ss gE B 1 by prophet. He appeared out to be on the side of Jeremiah, V. 11. The house of the king under under the Ti i i I Jeremiah Imprisoned, 4-6. | the rope when he was drawn up. Let V. 4. The princes; for their names them down by cords; another instance Three thep. butter, 8 thep, flour, 2/ seq v, 1. They were military officers Of Ji thoughtfulnels. Jeremiah would cups milk, 2. cups codked chicken |and civil officials of high standing. | Dot have to grope about the dark pit (diced), 2 thep. chopped parsiey or) The king; Zodekiah. Let this man be v.12, Put . . . under thine arm- imemnto, . celery salt, salt, pu eath, equ = x , | DT ¥% tsp. princes is intelligible. Thay had heard holes, , Jeremish was not' to by suived Melt the butter and stir in the flour, Jeremiah, while in prison, announce, | ¥ 5 JJ0% 50 y besatiee by that i ison, ann | method he might have fallen, owing Graduslly" add Ided milk, stirring on the authority of God's Spirit, that, ted from } The rope constantly. Cook until thickened, Stir| {1% eh the city was useless) 0% Lo nd his armpits, which in chicken which has been cub init weaken the fighting spirit of the| Yor P pected by the rags, and the cubes, chopped parsley or pimento, garrison So if the city was to be' Tong men above hauled him out of celery /salt, salt and pepper. Cook| defended to the last extremities, the . m until steaming hot. Serve In toast| prophet of disaster must be effectual |p V: 18 In the court™of the prison. dub pressure from shells or pie-crust shells. iy Senost. is in your hand. The king | the princes, Jeremiah was not allowed Pie-Crust Shells. Tod v to go scot free. He was returned to refreshments to their est by delivering ' yo" ¢tormer prison, 87-21. This was ding is attamed by serving front the| Make a short pie-crust, Toil thin and| Jeremiah over i they were, in B® OFNCH DRECD, it ab Roe og table in bullet seis, cut in codon about four inches in| any case, tho proper officals af Justice 20% the Comino" BES JU SE OE wiches of variety, rolls, fruit | diameter. Shape over invented muffin| (26: 10-16). The king, v did | hed to the pa . oy : tins and bake in & moderate oven, | Not explicitly permit to inflict |} 8 ot the ordi criminals, but xjou censn; Sule and Spieed) tea. if rt Moast Shella the death penalty. For the king. . . .| Sb Tor The, OF Oo a reep spe aire, : SEaEt YoU, The I doubt under restraint end observation. been able. But the king does not ap- Application, ia live been & gifcug curate; Joven 2 thie bottom of the Miry e was princes. He | dungeon ; also seems to have had a secret regard for Jeremiah and had consulted him while he was in prison, 87: 17-20. ° on x E V. 6. The princes were afraid to kill Si Saehicued midlabp : Jeremiah , since he was a |Drophet, occasion J on another plan be delighted to light the way of the| golden .| and cast him into a dungeon to die of bride by contributing their choicest : : starvation end vedlect. The dungeon; Hrogh the isepeion, of tom 3 a . : 5 C! candlesticks. fox the evening. .. : Suchos with js Master to luve tia i Ln i 8 : : ih i £3 ben weeks two-pound- ere and i | i 3 ih H §55 iy £¥ if i I g g sf 548 8 t Eg S 8 g § Ei i ils fEhigal Individual Bride's Cakes. One cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 8 . : : Vv. '| cups flour, 4 tsp. baking powder, 1 0 X : and, 'ore, & Negro. cup milk, 8 egg whites, 1 tsp. lemon L i . . all likelihood, the chief of the king's extract, 5 EB '} persons] Sorvasis Ci in charge. of | judicious cere." i remem errs tl 1 hamem. "It is very striking i ; i 4 Cream, . Mix , : 3 atbening grain and grinding it saves butter aud suger, Mix ahd Says Sam: It's better to have father that the only one who intervenes to|to him who understands our Scottish energy and mixing fo a crunibling : 3 and son meetings at the church than save Jeremiah from the terrible death, Sir Walter heard it and, Jo| stage with buttermilk makes it more | ie 4 in the wocdshed. pri i i g it ed, Old Peter to. their liking, and they should be ED '{ = The cheapest and best way to se- he x was preaching better than he knew. indeed to eat just as much as pos- 3 a .. | cure an ample supply of vitamines is : ga : He was preaching when he néver 4 i 2 3 thought to preach. That 4s what all of to use a plentiful supply of vegetables, He 0 I 5 how . 87: 18. us are doing 'constantly, though we milk and 'butter, remembering, "| king there ? were never in a pulpit in our lives. ever, that milk contains vitamines ¢ ; ] Thére are Spurgeons in unlikeliest - just in proportion to the vitamine cou | from the palace, and wi ' his | places--Dr. Parks in the comchman's , of the food that the: cattle are! if cottage--apostlies who are cheering { Three Tier Bride's Cake. i the all the prison, and they never know Use the same recipe as for indi- i 1 that they are doing anything. vidual cakes and bake the mixture in in i ~ HE Ee ie £ & ggss For Home and Country 13! 5 reid frie % , Nothing Too Good for the Boys and. Girls re eh py R. 8. Duncan ; My Plea Sieve we boys and' girls public spirited persons each contribute valuable than all the farms end live The chussss of exhibits at the Firs ; the' Province of Ontario. The! may follows: ity "boys and girls born! 1, Products from home plots from dev oo 2 into | seed distributed, = ! iven a chanoe| 2. Poultry and live stock. = price for good steers in 1920 was 'fio use their energies| 8. Collection of natural objects, $13.62 us against $7.70 this yer; for \ 1 things. | mux mounted weeds and flowers, ! heifers, $12.05 against $7.51; for cows, insects andthe work of $10.75 egainst $6.78; for bulls, $10.55 diseases and insects. against $4.84; for = calves, $1645 ih if s+ Collections of fruit. | against $7.26; for hogs, $20.15 against . Manual trade and "household $18.43; for Jambs, $18.65 against work ;: od $18.56, and for sheep, $1078 axeinnt $650. CL it