon, Flo Parr Kitchen apron, Mesdames Swain, Elford Knitted socks, Mesdames S Devitt, | Parr Knitted mitts men's, Mesdames Hamilton, Elford Knitted mitts, women's.EMcLaughlin Pillow eases. Mesdames Ashton, A Beacock Pillow dayslips, Mesdames G Nesbitt, W shit on Patchwork quilt, E McLaughlin, Mrs H A Galbraith . Patchwork quilt cotton, E McLaughlin, rs Beacock Patchwork quilt silk, E McLaughlin, Mrs Ashton Crochet quilt, Mesdames Ashton, Beacock Knit quilt, Mrs Wright, E McLaughlin { Table Mats, Mesdames W Forder, Ashton Sideboard Scarf, E McLaughlin, Mrs F Crozier Sideborrd Scarf, colored, E McLaughlin, Mrs W Ashton Silk Embroidery. Mrs G Brown, E Mc- Laughlin Sofa Cushion, silk, Mesdames Ashton, W C Ferguson Sofa Cushion, linen, Mrs | Elford Sofa Cushion, fancy, Mrs H Beacock, E McLaughlin Sofa Pillow, Flo Parr, Mrs F Crozier Ladies' Underwear, E McLaughlin: Tatting, Mrs S A Devitt | and 2 Tea Cosy, E McLaughlin, Mrs Ashton Toilet Set, Mrs H Beacock. E McLaughlin Tray Cloth, Mesdames Ashton, Beacock Whisk Holder, Mrs W C Ferguson, E Mec- Laughlin Photo Holder, Mrs W C Ferguson, F Parr Plain Sewing, E McLaughlin. Mrs Elford Plain Patching, E McLaughlin, Mrs Elford Point Lace, E McLaughlin FINE ARTS Sketch, Mrs A L Bailey, Mrs Swain Plan of Farm, Mrs S Swain; Painting in Oil, Mesdames Ashton, S A evitt Painting in Water Color, Mesdames Ash. ton, S A Devitt Painting on China, Mrs S A Devitt, Mrs Carruthers Pencil Drawing, Lida Gordon Brown Crayon Drawing, Flo Parr | and 2 Monochromatic Drawing, Lida Taylor Carving on wood. G Brown, E McLaughlin FLOWERS Asters, Mrs N Mountjoy, W R Crawford Dahlias, W C Ferguson Flo Parr Collection of Flowers, Newton Taylor Collection House Plants, W R Crawford Gladiolas, Mrs S Swain This Duck Got Astray Mr. Fred Harran, of the' Ke- nosha House, Caesarea, shoot a duck regently, marked, Biologi- cal Survey, Washington, D.C. Methodist Church The evening service will be with drawn next Sunday on ac- count of the re-opening of the Presbyterian Church. Hon. Wm $mith to run Hon. Wm. Smith has definite- ly announced that he will again Taylor, 'contest the riding of South On- tario in the coming Federal elect- ion. Warriner Lodge No. 78 Meets every Second and Fourth Monday in each month in the Oddfellows' Hall. Visiting Brethren Welcome T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, . G. Secretary Mr. Jas. Carnegie Mr. James Carnegie, aresident of Port Perry for over 30 years, died at his home on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1921, after an illness of some months, in his 79th year. Mr. Carnegie was born in Ar- buthnot Parish, Kincardineshire, Scotland, on June 2, 1843, and came to Canada in June 1865. He was married in 1871 to Miss Louise Fincham, the ceremony being performed in Old St. An- drews Church, Toronto. His wife and ten children-- six sons and four daughters survive Mr. Carnegie. Mr. and Mrs. Carnegie cele- brated their golden wedding last March, when all the family were present. Mr. Carnegie had a happy faculty for making friends, having a true sense of hospitality, end a kindly dispo- sition, This was very evident at the golden wedding, when a host of friends sent kindly greetings and-congratulations, - He was well known through- out the County, having taken an active partin public affairs. For a number of years he was mem- ber of the County Council, and became Warden of the County, During his term of office, the House of Refuge at Whitby was built, and Mr. Carnegie had a large share in the work of over- sight in this matter. Good judgment and industry assured to Mr, Carnegie the suc- cess he achieved in his business ventures; and the lumber mills in Port Perry will always be associated with his name. He was of a vigorous type in both * body and mind, and he will be greatly missed by a host of friends who learned to appre- ciate his ability, and his kindly, hospitable nature: Everywhere in Port Perry there are ample evidences of the business enter- prise of the deceased. Since his retirement from bus- iness, Mr. Carnegie has taken lawn bowling as his recreation. He was Honorary President of the Central Lawn Bowling League, and took a keen interest in the game. The funeral takes place on. Thursday of this week; and de- ceased is being buried with full Masonic honors. He was a mem- ber of Fidelity Lodge, Port Per- ry, and also a Shriner. A Good Convention A very practical discussion of educational affairs took place at the conyention at Uxbridge on Friday of last week. Owing to lack of space we can only an- nounce that a number of similar conventions will be held in this district in Iha near future.