dences or office buildings, 1 Pro Pog haa] , ; Zi - : takes a few minutes to up u XK WiIF prot EHO ones , BELTING FOR SALE of the devices to the. c ¢ FES : TH . m Aline Desa' i KINDS Op KEW AND. 1 5 oF ;{ Phen The apparatus is incased . ! ! arel id : ? Ny adh EY wooden box 1 "My -onl regret about Tanlac a EERRISERE Sree as that 1 didnt lem about. It] for that pat. oid and and tired feeling, | J1¥ Yok i Sorted 0 is reddy A Diacey the su 'does ch 0 restore y sooner, as I) know I would have Well. . ¥ € not require any readjustment ma a ea Tilo KILL SPANISH FLU| . Fronts tt a) tho some nth century | ¢loe. has ee me. thie. wonder. | by Sig the Liniment Co., Ltd Bt grime All the | Works of art which Were not ev ful blessing of health and I feel that I| armouth, NS, | weer bas to do ls to lows & h or | od among thos am simply doing my duty in Nelping to ... Yarmouth, N. : let people know that no matter how \ ®. Clay Glover | y much they .may, suffer from stomach p 129 est 24th raat trouble, there 1§ Hope for them If they : \ x ew York. U.S.A, 'take Tanlae. 501 ---- "I ani 0 more ke Hie semis' petwon now that I wee betore I took tis| | DRA re MART ~SOARSE SALT nd medicine than day 18 like ir h : LAND SALT aaah JL {read ; Tanilac is sold by all good druggists. Bulk Carlots & H in the spring and | affirm, or think : & weather > --Advt. Ee Scaled Over. Fa 308 . TORONTO SALT WORKS | the best of health, : _prospécts, your: career; or 9 ~and 3 th ; Snr . . . CLIFF .. TORONTO ¥ you do Dot wich | 40d An Island Hermit. Br ! k | your ha v Condit; oe ------ --- ga } 8 3 : Ei op --_. 2 oo The story of a modern Robinson which be bl em YGF 0 | HODUNGE 08 : do | Crusoe who for thirty years has lived : SLOAN'S RELIEVES icine' dealers: or by > : a eiedhae "an a JOT Lie a Al 3 ~~ lon a lonely island in the Arafura Sea, a box or six boxes' > os that mystify the: ih : 16 OSS | hetween Australia and New Guinea, is : , [ . The Dr, Williams' Etevaler 'ax ha ares a ak (a8 po 14. wa. [told by Mr. W. Somerset Maughan, : the English playwright, who has just" turn from o Aree ond op JGR fry gan Shoe Lino in the Bast. ¢ ste' baby to look aftdr, Jo préver "T'lad chartered a Yigger for a . ri lela re rheuma- en. ocasionn] dose of aby's OWN | orujse in the Aratura Sea, he said, |. sad smo, uncles, lag ns x Speiing TE provests 8 as on tite Hilla ould be given. They refh-| ang | was asked to drop a beg of rice Sloan'shandy and apply frétly, anish Flu ey | 18% the stomach and bowels, thus re- | 5, the teland for this old hermit, =D, PUbbing, at the Diep WIRD: as . ova or banishing . colds, 'simple "I learned on the way from those It eases and brings ®t sly. vers, colic or any other of the MARY | who had already seen Him that he was nally, and readily. You'll find it clean _allments . of childhood. The shipwrecked thirty yeers ago, and other non-kin "are 'sold by medicine aC: with fifteen other men reached the is- u Sloan's Liniment fs pain's enemy. : Ia BT eichue 44 land in open boats. They lived on the for perfuming the Ask your neighbor, i BY DR. J. 1 MEAS ON = Dr. Williams' Medicine Ca, B island for three years before they ; fds At all druggists--3Sc, 70c, $1 0, Provincial Board of | Health, Ou Moi. hn oe, Ont, © | were sighted by a passing ship. S 10 Made él Canada. ) . ho Psi ; "Of the sixteen only five were then Mi i a ee le AH. Throats of Whales, ] alive, and only four were taken away Although whales grow to enormous | ---for the fifth, 'the old man living | i&: size, sometimes 80 feet and even 90 | there now, refused to leave. Pi eh | feet long, thie" throat' of the co; "He told the rescuers that during fos namaste, 'whale is Bo small that it cannot the three years he had spent with the ne oot a ae gla | other mon on the lien hs $04 sou QUEER FEELI 0 The spermacet! has a ch horriblé things that he wished 3 J ot ed | enough to 'swallow « mean; 4 gover to Hve among his kind again. Seven thousand persons each year our ARES "During the thirty years he hias been are laid ES burial Soctifioats : : sland," eing mar "Rupture." Why o- Hammocks ére supposed to have fe- Sn. he, § added Mv. Matghash, catise the unfortunate ones had neg: AT MIDDLE AGE their iim the {ach Shut ho , od lf > Be B a i] Rs wai "Toit alone 'ot<the-sign (swelling) 'of ; ¢ {or nets in heh] for five for no ships his | the affliction and paying no attention Women Should Know. How Lydia E. t sie. Rasmed to the cause. What are you doing? way, and he was reduced to living en- nee, ¥ "6" Pinkham's Vegetable Com ) tirely upon what the jeland' could pro-1AT® You neglecting yourself by wear . | work Is carried on to gain the inform-| duce" .. ing a truss, appliance, or whatever Helps at This Trying Period ation asked for, while in addition, a ai. name you choose to call it? At best, system of general educations! propa- MONEY ORDERS. the truss is only a makeshift--a false nde. on Industrial Hygiene is being A Dominion Express Money Order |DPToD against a collapsing wall--and for"five dollars costs three cents. cannot be expected to act as more | yam TE 4 start. has been made in' elinjeal | ag than a mere mechanical support. The Hi Hj establishment bindi tards blood circu: ork by the n Huge Jorstionsl Bridge |piion® pressure re re ation, thus robbing the weakened ion Across the Detroit River. muscles of that which they need most The international suspension bridge | --nhourishment. that is to connect Windsor, Ont. andy , But science has found a way, and Detroit, Mich. and that was first pro- every truss sufferer in the land is in- posed about two years ago, has now | Vited to make a test right in the and | redched the point of actual construc- | Privacy of their own home, The tion. The work is to commence this | PLAPAO method 1s unquestionably spring: The plans show that it win | the most scientific, logical and success- have 'the longest single span in the | fu! selftreatment for rupture the - - world; namely, 1,808 ft. With a width | World has ever known. improving ot oe of788:¢t, the Wnterntional bridge wii | The PLAPAO PAD when adhering | Jor i over these bad ihr 8 beiof doubledeck construction, ac-| CI0sely to the body cannot possibly |B' LANSER, 1689 N. 8rd St. boygan, commodating street-car, automobile, | 811P Or shift out of place, therefore | Wisconsin, and | trafic' on the upper | ©2RDOt chafe or pluch.- Soft as velvet | For the woman en entering middle age deck,' 'dnd' passenger and freight-train | --°%6Y to apply--inexpenstve. To be Lydia E. Pinkham's Yogotable, 0 Me on the lower deck. used whilst you work and whilst you pound can beot much benefit. ier 8 sleep. No straps, buckles or springs is time of life certain a attached, place which sometimes de into - pik oes Liniment for Coughs and Colds Learn how to close the hernial open. | Serious trouhle. mre nS ing as nature intended so the rupture | Melancholia, nervousness. irr 'Moving 8 Mountain in Rio' | X37 ome down. Send roan peure headache and Gzziness aro some of = de Janeiro. and ten cents, coln or stamps, to-day, | Pymptoms. Lydia E. 's Yc Wing a mountain fs the hige task | to PLAPAOJCO,, 765 Stuart Bldg, Bt. HR 8 aural Yestifac by engineers in Rio de | Louis, Mo. Tor FREE trial Plapac and ih wie time. the 'Morro-do Castello | the information necessary. : Why not pI Ketur j of an: estimated 7,000,000 ras rei oS -- of earth and rock--is being \ | nd the, completion of which Is . ® : ties you se dea name "Bayer" on {ablels, you are... ~not etting Aspirin at all. Why take 'chances?