~ more lines of merchandise Botight for Spring ow that we anticipate a quick clean up. Read the early is to got your share, sloeveless ed sleeves. n centre " 8 in pink or blue flowers. 86 inches wide. ~~ Price 25¢ Li Extension Rods 7 19c- * This rod is made with the same interlocking features as the ex] e kind and will 13 the centre. It ex- 24 to 48 inches. B Price each 1 not - tends -- finish. Price 30c Women's Combinations 85¢c Women's in a fine th of at neck and De with dainty lace. Sleeve- less and low cut neck. Women's Bloomers : 50¢ . Women's Bloomers knitted in a fig balbriggan stitch. They ht t from Watson and cut in a roomy Yee. oy splendidly finished. Children's Bloomers 40c¢. 45¢. 50¢ These bloomers are fully as well finished as the womens. They are knitted in a flat bal- briggan stitch. White only. Sizes 18 to 22 40¢; 24 to 28 45c¢; 30 to 34 50¢. Girl's Hysolan Vests This line of girl's vests is ear to year. The vests are the same as we carry from knitted of fine cotton yarn a close rib with short sleeves and round Wn ribbon drawstring. {Sizes 18-22, 25¢. is one of the most popular cars to-day. In Toronto, the DURANT stands third place for the number of cars sold up 'to the present. WHY? Because! : it is economical itis riul cars in Canada quality cotton yarn, mes in black or brown. Sizes 8% to 10. Per Pair 29¢ Black Lisle Hose . 490 4 Women's lisle hose in black only. - Penman maké with fash- ioned leg and seamless | feet. Sizes 84 to 10. Regular gc - Sale rice Pair 49¢ Clearance 0] Silk Hose Several lines of silk hose have sold down to one or two sizes. We have assembled these -into onelot and are clearing them out at this low price. Colors black, white, grey and pink. 7 Boys' Heavy School = Hose, 59¢ This is an extra heavy stocking for boys' wear. Made with double knitted 2/1 ribbed leg and lain feet. Sizes 7% to 10. pe 8bc¢. Sale price 598 Good Value in Shades 89c¢ Window shades made of good quality shade cloth and mounted on spring roller. Size 36 inches by 6 feet. Colors cream or green. Millinery at Half Price _ This is the month for our half yearly ¢learance of trimmed millinery and hat shapes : $2.00 Wa want to sell every hat in the showroom, and to do this we are cutting our regular price in two. This is a golden opportunity to secure a hat to finish the summer. Come early--while the ehoice . lasts. Every Hat-- Half Price! = -. Girl's Gingham Dresses § 95¢ : Girl's Dresses to fit girls from 2 to 6 years. Made of good quality gingham in neat checks of pink; navy or cadet blue trimmed with white, also some plain chambry trimmed with pretty plaid banding. °* Price each 95¢ Child's creepers made from plain chambry with contrasting colors as trim- ming. Sizes 6 months to 2 years. Price $1.26 Girl's Rompers made of heavy cambrice in pretty pin checks of pink or blue. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Price $1.50 Cingham House Dresses These house dresses are made of good quality gingham in neat checks and stripes. They are made up in one piece style with short sleeves, low neck and tied in at waist with streamer of self material. Price $2.00 Dainty Print Dresses $1.75 Women's house dresses made of good quality print in a good choice of patterns, Dresses are made up in one piece model with belt and string ties of same material All sizes. Price $1.76 Price each 89c¢ WOMAN'S PLACE 1S: ¥- IN A HOME THAT HAS THE PROPER. LABOR SAVING DEVICES tre Kpue moka It has been said that "man works from sun to sun, but women's work is never done." That might have been true when it was said, but labor saving devices have banished drugery 'from the home. Call and lot us demonstrate our Kitohen Cabinets as they are a great labor saver to every home as well as a lasting piece of furniture. August Delineator Price 20c Expensive Economy « THOSE who keep their securities and other valuables at home, rather than place them under the protection afforded by our Safety Deposit Boxes, are running great risks of total loss by fire or theft. The annual rental of these boxes is small. . Let us show them to you. "9 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - . $13,000000 PORT PERRY BRANCH, E. B, Walker, Manager, powe It is the easiest car to operate it is the easiest car to ride in And you get the most value for L.M:DE : you money STANDARD GARAGE CO. < 3 DEALERS =X Port Perry -- RRNTURE Bs i | Buy a DURANT and be convinced ( gr EL BE ALLE SEAGRAVE (Late for last week) Ontario : Miss Lilly Blight, Miss Gladys x Bat Mepride and Miss Gertrude Rid- : out, have been visiting Mr. and rs. Blight for a few days. Mr. Henry Lynch has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Midgley. Mr. 'Thompson and family motored to Bolton, on Sunday. Mr. Wes. Frise and family ie Bobeaygon, on Sun-|, ol We glad to see Mrs, 'Sleep ; ilk, again. She has returned to to with her daughter Mrs. mn. Basel and Viola Thompson are Aor wr 'their aunt at Mount Mrs. Geo. Welsh and daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. Abbott. Mrs. Howard MeMillan spent one day last week with her mother, This community was greatly shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Smith, of Mount Albert, who was run over with a car and instant! y killed. She was an old resident of Utica. Master Lorne Beare is spend- ing, his holidays with Mrs. L Wal op: ; Mrs. Edgar Jones and i f Little Britain, visited at Mr. John Jones' last week. Quite a number of the Utica people attended the Epsom pic- nic held in Mr. Frank Hortop's| bush on y afternoon and e. While run- I'll Show You A Silo that will boost your farm earnings My Toronto Silo will put dollars in your pocket. It will boost the vaiue of your farm. Its double -tongued-and- grooved selected Spruce makes the Toronto Silo absolutely air tight, which keeps the ensilage in perfect condition. Its famous Hip Roof allows you to tramp the Ensilage to the top of the staves--and adds great- ly to its appearance. Drop in next time you're in § Wg A » © town and let us talk it over. I have other lines of Toronto Farm Equipment too. Let me show you their dependability and r economy. M. J. STONE Seagrave South Fam to "