of from rheumatism. I was so bad that [Xt but we and 7atio 40 ad 5 with he a is the fact that it ures no interest and benefits all. quarrel, because the forester desires ne] for growing. forests only those lands an 1300 Dict 1a, grey Mim crops. Again forester does not want to build a . fence about his forest to keep inters and fishermen and camp: gp forests 'are natural recrea- ally the only conditl cally the only ons careful with: fire and 6" injure 'the forest. |' js plan has developed a spirit of co- Pat, rons) ut the West. Be S hit) chmlanes of Sule Bpavice So hots sun | your po iehbor increase as time goes on. these te en in closed coal-gtove, room and connected with the chim- by a A pive, is' probati of heating.' y the cheapest erally SBeaking. a {Ee nb and mind. desires to work---he wants his in helptal on and 3. should 'be brought h , Everyone, whether] * [ s who 'have hia medicine 1s M harlottetown, PELL, who says: "For a. rée long months I suffered tertibly | § sf 5 and I are to tion. right to the Toots, 4 inv ivigorater strengthens them stimulating | tonic ers. This de hEhtseh ded hair to grow long, thick, heavy and luxuriant. SLOAN'S RELIEVES NEURALGIC ACHES Sloan's Liniment could not do my housework, and en to attempt to walk caused me ny. 1 spent.a great deal of money ' ting the least benett, and my cons dition was pitiable, At this stage my ttention was called to Dr. Williams® pdicine, and shall always praise the 1 did so. Before long there was doubt' that I had at last found / quickest relief for something that would give me relief. | neuralgia, sciatica 'and rheuma- I gladly continued using the pile with | tism, tired muscles, lame backs; spraine the result that I am now as well | and df strains, aches a a freely, oan's iy y » and care for my children. "Since that | wid ine time one of my daughters fell into an Ss. ap 1 anaemic condition and was obliged ih and and rely: Your find it clean and @iscontinue going to school. . I gave skin- y Ber Dr. Williams' Pink Pils, and now | Sloan's Lisient ia pain's enemy. she is as healthy a girl as there is in| om eIghuars the city. You may be sure I lose nol ,60 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine | 3. hy Brockville, Ont. Correct. Portins Teller--""You will marry-a | light man." i Norah {Joyously)--*Thot" 8 Dinny! | Shire, don't he worrk tor th' electhric | Sempany." © Child's Bowels With "California Fig Syrup| Your little one e will 1 love the "fruity" B taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish, or full of cold, A teaspoonful never | fails fo cleanse the liver and bowels, In a fow hours you can see for your self how thoroughly it works all the sour bile, and undigested food out of the bowels and you have a well, play- ful child again, Millions of mothers keep "California | Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea: standing in| spoonful to-day saves a sick child to- morrow. "Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You mi get fig syrup. giments in the British Ammy| kilt. - They are the Black Royal Highlanders, Seaforth, ; ieron, -and Argyll and ters Minards y m r Qarget in Cowan ht substantial = I EA responaibiity" Lity 81 micosas . 7 ar or immited, 81 ¥ i be Compas Tos, pik nig TTR oI CH 26¢. Ty A, PAPER, tham, Ont. A -------------- Cha BELTING FOR SALE KINDS oF. Ew LAND Ul SED iT DP Lh an roval a igweti FER The beginning of reformation {is self-condemnation. For Spanish Influenza The Liniment That Relieves All Ailments MINARD'§| iG OF PN} rE BEFORE BABY COMES Watchful Care Necessary Lydia mn. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is a splendid medicine and , should be taken by the expectant ' mother, It will assist her in keep- ing well and strong. This is very necessary, not only for her own come fort but for the future as well. Read the experience of Mrs. Bare ton of New Brunswick, and please bear in mind that every letter pub. lished recommending Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound is genuine and unsolicited. It is the expression of gratitude from women who have | been helped. : Cumberland Bay, N. B.~"1 was i troubled with weak feelings, head~ ache, all the time, a cough, faintin, spells and pains in my back an side. I could not do a single bit of i work and had to be helped out to | the hammock where I lay in the fresh air from morning until night and I had to be carried up and down stairs, After other medicines had failed a friend advised me to take Lydia BE. Pinkham"s Vegetable Com- pound as she sald {t was excellent for anyone in the ily way. Be- fore the first bottle was taken I could walk aloné and as I kept om with it I got stronger, until I was able to do all my work. My baby is now six weeks old and fs 4 bis fat healthy fellow. I am sure x3 a HB. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done wonders for me and I recom- mend it."---Mgs. Murray J. BARTON, i RR. No. 1, Oumbstiant Bay, NB Atoms for | For Constipated Bowels-- Bilious Liver When royalty, and especially Indian |- The nicest eathartic-laxative to royalty, puts in an order for some: | physic your howels when you have thing and startling in motor cars, Headach Bil otk ft wif Be satisfied with nothing that tr miigestion take' the breath away. for lux- Sotir Stomach and nov F dontires ly 1s candy-like. Cascarets. One. or two ols British firm for the "might properly wel- 00 of Wales on his trip : ek: Only $40,000, but 8 arth it, considering "to | tonight will empty your bowels coms {| pletely by morning and you will feel splendid. "They work while you i sleep." - Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like salts, Pills, Calomel, or = Oil, and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarels 8 too. u ess You see the 1 name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting. Aspirin at all Why take. chances?