EX¥,1R i A despatch from Dublin says:--The bitterness of the South against the North hag been intensified by Sir James Craig's speech at the opening of the Ulster Parliament, and his in- tention of giving General Sir Henry 'Wilson, former Chief of Staff of the British "army, the task of Pestoring order, * * The South has mo confidence in Gen. Wilson, _ Ii. frankly predicts. that he will be 'Tore eoncerned with organiz- ing the Orange side of the feud than in a general round-up of gunmen, The Press adserts that the ders could have been stopped by the declaring of martial law, and argues that this was not done because the proclamation would have been enforced impattially by the military. Talk of civil war is not uncommon. Members of the Firovisional Givern nent affect to see in Sir James' speech a threat to torture the Roman Catholic population of the six counties; and for this reason they have protested. to Great Britein. The Northern constables, it is claim- ed, continue to dig trenches across the roads and to, destroy bridges along the border, Some of these have been repaired, but the next night they are again blocked and warnings posted for contractors to keep their hands off, The vehicular traffic across the boun- dary is diminishing daily. Approximately 6,000 Y oions and Dominion News in Brief Victoria, B.C Tn an attempt to re- duce the depredations of Sea lions 'and hafr seals of salmon, halibut, cod and other fish of the British Columbia coast, the Department of Fisheries is planning etbacking the seal robkeries of the Queen Charlotte Islands with machine guns, Edmonton, Alta~--Alberta, with 5, 027,270 tons of coal mined during 1921 led alll the provinces of the Do- minion in this line of activity and achieved the third largest production of coal in the history of the province. A total of 8,429,960 tons were shige to Alberta points from the while 1,914,156 tons were exported to other provinces of Canada. A total of 183,828 tons of the year's Satput went to the United States. 3 fel: isd pr ET 4 establishments were called" upon to]. Genéns, has provide maps 'of the war zones to. the to 613,008 which is maximum of their capacity; 88 every every | the area included wit | feature' of 'the country had to be! boundaries of the TEnown to officers responsible for wili- 'Settlement is pi tary 'movements. with increasing momentum," Co To peace Hmed aovirats mapsare in 8 total 'area of 261,83 square: le Fresh demands for the restoration|overy sense fully as important. All| Manitoba has 'a considerable' water of the Belfast boycott are being made| land transfers, mining claims, forest-| avon, this latter representing 10506]; by various organizations in the South,| TY Permitts, or registrations of posses- |square miles. Including the ares sur- and #- is likely' that the matter wil on are' catablished by li veyed in 1021 there is now available be considered at the next meeting of | OF astronomical position. To provide! for entry 5,348,300 acres, 120,800 the Dail Cabinet. this information, 'which is vacres of this having been covered hy a OT ha er a holf 'survey parties of the Federal : proceeding, a esourees: In- | Topsgraphical Survey d Woman Made Deputy the Department' year, Unpatented 'homestea ; duti Ruler of London of the Interior has recently issued a| on! Fevisel bution of the:Homestead Map | yet 'been ; A despatch from London Aye: | peries Prairies Provinces. acres, W The position of Deputy. Ruler of Lon The latest map: of this series is that occupied aoc don has 'been 'conferred upon u young| °F Manitoba. When the first Home, 2.384.840 acres, Jewish woman, when = Miss - Adler, stead Map of Manitoba was issued in Looking: to' daughter of the late Ohief Rabbi, Her. | 1000 that province had approximately | ince, wh , whan Adler, was appointed . Deputy | 200,000 population. An influx of ii-| paper industry tedly' take | Ohairman of "the London County|MiETation was taking place Home: | las ace); the Dominion Foren ran GCouneil. ¢ ! has established of yi It is the first time a woman has northern, extension to Hudson's Bay {Tigh a considerable number ° forest and the 60th parallel had not been reserves transferred to the province, and in| 700 wo ie total of 2,386, sopra congequetics only the smaller area Summertime in Britain was included in the map. With the is- of th : March 26 to October 8 oi Ls ie Seventeenth odio, : J i ...|mendous importance in western af- JA de ime" 10 Great tan fom Serving the original purpose! for grazing' purposes begin March :26'and end. October: 8. esignating the location of land|" This map is of great valde to those] ever held this post. 0, 7c; cooking, 22 1 An order to this effect has been given | 2iable for mr ands | contemplating taking op land. in|80 bo 38¢: roosters, 1 alienated but unoccupied - an which: to secure uniformity in. time with. eS i SETS i aritobe, on Sonjumeron eth iid Soul ¢ Slo oe; Hg 45. 40 France and Belgium, : but on' which patents are: not yet wo and a new pamphlet shortly to be i for T. 0, Norra has {andere | 220% there: beve been added the lood-| sued on "Farm Loans," enables the foci 4 Prem! tende tion of Indian reserves, forest ere-| prospective settler or those cont the resignation of the Provincial Gov- serves; t or | imber: berths, grazing 1 ernment of Manitoba to the Lieut |, ii nai sar ais : a ting extending their land hold ant-Governor, Sir James Adkins; agencies; failway Thes, T= {Yeatures, new surveys and a notes of the character of beyond the surveyed areas. 'at' $17,329,965, gave employment. to persons, i 8,088,712 i 5 - " and nT erin REGRET DEPARTURE {inal districts of the United. ptario in that year of $10 403,771, | ~OF PRINCE OF WALES i India, 'where fioting was reported $5.50 Halifax, Sais Dimi] : last week; is now well B ; "Smoked need. now ~~ an ine a trade, i Ja being miggasted hero that Legislative Asseenbly at Delhi {on the Canadian Government fit: out one of its sbeamers as a floating exhibition H. R. Hs Visit. of Cavmdian produsts an. send it. ou A despatch from Delhi says: The : J t ports of thé world. Such a floating | LoEislative Assembly, including on through 4 the dtinbod # help -- exhibition, 'it Is pointed out, woud|official members of every race and| symptoms of further trouble are , gh | work in with the plans of the Gan- 'province, passed by acclamation a re- closely watched. ©" ar LH : i : solution expressing appreciation: of Pfice's" statem ont ¢| + Lard---Pure, to 17%e; Spetlien + | the visit of Sie Prints of Wales based upon a aking from' Gos 11% x , 17 fo 1Tiges | regretting that visit was at a close. | ero) of the U 5 , tlerces; | 'The debate on' the budget was res| x ited Provinces. 'structed on the Island, gen by. July 1st: 1922. a aes ENA ia ET ----------