EY Searing price $1.45 fe - | Bi DENT. Graduate of Ro Sm oh every +. We have 'about five dozen: men's shirts and drawers. in merino in natural celor. - This is a medium weight for Spring "and Fall wear. | composed "of lines from two different manufacturers and by combining the two lines The lot size is in stock. Fit dy DEIN 1. Y JOHN §ELOgN LUND 'AL- SURGEON. College of Dental Sur. geons niversity of Toronte. Office hours 9 aim. to 5 p.m. Evenings y appointment. 3 b; | Beri Phorie office 68, ring 2; residence ring3 Office over Morrison's Drug Store ~ George Collins : Real Estate Agent : * FARMS FOR SALE ood properties. Terms : Welding Done. * suit purchaser. All sizes of farms, houses and lots, ete. - for sale. - Port Perry, Ont #% Magetoss 're-Charged [charged by Bert Fralick 'at hargod by {pdr {Office above Archer's Hardware | _ jours, 9 am.ta 6'p.m. . Phone 93 Oxy-Acetylene Welding Are the Magnets on your Meg neto weak; if so have them re- Beare's garage. Oxy-Acetylene welding done. ~~ + 4. A. MURRAY DENTIST : | house, 25 acres timber, good MR. FARMER! Why send your eream to city creameries when your home creamery can pay you more money. e pay every week this year. Give us a trial and convineed, Allan Goode, Proprietor : W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over L. G. Hall's i nearly ed a sh Penman's of Brar This line is made from pure thread silk with double sole and spliced heel and toe. The leg is full fashioned and § is finished with a deep garter top of - ~~ lisle. It comes in black, white 'and pink. Sizes 815 to 10° Snpli : : Per pair $1.50 § _-- 18 "cotton taffeta with + SEBERT ~~ HOUSE A. E. Rogerson, Prop. GOOD 'MODERN SERVICE You can recommend the Sebert House to your friends. We know we can please you in hotel accom- modation. See (Geo. R. Davey about PORT PERRY ONTARIO INSURANCE W. J. COOK, REAL ESTATE = : 24 ac dicining Post Perey, lot 7 con-7, Reach, two sets buildings, 7 roome brick house, stone cellar, barn 70x33, hip roof, stone foundation, running, water, No ) horse 'bam , frame rain and stock farm. . Possession arranged. 100 a lot 10, con 11, Reach, II roomed Brick housé, stone foundation, in good repair, bam 100.x 45, stone wall, cement floors, water in stables, separate ini fi hen piggery, stablin for 9 horses 30 eattle, acres of brchard mostly fall and winter fruit, fences are good, 75 acres under cultivation, 1% to school, | mile to church, 12 acres hard wood bush. This farm is well situ- {ated and is reasonably priced. hg fmber wood shed; RR. 2, Port Perry 25" acres, Whitby Towuship 30 rods from r-Station,"13 acres timber, bal ance pasture, gravel pit on property, wire and rail fence. INTYRE Jo They. are made The flaws are not The covers are of black plain or taped edges. The ladies' 'umbrellas have straight or looped hands and the men's round or square crooks, All one price $1.39 Everybody knows that in Canada there are more Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Rheue matism, Neuritis, = Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. Many doctors prescribe them, most Sruggists sell them. Write for free trial to Templeton, Toronto, Sold by P. G. MORRISON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Arthur Leslie Smith, of the Town- ship of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, «in the Province of Ontario, Farmer, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof, for a bill of divorce from his wife, Estella M. Smith, of the Township of East' Whitby, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, on the ground of Jefusal to procreate or consummate the marriage. Dated at Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, the 23rd day of December, 192]. 3 ARTHUR L SMITH, By Coatsworth & Richardson His Solicitors." [51 Special Value in Umbrellas ' Manufacturer's Seconds $1.39 : A shipment of Umbrellas has just arrived from a large manufacturer. from cloth with an uneven weave and in a few cases of a small pinhole. noticable and do not effect the wear or usefull- _ ness of the umbrella. IN DIA Umbrella THE Spread The Little WITH Big March Delineator 25¢ 00 THIS! | LEONARD EAR OIL S DEAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES "Rub it in Back of the Ears' (Never Put in Ears) Insert in Nostrils Deafness is greatly relieved by a simple treatment with Leonard Ear Oil. Special instructions by a noted Ear Specialist for different kinds of Deaf- ness and Head Noises contained in each Pac Leon Ear be ." TRY THIS OIL. It has helped thousands of people, Why not you? Descriptive circular upon request. / MADE IN CANADA L.H. Bedlington Co. Sales A. 0. LEONARD, Inc., Mirs,, 70 SthAv., N.Y. City For sale.in Port Perry by P. G. MORRISON and all good druggists 67 acres, about 4 miles Uxbridge, clay loam, all workable, 8 roomed frame house stone cellar, hard and soft water, barn 50 x 60, stoné stable, hen house, piggery, and sheep pen, implement house. and garage, small orchard, easy terms. 160 acres lot 1, con Y, east Whitby, clay loam, 7 roomed frame house, stone found- ation, water piped to house and barn from spring by gasoline engine, large frame barn sione stabling. piggery, hen house, garage 5 acres in Prince Albert, 8 roomed solid brick house, in condition, on stone foundation, hard and soft water, one acre orchard, excellent garden soil, drive house, + One the best situa properties that can ow ht. Moderately Fresh Made Every Day Our bread and pastry are fresh made every day from the best of materials. They are baked by experts to suit the most critical tastes. In flaver, toothsomeness and nutritive quality they are ideal. Get some to-day and save the worry of baking at home, H.S. WHITE ck Baker and Confectioner Port Perry g- S---- -- - ar----. ) - turn them over to this 'The Bank will relieve you of all troulffe in mak. FARMERS' SA) NOTES Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to. a will to. aor