8 cer: husband once the marriage is an accom- nov | plished fact, Tommy 1s loyally accept. sas] 00 88 8 member of the family. "Sometimes Marle or Louise hes not 5. Come empty-handed to her husband. Tiot| She may have a substantial sum of ~ | money; or a little cate of her own, or a ghop or a #mall farm, and so the one- |- tl time soldier finds it the natural And 'easy thing to become a cafe proprietor, lor a farmer. x pi coadt towns that the I tayed behind 1s most in| evidence--in" such places as Calais; ind| Boulogne, Dieppe, 'Havre, and Cher . be] bourg, but he is also to be found in- tion| land in" Houen, Arras," Amiens, St. 'Omer, and other towns, the names of which will 'never be forgotten by the British: Army, : Let us pay a visit'to one of theses cafes In Boulogne or Calais. Some "| times' it bears the abviously British name of the proprietor, or it may be 'called the: "Wales Bar, Ad- English proclaim the. nationality of "mine host," - | perhaps.there is an ir | here for a good cup of tea." You will get a warm welcome from 'Monsieur 'Atkins. He will talk freely about: his new life: Yes, he is very comfortable; he will tell you, and he is sure he has done a good thing for him- self. Better here than at home, where -| he might be walking the streets and drawing a dole as one of the 1,600,000 employed. No, he has no intention a Lure of the Tea Cup, he get on with the Jang- of uage? you may ask, There is no daim- aE culty a ¥ per-| French is an easy language to get women | & émattering of, but a very dificult one ny in-| if you want to know it really well. . jv}: Presently Madame Atking will join us. She is a typical Freuch woman, with her nicely dressed .hair, some- { what aquiline features, and oxtraor- {dinary neatness;of attire, especially ac = Jou me ¢ ?. and an invitation to "Stop | say. rt, whose wife and two pretty 'ably assist him in its man- is: crowded: with one-day. P pers from Southampton And 'the Isle of Wight all through the gum: months, 2 NOTHING TO EQUAL BABYS OWN TABLETS _ Mrs. Alfred Naud, Natagan River, Que, writes:--*1 do: not think there 48 any other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones. I have used them for my baby and would thing else." What Mrs. Naud ye usands of other mothers gay. r have found by trial that the ets @lways do just what 1s claimed . The Tablets are a mild "thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweetén the stomach and thus banish indigestion; consti. 'patioa, oolic, colds, etc. They are sold by 'medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ------ Fréfch Anglers Use Mirror, Some French anglers use a tiny mir ror, which is adjusted just behind the morsel 'of bait, It is believed that Bees ftselt In the glass it that some other fish is "off the bait and will to sooure the tempting tryfng 'make fr Top A ¥ | ¥ T'MONEY. ORDERS. Bend a Dominfon Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. pre 'Sprayed by: Air. _ Of Swiss invention is a concrete mixer in which the cement is sprayed by air over a wet mixture of sand and stone while it 1s in motion. -------- Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Lions and tigers kept in captivity require one day a week without food to keep them in good health. rn ' Goodwill 'survives absence, if the last: recollection®' are kindly. If you lose your temper, don't look unl to keep it. Hurry mother! By loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open. the bowels, A tes ful to-day may 'prevent, a sick child to-morrow. = It constipated, bilions, feverish, fretful, 'has cold, colic, or it stomach 1s sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of 'the little bowels is often all that is necessary. i Al " rd uggiat for genuine "Call- Syrup" which has directions and children' of all age of the hotels at Cherbourg, too, | y an ex-lHeutenant of the Motor | Even a sick child EfFa TR TREe sirinH Hiei iE £8 353 i ¥ Tha ago his wife have settled the on themselves by adhering to their determination not to return bo the throne unless their boy is rec- | ognized as the heir, Classihed Advertisements. BELTING FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF NEW AND <§iSBD belting, pulleys, saws, cable, hose, pac ete. shipped subjeot to approval at own rices in Canada. Y: RE BELTING CO, 16 YORK, ST » TORONTO. HELP WANTED. J, Avies WAITED--TO DO PLAIN and light ing at home, whole or a Fy aa arf i particulars. National Manufacturing | .» Montreal, For Sore Throat Cold in the Chest, Etc. new You're Constipated! Take "Cascarets' For Liver, Bowes . Bick headache, biliousness, coated | tongue, or sour, gassy -stomach--al- ways trace this to torpid liver and de- layed, fermenting food in the bowels. 'Cascarets work while you sleep. They immediately cleanse the stomach, re- move' the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver-and carry out-all the -consti- | pated waste matter and pofsotis in the | bowels. "Get a 10-dent box now and let HQOasearets' straighten- you out by morning. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book 'on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad~ the Author. lover Co., Ind, 118 West 31st Street New York, U.B.A. Vi tired out, My 'nervous work sent any | Send stamp for onl | teeling: system collapsed and-I'would jump at any lit tle noise. I frequently turned so dissy and sick I could hardly stand the smell of food cooking, My condition seemed to get worse constantly andy 1 worried all the time. 1 "Well, the first thing Taulac did for me was to give me a splendid ap- petite. Then all my troubles gradual: ly disappeared, my nerves got better « and I could enjoy a good night's sleep. My whole system is now in excellent condition and I'm enjoying the best' of health. Tanlac is certainly a won. derful medicine." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere, Adv. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS G. J. CLIFF TORONTO end I woke up mornings THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT: "Danderine" cos's y 35 cents a bottle. One application ends all dandruff, stops itching . and falling hair, and, in a few moments, u "have doubled the eauty: of * your hai It will appear a mas: 80 soft; lustrous, a easy to do up. But what will please you most will: be after a few | weeks use, when you see "hair--fine and 2 downy "at first--yes-- but really new | hair Jrowing all over the scalp. "Danders ne" is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It foes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps: thin, I faded hair to grow long, thick. heavy and luxuriant. RHEUMATIC ACHES QUICKLY RELIEVED HE racking, agonizing rheumatia- ache is quickly relie byanap=~ plication of Sloan's Liniment, / For forty years, folks all over the world have found Sloan's to be the patural enemy of pains and aches. It penetrates wil rubbing, § You can just tell by. its healthy, stimulating odor that itis goingto' you ; £ 2.