Remember the Date. Tuesday, Fob February Ty, the | FF mueh McRaye's en . 's n- Canadian program for : Do not fail to BREE Eo people. '$ear him. Proceeds in aid of the Rink Fund. {She Mr. Geo, Collins A well attended and interes! sing meeting of the Manchester Branc of the W, M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. H. R. Murphy last week. The social hour was very enjoyable during which Mrs. urphy served\a delicious lunch. e next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Dobson, of 'Manchester. Mrs. Barnhart, of Vancouver, #8 visiting her father and sister, Wir. and Hiss Kennedy. All patriotic Canadians will want to hear Mr. Walter McRaye the well own orator, in his in- iring address, "The Soul of e Nation" at the Town Hall, on an evening next, Feb. ruary 7th, and incidently, all patriotic Port Perry citizens will desire to take this opportunity to aid our fine new rink by their attendance. Mr. McRaye romises a rousing evening. Beside his address, the rogram will include readings m Drummond's "Habitant"' and Robert Service, also vocal selections by local talent. Ad- mission 85¢, Reserved seats 50c Plan at Morrisons Drug Store, Rese-ve your seat early! Tues- day, February, 7th, Port Perry, Town Hall. Mr. John Schell, of Vancouver, B.C, is Jeiting his mother Mie. 8: Schell. ye. Robert Patterson; Reeve of Ops Township, was. elected Warden of Victoria County. Two good reliable. remedies which guarantee results are RAZ- MAH for Asthma and Bronchitis 3. - ti . and T. R. C's for Rheuma on, 3 Sonsideralys Lumbago, Neuritis, ete., are sol by P. G. Morrison. Mrs. R. B. Ruddy and son, of Moose Ja, are the guests of #rs. John Roac A number of our citizens at- tended the hockey match at Tor- dnto, en Saturday night last be- &ween St Pats and the Ottawas, Mrs. John Roach was the Soom of J of Judge Ruddy of Whitby Mrs=A. J. Davisis visitig Mrs. Boxall in Lindsay. Mr. Thos. 'Caesar bas purchas- ad from Mrs. Straight the old Thos. Wilson property at Borelia and now has one large block of property. hE About Smoking Many persons are very courte: ous in the matter of smoking. They will not do so where they feel that their action in the mat- ter will interfere with the pleas ure and comfort of those about a. It is gratifying to meet these gentlemanly ple. Others insist on their "rights" and a "no smoking"? sign seems to rouse the fight in Shem Both rties have their good qualities. Sati it must be remembered tha: were we all demand what we call qur ',rights"' we should soon be back to the days of savagery. Women and dren and me: who do not care for smoke alsu have ges and a smoker does Bot lower is : ah or lose | 4 who do not like smoke frequent- Rie good and liberal | Pect SEE supporters of OCAL ITEMS | et 2 re her: | Dea ; so eve wish you every do ser A plan of the route of the pro- se Whithy-Lindsay Highway as been fileq at the Registry Office here by the Ontario De- partment of Highways. This means that work will be com- menced on this undertaking fore long, and eventually there will be as good aroad north from Whitby to Lindsay via the Centre Road, as the Kingston Road be- tween Whitby and Toronto. This will be an undoubted boom to motor truck and senger traf- fic north through the County, and will certainly meet with the approval of a large majority of the people. Starting at Whitby, the road travels north on Provincial Coun- ty Road 49, passes through Whit- by Township and Reach Town- ship to the line between 7th and 8th Concessions of Brock, thence Easterly to Manilla. Cutting Branches The Government Forester is giving instructions to those whose business is to prune trees for telegraph telephone, and electric light wires. We are glad of this because not is in- struction needed, but some re- structions should be placed on these workmen compelling them to follow the instructions for the protaction of the trees. If all goes well' we shall 'have a_ considerable Bort Por of this] rt Perry next summer, and it is to be ho that our splendid treesfwill re- eive the . consideration . they deserve: Prospect On Wednesday evening about ainty friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. W. J. Cook, and spent a very a Nira. Cook an eve- iing with Mr. and family. During the evening. a and Mrs. Cook w with a beautiful maniedmt und, © address to which Mr. Cook made| 5 a very suitiable zenls. Fo Mr. and Mrs. Wm J. Caok have met here to enjoy a social avening with you in your home hospitality and times in this ieighbourhood for many years. It is difficult for us to express to you o tion of your whole gus Sppresiation 9 in this :ommunity, and you have done your part so naturally that we nave taken ygurs as a matter of rourse asure have many othe lessings. We are sorry tha vou are leaving us, but glad ir 'oing 80 you will not be faraway. We ask you to accept this gift a< a token of our pn will and we wish you good speed and ever: happiness. igned on the behalf of yon: Friends, Mrs Chas. Gerow and Mrs. Chris Wilson. The same evening the members of the Epworth League and the Youn Ladies Club, presented era Cook with a gold neck- evening to a appteeiati in the ou willing to hd = Bonar 1 Losate: od the ng Bb hols al Oe area you will come ba to . Ranging impels fom $20.00 to $35.00 |1t will pay you to see them d They are fine W. H. Doubt |DR. J. W. DAVIS, pc. ric CHIROPRACTOR Suite 104, 3} Vietoria Street, Toronto EI tiful residence of wn constantly urge upon our Members of Parliament until it is secured. be-| Fire Last October Leads to an Arrest| Hugh McMahon, of Whitby, was arrested last Friday and is now in the Count a hearing charge ing to destroy by fire the store premises occupied Dith last by H. A. Dundas Street: : is firs which gut- ding and almost com- sta pletely uilding an Mr. stock of hardware, implemen ete., the Provincial Fire Marsh ordered n investigation, 'which was held about November 1st. Poe Nothing further had been heard in a publie way since then and it was thought that the affair had One of the Deputy | Fire Maishals was in town last Thursday, however, and the ar- by rest of McMahon on Friday came as somewhat of a surprise. McMahon was en ; clerk and general assistant by Mr. Lebar in his store prior to] the fire, and at the Fire Marshals investigation was closely ques- tioned as to his -mow: ing the hours. ps of The case. . he 8 be. heard next Yonge and Charles Stes, Torpnto io riety ly fre casein ll Dogartments inion. and snexcelled to obtain: Smploy. ment. Enter any 'time, Jrite a logus W.J. ch EHOTY, B TT, PRINCIPAL Phone Adel 7458 Literature on request FARM FOR SALE. Tenders will be received until February 15th, 1922, for the purchase Ww my farm of ote about 154 acres, Lot 12 and | Con. of - Whitby,. situated just 'Columbus, about five miles from Oshawa; -Goal awaiting with conspir- pres ---------------- Why Suffer with the Cold this winter when you can have a Pipeless Furnace installed in your house For $125. Get our prices on your. heatitig and | We guarantee first class work at right prices. 2 - CARNEGIE HARDWARE } £0. and 3 = 10 x 32; horse salile, walet in ydro power, wind mill lay } Joa soil, and culti- V2 acres of orchard, ighest- or vated, en fenced, 2 10 acres hardwood timber. Hig any tender not necessarily ssasion Mh March 15th, 02 Uxbridge 7 Port Perry 2 The local team were defeated 7-2-in Uxbridge last Friday night about 100 fans accomp- anied the team and all report a a | fast game. a score by * ress Farmers and Builders Attention; 7 =. » Whitby, Brick "and. Clay. cts Company is pb for spring a |. plumbing. nke, Immediate posses; Chisroh ofthe -- ; Morning a pl | Sunday Sehr Fan pie ia, Evening 23m. at 7 p.m. Holy Communion at 11. a.m. the 1st Sunday of the month. REV. NORMAN H. NOBLE SUNDAYS Incumbent 'Monday ' Jan Police Magistrate dE. Wit, re| delivery of ek, inchés, fing The Sona to Sor Hire tin CPR Tile a: and Baiding © Tendent, phone 198, hin SCUGO . An "Old Folks" concert will be given in the town hall Thuraday evening, Fabruary 9th, yes he Old time songs, quartettes, dialogues and reci- tations will be given by "old timers, Evosybady, invited. Adults 25e. children 15¢. Farm For Sale Tenders will be received by the undersigned Gp to February 18th, 1922 for the purchase of the South half of lot Nine in the First Concession of Reach Town- ship comprising 100 acres more or less, being the property of the |, 11 James Shand Estate. The high- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. The land is clay loam}, well adopted for pasture with |' spring sad running water. mmediate POSSESSion. to be addressed to W. i. N. Sinclair, solicitor, Oshawa, u. John Sacler, Executor, 37 Rich mond St. Oshawa, Dated Ja Rr H 8 went over to Mak to en the followin ved and wiser men. dge defeated them 11 to 5. The game |T started off very fast and play changed rapidly from one goal to d|the other. Part Perry out skated Jxbridge but did not have jhe team er Vp P. H-8. -- Goal, Ferguson d Walls, defense, Gerrow. Sud Ba Prone i; A ovtey Mosse : Oxgfisstviene welding rans beckons shop. All kinds| oo d light work done. Cogs put in gear wheel A. H. THURSTON For Sale oy fe wood, 12t0 16 24a 15 inches nate oa ¢ He for Sepeening all coal Your friends and neighbors & k igh U. H. 8. -- Goal. Parrott and | unde: Bartlett, defense, Vernon, and , Walters and Hart, : Jol halon, subs . Purvis The return "game was Tuesday evening Ww. 'he score was 3-3. The en vas ciean and snappy through- ut there being only one penalty C Cawker starred 'a the nets for the home team: I. 0. D. E. The regular meeting of Scugoy be held ne Monca Sopa vil 6th at 3 p.m, sharp, - Cow for Sale Good grade Shorth to freshen in March. Louis Palmer, Port Perry. All pefore d now transact- : a at the former office o! Mr. Albert which has been the centre of} Mil R R 2 AS Seagrave $11.00 a cord dolive y - P. FIGARY ig +: FORT. PERRY Cow for Sale Lx Bale, 63 Good ilker. : 'C: Truseatt RR Port -- A AN ne ET 'We do Good : J Printing at the Star| * Card of Thanks _ Mr. and Mrs. Jona a reciate e hate soto = ifying "during the illne At Blackstock; on Fri 2 A uary 27, 1922, Joh Forder aged 37 years, 5 months, 14 days. At lot 17, con. 2, "Town- En 8 255 beth hoon to have| ih Our}; a FIGARY wit S. Supply the the Art|Stove, N olin' ot ve proper facilities 2 : elivering. 5 Orchard, on the Fecently Purchased, She "Office Phase rom Milli ling CoO 214, Dry Hardwood Slabs in 4 foot len