shoulders the tremendous weight of responsibility has rested during he entire anxious perfod, presided at the up. speed, "the ceremonies, and 'received ovations |of from over 2000 municipal represen tatives such as few Canadian public men have ever been accorded. With glowing face and sparkling ves, Sir Adam exhibited just pride nthe great national accomplishment. Equally apparent in the mien of the Hydro Knight was the expression of great relief at the completion of the first of the ten units of the Chippawa power . project, the greatest in the world and the. subject for comment of nations, For approximately ten days the apparatus will be permitted to dry out, then mighty Niagara will commence whirling still further FAMINE VICTIMS EAT DEAD BODIES Cannibalism Practised in Parts of Russian Hunger Zone. A despatch from Riga says:--The first official report of cannibalism in the famine districts of Russian has been made to the All-Russian Soviet Congress by Delegate Ovsienko of Bamara, according to a desvatch to thé official Rosta News Agency, dated Moscow. "At Ramikovesky the parish people are eating the bodies of their dead," Ovsienko told the Congress. "It is dangerous to bury the famine yicting in the presence of the people, and guards must be kept over them until they are in'a state that makes eating impossible." Ovsienko stated that Dr. Crs High a omnies of Russian Fue t 'aven though a hardened ex- plorer, returned to Moscow sickened by the scenes he witnessed in the stricken "districts. - The spdaker said that children are being taken to the steppes and left there to die; that mothers, maddened by their experi ences, cut the Re of their babes. At "the present time, continued Ovsienko, the Soviets, with all their outside aid, ave able to feed only half the starving children and only one- twentieth of the adults. ---- te -- Automobile owners in different cities throughout the United States have recently been won over to. the fad of carrying across their suspended from the light brace rod, Fridtjof Commissioner 'of the neat brass or 'Black-and-white plates | + : heszing the names of their home KING GEORGE WILL RIDE WITH... TFs, etd plant in. the world Ulti-| mate capacity 650,000 horsepower." From a faint glow of light to a white glare the electric square gradu- ally mounted as the whirl ener- ator picked up to its norma! 187 revo- dutions per minute. From a murmur the sound of rushing water and 'op- erating machinery grcw in volume to a roar which completely drowned out the enthusiastic cheers of 2,000 pers sons and the blasts of ithe plant si- mens. The whole of the official open- ing ceremonies occupied less than fif- teen minutes. Plans to Increase Trade With Canada A despatch from Jronden says: --=Southampton, whic Whose AB Vist the uniform of a V.A.D, nurse, the France Asks for 3000 Ton o u San St ) ¢ 0 Ol A "despatch: from W -- submarine, and gry naval n= nage met with complete failure on "185 | Wednesday in a session of the Inter- NAANIHOR] ta, evils no Jaxge amy could not' recognizing: --The effort to reduce and limit strike France; at the heart" of but 'France, employing a great navy submarines against commerce,' could; destroy the s "very existence" of Bri- fered by - Eireann: come a Cana | national - Conference 'Committee "on | tain.. dians as the new base for the Canadian Pacific 'and Cunard steamship services, has decided to improve its port at a cost of thousands of pounds. tions are proceeding for the pur- chase #of the world's largest floating dock, and a dredging scheme has been approved which will allow the largest Cunard and White Star - liners to ap- proach and leave the docks with- out difficulty. Furness; With and Company, Limited, 'acco ing to the London press, are in- dugurating a new service to the Pacific coast of Canada. i ------ Belgians Alter Name of Celebrated B A despatoh, From Bs s Eapis fo a sibly es a concession éeptibilities; "the Berions Have di Armament. The 'session was m by sensational interchanges hetw Mr. Balfour and M. Sarraut' co ing the naval preparations of Britain and France and the possibifity of war between those two rations. France insisted on an allowapce of 90,000 tons of submarines, an a equal to 'the maximum Mr, originally proposed for the States and Great Britain, and times the present French tonnage, a asked for 880,000 tons of 'aux eraft. "Mr, Balfour in polite but grim terms immediately charged that the French contemplated using. submarinegille- gitimately against commerce, pro: ed to alter the name of Waterloo:l: Henceforth the hamlet which gave its name to the immortal battle will be known ds Lonoin. Visitors to the battlefields will have more need than ever of guides to show them: where British Guards formed. the squares against "which Napoleon's. cuirassiers hurled themselves in vain. The mill of St. Helene will. become "Halllen," = while other well-known id will also be renamed. Simin "1p you: are down in the mouth, think of Jonah." He came out all right. PRINCESS MARY ON HER WEDDING DAY Arrangements for the wedding of Mary, which it has now been A Feveption' is Plas at St. James's Palace, with more than. two thousand invited guests: he young couple will pass their honeymoon at the beaut! art; of Villa as and expressed - surprise that French defence plans should arouse British fears of aggyession, with Bri- tain allowed a capital ship tonnage aS jn se i Norms 0. 'orthern, -- i x anitoba oats-=No.: Sw Bde; «No. 1-Teed, 52% greater than that of France and Italy # famous combined. Mr. Balfour retorted . with the as: sertion that, in the event of war be- tween Great. Britain and- France, Bri- A close' study of any perticular}ies rural Tocality wonld undoubtedly show. {4 surprising set-of influences flowing "lout 40 every phase of national life The business, social .and moral con- tribution made b: > thousands of rural comni our nation has no consideration can Ww afford 'to; permit He source of ak to dry apr ee wy This mains that worl life must: be watched 'with the greatest solicitude. The natio "human stashed