epler's Cod: Liver oil : with ip Malt. A perfect preparation palatable and easily digested, The best food for producing fat and nrgsele:, "Our Saturday: ae Foie Oandies, 43c per box. dehapes off Wate. man' s ldeal ou more sfficient service and lo obtain i yontine office ® bush an a: y hose a Water. ¢ s Tdeat fits your wrung, position : one std with a medium point.~ An entirely different Pen i be preferred for -your pocket--for personal use at home. her Install the Battery for Busitiess Men. {|He respectfully sols ~the votes of the Electors on December 6th. LAO IAS ADA OD AA 0 SMILE It takes 65 muscles of the face to make a frown; but only 18 to make a smile :: Why waste your energy ? - KEEP SMILING. Vote Chapman and make sure ofa clean-up. : advt An ther Honour. ical 5 Daves of So y king University, received an announceme n of his election to the National Chairmanship of i the Power Section of the Ameri: li can Society of Mechanibal En- Dr. Christie' is the 20 | gineers, Sores of the local section of Society and irman of the 1 So oint Committee on code of ethics appointed. last year by five Jag engineering ssocieties of the FOR SALE 112 acres; part of lot 8, con 14, Reach 85. ivatod, wooded, Stream, clay loam, well at house, water forced to stables, Jramé house, bank barn; drive house. For furher particulars ly to A. MILLER, Real state, ie Ont., or to the ner, Wm. McDonald. Uxbridge est lc country. - party politics must go by the hoard, Vote for or Chapman, hore tended. the meeting in Oshawa t Sunday with friends ul 'D._Thom: Alsi ad Ms. | in Toronto oa: week. A noiber from here went to Oshawa on Tuesday night to hear Hon. W. L. McKenzie King. "FOR SALE Titan gasoline engine in rs ass condition. Apply to C. Switzer, Port Perry, Ont. Mission Band The Mission Band of the Meth- odist Church will hold a Bazaar |: land Tea, on Saturday, December | 10 from 4 to 6 o'clock: Come early and secure your choice of good things, ---------------- * Robert McLaughlin Dies at Oshawa Last week death called one of Canada's pioneer manufacturers in the per- son of Robt. Siar of Oshawa. Canada mourns his loss. ¥ ie % A) ¥ Getting Ready Port Perry hockey boys are in training, Mr. Clinton Short is giving good service in this train- ing process and the fellows ap- preciate his help. But we fail to see why 'Ricky' should be trained down. Isn'tit his busi- ness to fill the goal, and can't he do it better as he isthan he could if he: were to skrink half an inch round? 000 Ross Roach has had a couple of retty nice offers to enter pro- Dn hockey as goal keeper-- one in Toronto of $1600 and one in the West at $1600. Although he turned them down (having a good position now in the Domin- ion Bank), it is pleasing to know he had the offers. / 000 : Some discoveries are being made among our young athletes. One was that Mansell Jackson can raise a 56 1b, weight at arm's vt|length eleven times in succession A VOTE FOR CHAPMAN INDEPENDENT NATIONAL PROGRESSIVE) IS A VOTE FOR. ii i 5 square deal to'every one, 2 A clean up at Ottawa. Special privilege to none. |7. Mr; and Mrs. 1. Ormiston and| : for their fund. : A reserve is not oly a aiuto. wish soveries 2 'and emergencies arise, mid : STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Port Perry Branch: eae H. G. Hutcheson, Manageg. Don't miss the Box Social in the Town Hall, Wednesday, Dec. = UB IC MEETINGS in the interests of F. M. Chapman National Progressive Candi- date for South Ontario will be held at GREENBANK and - MANCHESTER At 8 o'clock on evening of THURSDAY, _ December 1st to be addressed by the Candidate, also Frank Sangster, Stouffville, Mr. Percival, of Mark- ham, and others. The Public Invited Prospect The Prospect Methodist Sun- day School purpose their annual Christmas Entertainment on Wednesday evening. December Zlst. A first-class program is being prepared. Mr. Frank Taylor, of Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. Jas. Somerville. The Young Ladies* Club met at the home of Mrs. Munro. on | Saturday afternoon. G.A.U.V. Dance One of the most pleasing of recent social events was the dance put on by the War Veter- ans in the Town Hall on Friday evening of last week. The hall was prettily decorated for the occasion, a prominent and pleasing = feature being the G. A. U. V. emblems painted by Mr. Will Roberts--a very credit- able piece of work. Well on to a hundred couples enjoyed the evening's program, and Mr. Goldring's kilty orches- tra pleased the dancers thorough- ly, and as a result of this little entertaining venture, the Veter- ans have secured a nice nest egg ing day. Warriner Lodge No. 75 Meets every Second and Fourth Monday in each month in the Oddfellows' Hall. Visiting Brethren Welcome T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, N. G. Secretary Don't miss the Box Social in the Town Hall, Wednesday, Dee. le Election Returns Arrangements have been made jointly by the three parties to have the election returns given out in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, December 6 -- the vot- A small admission fee will be chrrged to defray the expenses. Mr. and Mrs. W Ratcliffe of Columbus, were given a clock by their friends prior to their leaving for Brooklin «Oshawa Vocational training is being discussed by the Board of Educa tion. The Government has promised substantial financial assistance: . TY .| - In the football sevies,}Peter- boro won from Oshawa bygone goal oal, The Liberal meeting addressed by Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, was largely attended, and the address was a splendid one. A. Martin, Limited, have pur- chased the Wm. Davies fmeat store, EE ---- gs were Thc a dozenZat de hy Market on. Sat- urday last. Matchester Store News Men's All Wool Penangle Underwear, garment $1.75 Boy" Worsted Stocking, good strong yarns. Per pair 79¢ Women's Overall 'Aprons, percale, neat patterns, 89¢ Very Choice Cooking Figs 2 lbs for 85¢ Cured and cooked meats always on hand We have another load of Cream of the West Flour at the old price, $4.00 cwt.- Bran, Shorts and Crushed Oats always in stock. W. F. Crozier Port Perry Business College ACCOUNTANCY and STENOGRAPHY Today, as never before perhaps, 'mechanics. trades and . labour men of all discription are begging for emplo ent has become very acute. your daily poner shows a re nstans NaN AD kkeepers. A Unemplo, column 0 3 Stenographers and "woman is always in demand. nent, trained man or Ba We ean train you in a short time to fill one of th these many : 'being advertised, "Superior i ndividual instruct- d el