{your home? It there ™ you should not be without a box of. Baby's Own all sizes _Banitary supervision and monthly in- spection of all camps, works or prem- ises under his control. After a con- the variety tract is made between an employer| Wes dif! and a physician, the physician may were possi not be dismissed by the employer :_regula- thout the approval of the Provin- h a satel without the wrpreral the chusmcter end abo Owing to the nature of the work, er, to be found. an and consequently | Jumber camps seldom operate continu. ,000 camps which operate| ously for more than two years. In 'consequence it is hoped that within 80} five years all the camps now in opera- tion will either be rebuilt or remodel- Ted to comply with the new standards. The very highest pinnacle in camp Distributing Population. 'Why is China crowded? Her popu- i ation is nearly four times as great I there a bab 'Childhood * ailments" come means should always be! may fight them, Have | Tablets. as that of the United States, says a Philadelphia newspaper. But would this country be ¢rowded if our peo-| ple numbered 400,000,000 ? Surely not, § And China, be it realized, is one-| fourth larger than the United States. Ww Julian Arnold, our commercial at- tache at Pekin, explains the matter by saying that there is really plenty ~, | ofvelbow-room and to spare in China. fa tion and Sidigoation break up colds 'land simple fevers--in fact they re leve all the minor ills of little ones. | Concerning them Mra. Moise Cadotte, :| Makamik, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy in the world for little ones. My baby suffer- o| 8d terribly from indigestion and vom- to their, a oppo tunity to) C0 ting, but the Tablets soon set her right and now she is in perfect health." The Tablets are sold by | medicine dealérs or by mail at 26¢ a box from The Dr. Willams' Medicine Brodiville; Ont. - , have ; the ;machine, your Correct cent are that you will weight. Ti {ore a Vittle on 'the heavy sides Now a gertain amount of fat is use- shocks and The Chinese are crowded because they are huddled together in a comparative-| ly 'small area, leaving vast regions, abounding in rich resources, undevel- oped and sparsely populated. It is! this fact that has created the impres- sion-that the country is over-peopled. The chief reason why the Chinese] are thus crowded is lack of railways and other means of transport and com- manication. Six-sevenths of the popu- lation' of China to-day lives in one- third of its area. There are in that country 2,000,000 square miles of ter- "with an 'average of less than four persons to the square mile. But; China is building railways, and they are altering - this' condition of affairs. The iron horse is opening up Inner | Mongolia, a 'region which until re- : sparsely populated, and t are flocking. thither by toe, | tens' of thousands. . Building of "rail-| | wa 'Manchuria has been followed | he migration of millions from! populated ~ Shantung, who are the Manchutian prov-| n gténary for a Very large! part of Asia. : st strangely situated people, world are. 70,000,000 in West | (embracing the province of ; Shensi; Shansi and Kansu), are' virtually cut" off . from communication with the rest! with oe ws ion, West China cheaiott part f the world tol Wheat costs twenty-five cents | ago my appetite LR to suf-| ble. I felt sick A new method of producing talking films has been tried successfully in a Chicago studio. An actor talked into a wireless tele- phone while. watching his movements in a film on the screen. The film a "master reel," which controlled the Proloction of a number of identical films at various other places. All the films were running at the same moment under a new system of elec- trical timing. At the same time the wireless tele- phone transmitted the actor's voice, and sounds, such as those of revolver shots, bells, and whistles, as they oec- curred in the picture. The inventors predict that the time will come when every picture theatre will be fitted with wireless telephones and electrically-timed films. RLY SRL, Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuralgia There are thoes things That a French housewife takes pride ing up to the highest obit ji bedding, her linen and her saucepans. Every spring, just after houseclean- ing, she replaces all worn-out articles. About one-eighth of an iceberg ap- pears above water. id Ld Blackheads With Cuticura Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water to free the pores of impurities and follow with a gentle application of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal, Cuticura Talons ideal for Powdein and perfum: Y or Sin aig ind 50¢. i 25e. Sold Ford ttheDo ion adian Re rainion Gana Depot: Cuticura EASE url. ) asd ix gets. i is the rise of Foie MONEY. ORDERS. | infon Express Money Order ollars costs thrée cents. potind, a ER Bok hn a pA 3 bs t once for full lars this good T451 pation business, iin a pri Fesant as well as a future. Now the tf to act. ud "DOARSE SALT MN N DISA ALT oh Ae WORKS 0. J. OLIPF TORONTO pr Dog Book on : JRE DISEATS oy NM Free id New York, U.S.A BRINGS HAPPY EASE. Don't Endure Pain. Apply MINARD' S [(TaenT The Remedy Four Grandmother used to get. Bure Relief, On Sale Everywhere. A Good Thing. __Rub it in. it in. FOLLOWED MOTHER'S ADVICE Took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound--Now Enjoys Good Health Kessock, Saskatchéwan--"My mother has fsa Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound - and upon and had some trou bles such as women are apt to have. I have taken Lydia B. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and Lydia B. Pink. ham's Blood Medicine and used the' BSanative Wash. Also Dr. Brown's Capsules and Prescription and'am so much better in every way. I am will | ing for you to use my letter as a | testimonial as I recommend your medicines.""---<Mgrs, IRENE NeLson, Kes i sock, Saskatchewan. When 'backaches and headaches drive out all ambition, when that bearing-down sensation attacks you, when you are nervous and blue, the "one great help for such ailments Is Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com = Sos------------------------------------------------------------ Bayer Tablets of een which contains wy i to : 'physicians-during 23 yews, and proved safe by,