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Port Perry Star, 5 Oct 1922, p. 7

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energy | {7 ARN--WONDERFUL VALUES AND 'Walker, 220 Ye samples oe eon, AND nt, says: s, ont, -- . > *| "BELTING FOR SALE Nervousness and a rundown, tired- : out feeling are but symptoms of a hid- POE ce. Be Ar den cause, which usually les in the | Subfect to Avproval at lo stomach. Taenlac enables you to di- sen foronto. Oat. Sua | : kL gest your food properly, eliminate ort] States, whose Stor le os oie Waate and 'regain' your old.time ? In order » 80 C strength and . Get a bottle t s generations, and those| interwoven with that of Canada. day at I~ 1 igo get rfy COARSE SALT arrive from other countries A -- i emt LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF . TORONTO may be ingfilied Pictures at the Rate of Sandy Scored. Government has under Ctl a compre-| * 92,000 Per Second. A Scotsman and an American were for the marking From an exposure lasting hensive plan : talking together. ros g of those historic land.| Dinutes in the heat of a bright sun to| "In New York," sald the American, taking pictures at the astonishing rate | "we've certainly got a fine lot of young £ of 92,000 per second, is the record of | men." pila 3 + 80 years of accomplishment in the| "Nae doot," sald the Bootsman; "a 'bas n 9 8 Jand science of Photography. lot of oor laddies have been emigrat- - - » ing lately." : > The French selentist who has suo wih J in this connection | ceeded in making pictures at the rate |. no American frowned and was . Dos Book on DOG DISEASES How to W aflog Free to oe of 92,000 in a second, secures the strip of. film to the inner rim of a drum about 3 feet in diameter, in the centre of which is a prism mounted directly hehind a high-speed lens. The thoughtful for a time; then he said in sarcastic tones, "George Washington was no Scotsman, and he coulin't tell a lle" "Ou, aye," retorted the other, "a Scotsman could, but he wouldnt." M any Ade ar % the Author. =. lover Ino, 129 West 34th t New York, U. prism is made to rotate so as to throw a beam of light, coming through the YC , which were erected in 1780, lens, successively 'on different points| I lke to see a man proud of the operated until 1880, under both! of the stationary film. The small mo- | place in which he lives. I like to see § English regimes. In their, tor, mounted on the back of tne can-|® man live so that his place will be 1 era, 80 as to turn the prism at 160 re. | proud of him.--Abraham Lincoln. volutions per second, also runs a com- Rural Route No. 1, Mascouche, Quebec, mutator device that causes the sparks | The Minard's Liniment People, « Birs--1 feel that I should be doing a to be made in tep with the turning of g 9 it % E wrong if I neglected to write you. the prism. In order to produce sparks | have had four tumors growing yo my head for years. I had them cut off by a of high intensity at regular intervals surgeon about fifteen years ago but they of short duration, & high-frequency grew again til about three months ago one arge and sha) ° a generator with a powerful induction 1a thimble, ol Ce very place where 1 an omen Son and a ade Wa a A ath, dd was) : t Settlement in Canada. |9f. A large lens is made to focus the | Felting so embarrassing in public that| skh good. TY Gbjec io be Photographed won the TE nr hin Tat, Boll oASOEE prominent place in the Public Health| ls th o earlie lena of the camers, 30 as to obtain the | HIUAINS, FEC ANCA UTERO ANA Sate, OF | Curriculum. nh maximum effect from the light value ¥ ki it for axaoly HY umpu ha: | of the spark. It is arranged so that t 23th ¢ | re y re- the action of the object to be photo- fore a they es Dean SUL fifteen | I Every Woman's Wish-- 3 k 1 , graphed will control the starting and | F008, CF Teqiy waked for this testimontal dO i Snow, becaute the and yoy sen Las iLEL You Mull con : time required for the complete film of nT ROBINSON. plotures is so small, when compared | sinard's Lintment on a mare for §| Read Mrs. Cassady's with the utmost rapidity of any bum. | strained tendon, and am Hoping for some E * Paris, Ontario.--"For five years I suffered with pains in my back and from other troubles women often have. All of this time I ts. RED an agency. results was unfit for work Golden Girdle for the Earth. If gold were as common as copper, tin, or even silver, it would be of| great use commercially, for it pos sesses amazing properties in compari fe son with other metals. $2 te All theStrength That Rich,| It is Sxtiaoiipasily dyetile. Iron} Co a ACL cannot rawn into very thin wire Red Blood Can. Give Them. because, when a certain smallness is oi reached, it is so fragile that ig workable, Copper wire can he made Jory little thicker than a human hair, | ™ ut gold surpasses this easily. A eT. a th. single grain of gold can be drawn nto aL 0 hi a wire 500ft. in length; an ounce handicap toc 1081 0 ip osers and would make forty-eight miles, whilst happiness. ] 5000z. would be sufficient to make a i Photographing the flight of a bullet, and the wing motions of birds and '| files, as well as other rapidly moving objects, and afterward studying these actions by slow-motion apparatus, is the interesting possibility. this new camera suggests. LE a B.-Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and Tull growth, strong. nerves. a)... "wus sor the: earth? 'and good digestion. In a blood 'is the foundation of © The signs of weak, watery blood nmistakable. The pale, irritable 'girl or boy, who has no appetite or mbition, is always tired out, short of breath and does not grow strong, is a vietim f anaemia---the greatest en- 3 youth. = There .is just one { to do for these girls and boys-- build up the blood with Dr. Williams' You can't afford to experi- her. remedies, for there guess work 'in the treat- emia. Dr Williams' Pink Gold can be beaten out into sheets of wonderful thinness. One grain will k meke-a sheet of gold leat measuring 7in, by 8in. with a thickness of abou 1-350,000th of an inch. A pile of a m lon of these sheets would be no high-. er than an ordinary tea cup, 'The latest wonder of gold working was achdeved a few weeks ago, when gold 'sheets were made so thin that they were actually transparent! = Plates of copper wire immersed in an electric bath and plated with gold until the yellow color was just visible, Then they were removed and. put into in Every Hen New System of Poultry Keeping--Get Dollar a Dozen Eggs--Famous Poul- tryman TELLS HOW "The great trouble with the poultry business has always been that fe lay- ing life of a hen was too short," says Henry Trafford, International Poultry Expert and Breeder, for nedrly eighteen years Editor of Poultry Success. ' ' The average pullet lays 150 eggs. If «| kept the 'second year, she may lay 100 more, Then, she goes to market. Yet, ;it has been scien lly established that | eV .pullet is born or hatehed with g the over one thousand minute gg germs, in 1000 Eggs { : : > : | lithe rtisment, in Skin Beauty | By Cuticura Bathe with Cuticura Soap to cleanse and purify the pores, If signs of pimples, redness or roughness are present smear gently with Cuticura Ointment before bathing. Finally dust on a few grains of the exqui- have taken it faith- 3 fully, I am now in good Health and do all my own work. I recommend it to others and give you permission .to publish this letter "dn your little books and in the news- papers. ag a testimonfal."--Mzs, 1% Cassapy, Box 461, Paris, Ontario. This medicine which' helped Mrs. Cassady so much is worthy of your confidence. If you are troubled with such ailments as displacements, in- flammation, irregularities, or other forms of female weakness you should | glve it a trial now, Lydia B. Pinkham's Private Text- Book upon '"Allments Peculiar to { Women" will be sent to you free nitric acid, which, after a few days, ; . gitely perfumed Cuticura Talcum. act directly on the blood, giving dissolved the copper and left a film 5 | upon request. Write to The Lydia BE. four to six years' time If given proper 56: Oistment 28 andSte. I aad " Pinkham Medicine Co.,, Lynn, Mass, Limited, 344 St. Paul St, W. This book contains valuable infor- urs Soap shaves without mug. : | her system--and will lay them o ms of IT book possession | Daten, ane basis over eri a t tn ry of gold so thin that it floated upon the ie. region in the name' BO RR Ah EY eo maps " surface of the liquid. e : 4 aod Yo is the famous How to work to get 1,000 eggs from + Kinch, Hepworth, Ont. tells ; frit, ARV A 2 These sheets were a | every hen; how to get Fillets laying 1 1 ¥ i In thicknes Ten the Temrly; how to m hens lay lke n ts; how to keep up heavy egg pro- sand Id have to be | tT t posts erect- | duction all through cold winter 1 on ah ia Tod o av: Si "eggs are highest; triple efg pro- Mm) me yon aupilor to be us thick ana. iq : and, fon make Slacker Rens Histle; 5:00 ; page of : Com-! pro rom every hen in six wint 1 ; J ne : hn | pany A * Months. These and many other money : . F 5 making poultry secrets are contatned in ¢ Fort Mr. Trafford's "1,000 EGG HEN" system Hod i 4 Iz oi, ich 3 x 0 an N % colony reader of this paper who keeps six hens a aileta! 1 Av blag dots ie gamenn: | Eee eae A Sh RS OE, Ler i : more & . . This means was no © 0} should fear no earthly soil ved, big profit to the poultry Keeper who &ets s advised to. sive If 80 be my soul is sien, n the site ne ; ands the « : the eg Mr. Traffor jobs ow, it vou ! Purity. -- k med 1¢ 1 stain my hands with tofl w ) chickens and want t 0 make yy for you, cut out this ad and send | i to Henry uite 630P, Herald Bldg., Bing- ton, N. Y. and a free copy of UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you E Line mad ilk Ee a ~~ are not getting Aspirin at all ig © : 2. ~ Water Piped Eight Miles. ) Pug ter is piped a distance of eight : j Tw the Arizona desert to. b oasis where some mining

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