enough for the 'enough for the i hal be light in wei ight that it y be econimical in Slit, thas 1 by the best workmen money can Biro. after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise, But it shall be so low in price that the man of moderate means may the blessings of happy hours spent in God's great open spaces." Behind every Freat undertaking iva great id of great and 5 re aspirations. At the time en the Ford Motor Co. was or- ganized, Henry Ford expressed his aspirations in this statement. The degree in which this ideal has been realized is measured in the world- wide popularity of the Ford Motor Car--the latest Price reduction on which has gost been put into effect--thus fulfilling Mr. Ford's ideal of building a car for the multitude. New Ford Prices Old Prices Reduction New Prices CHASSIS - $445.00 $60.00 $395 00 RUNABOUT ~ +$495.00 $40,00 $456.00 TOURING $535.00 $40.00 $495.00 ; TRUCK CHASSIS $575.00 $30.00 $545.00 YEE The above models equipped with electric lighting and starting $85 extra. LIE COUPE $840.00 $60.00 $780.00 LOE : SEDAN $930. 00 $60.00 $870.00 b The above models are full equipped with electric lighting and ing sy All prices are F. o. B. Ford, Ontario McKEE & HOOD oH LOCAL DEALERS PORT PERRY "| WILL, build a maior Gar for I the multitude. JE : ; ed 1 to easily operate and care individna) : It ill be built of honest materials, Girls' and Misse Jush Hats, in a gdod v iety own one, and enjoy with his family Men's Medium Weight 'Underwear 1 tor or ay rl Fall, Wade of {avd a lity Men's Grey All Wool Sox, 30c. pair, 3 pairs for mo 100 Pairs Men's Shoes in a variety of styles. Colors black " chocolate. These - : close prises. Colors brown, fa fa nds | navy, o union yarn, in natural shade, Special Sale of Travellers' Samples of Boots and" Shoes at Greatly Reduced Prices. : shoes are worth from $6.00 to $10.00 a pair, - Sizes 6, 63, 7, 74 and 8, To clear at $4.95 pair. Every frock you: make. ton, high or low heels, Sizes 24, 3, 3} and 4. 50 Pairs Women's 8 Shoes in dogo: calf and ain leather. Colors black or tan. Sint 2 Look for | and 5 oly. These make good, eve The BELROBE shoes. oh r from $4.00 to $5. Sale price with every new De- 50 Pairs Boy' 8 Fine and Heavy Shoes a or school or heavy wear. Size 4 on eg. signer Pattern. It will prices $4 to $5. orclear at $3.50 pair. ; save you 50c to $10 on 30 Pairs Women's Do la Shoes in Jace or but- Values up to $5 pair. Sale price $i. 75 pair. j Let Us Fix Up 3 : your old fashioned f PLUMBING Household Requirements of all kinds--Kitchen Utensils, Labor Saving Devices, Paints, Varnish, and any of the hundred ; and one things you need daily about the house. 5. A few new Fixtures and Bath Every corner of the ro . . . : e he y a Happy .. iP Room Trimmings will greatly || Beeler = improve the appearance and : : value of your home. re, he Carnegie Hardware Co. ERERERNAN "The Tore 0 § QUALITY F URNITURE § As we are moving our en- lation or we will inevitably lose ground. : yOI1's | In November we are to be the hosts of the World Prokibition Range is always dependable. than 2 Happy Thought ee i ome. better oF ae your What do you thi of ways, profited by prohibition. What investment: did 0 ( citizens-ever make comparable in profits to the money pu Pro hibition work? . . he Alliance asks for an annual income less than one one per cent. upon the net amount saved by i might be called simply an insurance premium to position and i profite Through work in connection' with, and following the F "{ferendum Campaign of 1919, the Alliance incurred an in ebtedne of over fifteen thousand dollars. Apart from that, it has more Wang broken even financially in its forty-five years of operation. A Special Relief Fund Committee was formed to get under 1920 deficit, and, I am glad to say, has turned over to re Alliai for that purpose oversix thousand dollars. This has helped greatly. It has not entirely removed the handicap or away the dif culty under which we are laboring. * Work is thronging upon us. Every mi o2in; requests help: assistance regarding law enforcement rmation about law; facts regarding the working of prohibition: 'applications aid of one kind or another. ' We must keep our -our propaganda; mu maintain organization; must get after the Legislature for impro ment tothe law, and the Dominion Parliament for further legi Convention, the greatest temperance gathering ever held. 'T nations of the World, particularly 'Britain & and our sister Domini lightened ene look to Canada for leadership and are studying the. results of 0 Ranges be. Ba are great achievement, i ; : Yet, to-day, the organization that for fo Jorty. -five'y appy Thought flag flying, planned the the fampalens, led ight; storm sunshine; report ill, hd everlasting] For forty years Canadian women ; ay Loon and II ke "gaining th.s stupe using Happy Thought ous good and is ba With 4 heroism in the his Ranges ote The Sasisiectony of we moral Leforn to hold the ground won and to make further with i heat--the large cook. Frankly, frie nds, § this fair? Ha jith its even large Beet the | 2, e is ve we not a right to The liberal ipport of gery temperance sympat me ask you plainly: How m hibition i) nk to Mahiihln 1? Are yi