OLE VY FOL or BAR Tim 20 SEL 8 and, Ppilances fro; Sot Sata ue, trie Supply Co 00 BY lat Ave, Tor. healthy blood, bone and muscle, purl fies the system and holps you back to normal weight. Get a bottle to-day ho took vis money hama i mes be impounded, took it instead to the she Conny ad. tbdes further use of the pills I felt like UTR anyone e afflicted as I was e Dr. Williams Pink Pills a : Sai got these pills fhorgh any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wiliams! Medicine. Co, Brock- Surrounding od, indeed, permeat- ing the conductor A. B. is the ether. We might imagine this ether to punched, firet. in one direction by the rapid flight of ourrent from A to B, 'and then in the opposite direction by the return of the current to A. As a body of water Is set -rippling when punched with a stick, so we may sup- ne | pose the ether to be set rippling when | punched with electric currents. not be dealt with here. Speaking gen: erally, then, the time of one oscilla- tion of current (A to B and back to A) in a circuit incréases with the electri. 'cal length of the circuit, so if we wish 'to. increase the natural period, we may do 80 by adding wire. Now, the fre- quency of an oscillating current is the number of complete oscillations. which | ocour per second. . "Obviously the Tong- er the wire, the longer 'the natural period and the lower the frequency bs | cause the current oscillations- occupy re- | side. "The wavelength is the leng! which h Fra ons per mile. This is atta: dial 0 taffrafl speed. of the ship, but al has to be mad. for tide and many other considerations. {more time and there are consequently fewer 'per second. Now, let us sup- pose that an oscillation is occurring in A. B. As the current flows from A | to B, the ether is strained in one direc- tion, which direction is reversed when the current flows back to A. Fach complete oscillation, then, strains.the 1d | ether first one way and then the other. | Two such strains produce one the ether, the complete wa: having | a hump and a hollow, like an § on its th of an Imaginary straight lHne joining olu- | the two extréme ends, or if a nuniber of waves follow each other in & group or train, the wavelength is the length 'of an imeginary straight line joining two successive humps or two succes- : hollows, We shall consider wave groups In'a future article, confining our attention for the present to a single wave. © --t ii its formation, "J the teenths 'of all childhood ailments are of clogged bowels and sour stomach. The most necessary and the best medicine for little ones is a 'gentle laxative--something that will relieve constipation; = sweeten the stomach and promote rest and natural sleep. Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. They are a gentle but ef- ficlent laxative; are absolutely guar- _|anteed free from opiates or other.in- Surious drugs and may be given to the with perfect safety. They banish constipation and indiges- tion; bréak up colds and simpls fevers be | 1d £1ve the baby that health and hap- piness which all children should have. They are gold by medi¢ine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Willams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. ¥ nee Wise Sayings. You have no idea how big the other fellow's troubles are. You may give until you are rich and keep until you gre poor. The most troublesome load to carry is a bundle f bad habits, Some people are not llars--they are just economical with the truth. The best dey for doing your best is the one that comes seven times a week. No job should be easy.. No job is easy if you put all your mind and might into it. We seldom forget the favors we be- stow upon others; let us be equally mindful of those we receive. : It is bétter to say a good thing about a bad fellow than to say a bad thing about a good fellow. "Wild oats" take something out of the soil of a man's life that no system of crop rotations can restore. Genius is one part inspiration and | two parts perspiration. It i no good | being clever if you don't work. Humility does not consist in telling our faults, but in bearing to be told of them; in hearing them patiently, and even. thankfully, ' ft It is -@ grander thing to be nobly remembered than to be nobly born. Bombs dropped on London from aircraft during the war averaged less than 100 lbs. in weight. Torpedoes for aerial use are now being made. up| fo .4,000 Ibs. jin weight. | § authorizing him to draw upon the ale- .| almost fill it with water. bank and paid it fn to the credit of | the alehouse proprietor, the bank clerk giving him a number of slips at 30 in house to the extent of the money de- posited, less the usual commission Shaged on. such transactions. = eet Ask for Minard's and take no other, tel rt The World's Cinemas. How many picture theatres are any good druggist. Ry er. Nothing is easier than fault-finding; talent, no self-denial, no' brains, no character are required bo set up the grumbling business. Minard's Liniment for. for Distemper, 'Ponce de Leon might have found She fountain of youth in a milk bot- there in the world? The United Sta e list with 18,000, followed by Germany with 3,781, and Russia with 8,600. Great Britain is fourth with 8,000, The total for Europe is 18,393, the numbers of cinemas in other countries being: France, 2,400; Italy, 2,200; Austria, 800; Belgium, 778; Seandin- avia, 708; Poland, 300; Holland, 227; Hungary, 180; -Bpain, 168; Czecho- Slovakia, 123; Switzerland, 128; Jugo- Blavia; 117; Turkey; 32; and the Bal- kans, 23. The continent of America boasts 20,- 450 movies, those not in the United States being distributed as follows: South America, 1,200; Canada, 760; and Central America, 500. Africa, Asia, and Australia between them have 1,861 cinemas, and the grand total for the world is 47,000. a CS MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion HExpress Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents, rr ie J essen Nail Facts. Finger nails grow faster in summer than in winter. This is only of many curious facts about nails. For instance, the nails a off . This treatment will bised. One bottle will have good Large bot month's treatment, Dept. No, § GOITRE WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIO DISCOVERY For Goitre and Enlargement of {he ral yrold Gland. The onl WAY each the seat of this disease through the blood by taking Cook's Scientific Treatment. purify the ect. tle. containing one price $5.00. BEDELL OHEMICAL 00. 163 Church St., Toronto EIR MACHINERY} OT on your right bend grow fester than those on your left, and no two nails grow at the same speed. 'The average time each nail takes to reach its full length is four and a half months, and at this rate a man of seventy will buve renéwed his halls one hundred and eighty-six times. Taking the length of each nail as half an inch, he will have grown 7 ft. 9in. of nail on each finger, and on all hig fingers and thumbs the total growth will be 77 ft. 6 In. rt " the Yarmoutl Y.M.CA. Boys cam held at Tusket Falls in August, foudd Minard's Liniment most bene- a for sunburn, an immediate rellef for colic and toothache. Alfred Stokes, General Sec'y. You Can See the Earth Cuticura Talcum Is So Refreshing A few grains of this exquisitely scented powder dusted on the skin soothes and cools, and overcomes heavy perspiration, It is an ideal face, skin, baby and Justing powder and takes the place of : ther perfumes for the skin. : 'aleam 25¢. Sold canon. Canada Denat , 344 St. Pac! 15. Moatreal. uticura Soap sha: 'without mug. Move. We all know that the earth moves, but how many of us have actually proved it for ourselves? Such a thing sounds impcseible, but it can be Cone. Take a big bowl or tub, at least'a foot in diameter, and rather deep, and Then place | it on the floor of a quiet room tha' 1s well away from the rumblings cf heavy traffic, and whers it can be left alone for several hours, Sprinkle the surface of the water with ahy fine substance, such as finely- powdered resin, that will float and not be dissolved for a few hours. Then Iny'® rail of coal dust across the re- | sin' °6 straight line from the middle of the bowl to the side; and carry the trail'up over the rim of the bowl, The line of coal dust should be about an y #0 that it can easily be| it for several "hours; and | by any woman, Chie amples VALURS AND samples free--Georgetown 'oollen tite Ont. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WANTED. B Have os Jasu PCH umn aR bP Bttras ts i fall. formation "4 'Wilso 8 Be aaa oe BELTING FOR SE fPHRESIER BELTS AND TION hose, new and used, spipoed subject to approval at lowest nrices: nada. York Belting Co. 115 ork Bt, Toronto, Ont. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF. TORONTO oy 34th 8 ork. Uda WILL ANSWER ANY WOMAN WHO WRITES Montreal Woman Finds Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Montreal, 'Quebec.~~*"I wag 'a suf- ferer for three years, not able to do my 'housework, My husband was discouraged, for I was no better and had had the doctor all this time and nothing helped me. I was always sleepy, had no appetite and suffered with ny left side. My mother in England recommended Lydia RE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound be- cause it had helped my. sister; so-I bave been taking it. I am now able to do my housework and I can not praise your medicine too highly as ~1 have great hopes for the future. I i will tell amyoue who writes to. me what good it has done me."--Mgs. B. Masson, St. Henry P. 0., Montreal. For nearly fifty years Lydia RB. Pinkham"s : Vegetable Compound has béen helping women just as it helped Mrs, Masson; oftentimes after doctors and other medicines failed. If you are suffering from disagree- able symptoms caused by some female weakness, try this splendid medicine. It is a woman's medicine for women's allments, and can be taken in safety RTT UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all yackage" of "Bayer Tablets of otis atid dose worked out by Physicians avin 32 7 jd and ig safe by millions: for