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Port Perry Star, 2 Nov 1922, p. 6

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BLUE WATER A TALE OF THE DEEP SEA FISHERMEN BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACH Copyright by the Musson Book Company CHAPTER XIII.--(Cont'd.) When they emerged on deck--each man a living paradox of the efficacy of the Prohibition Laws of the State' of Maine--Frank bulied them into © warping 'the schooner down tongue of the wharf, and sulleniy Huy Fyenchmar's opinion of Carrie Dex- Jaid hold of the hawsers snd Ww: ber. thaver "was _ the schooner down the dock. A aleet He se Hn jol with all tow-boat puffed up, and the man in the stre \ her pilot-house hailed, "Give ye a Phe ie had proved f He outside? Only three ' dollars, Cap!" keep his "Naw!" growled Frank. "Bt {on couldn't git out o' this He had been a fool, he sympathy. Sym that, but he nese: now! 1 don't rank, ye t' scrape th' paint off my vessel's top-sides with yer ol' steam-pot!" The tow-boat skipper gave a sar- havi dory-mate did ving been so free with wipe for his jaw." And Wilh, some some Jules ould be sure to sicuiful; work on bis part be turned 'and sym; y of the kind he his tug short around e. pd majaked to; no Sve kip Kindelin a bang with his the "Poor fellow! rn as rred he 1 told you sol" end he was about to say Something he replied there was an aggressive, resentful ring in his voice. juatas for SR an instant end he let th "Suppose you mind your own busi- They hoisted the four Mwers and 1 ness, Jules, an' I'll mind mine}" -- out through the Peak's Island! The Frenchman's swarthy face red- channel, and ae soon es the sails were dened. "All right, sir!" te said quiet- jigged and sheeted to the skipper's ly, and walked away for'ard. critical satisfaction the gang hove hove the! Frank regmetted answer almost coiled halliards over the pins and ro- as soon as he had said it, but the tired below to their bunks again: liquor he had consumed and 'the Frank at the wheel and Jules dears: of Spite, injured pride, and unrequitted | ing up the gear were the only. two on e which possessed his brain! deck when the eshooner passed out by swamped his betber nature under, and Cape Elizabeth, and when the ty he came to look upon Jule's enquiries came eft bo spoke. .'Nother hard 25 an impertinent interferemee into his tam, Frankee - 'Spose we steer de fairs. Joye! aif a all night, you'n me.' en Ram a ee oy an wi: hell o -shope-wit givpony- the tect The SET an westerly wiw'---" Tunch ia litt to [the ising' a sea. It 4 blow- The sicipy inter rapted him' with'a™ grunt. "I don't care two pins whether Tg & sou'-west nest gale, but he's schooner, they come-wp-for: (ein watches or not: ul befond. it; did. not feal .the Thar's a good brecze a-blawin' ah', Ill real we othe RiRede, yntil they scher them all up aforé I'm through." e day was sun- The. bi A cnt Boe By eh end gazed furtively at the young En 3 cle under the per, "who, dressed: fod £07 shore waster tHe sea was od with collar, tie, and Day bat ade SEPP coesta. 3 Sich on the wheel-box @nd bo x SRL tits fe was flu ya " betel) is look in his -blue eyes--an expres- Sunshine, blue gky, clouds, sion which Jleo did not tke to ses. {und a rip-roaring breeze. The sea-- "Ee--ah---~what's de matter wit' yr dis mornin', Frankee?" = asked nth skies and stim fo other after a pauss. ie ep Frank looked up 'and laughad in an | the asare o the. firmament above, and absent manner, It was ATOR OF ThE the great undufations reared their strident ich = dent, laughs which had jarred on a] ich Slamed ovanes® the Frenchman's ear earlier i the © day. "Matter?" reiterated Shorty, Pon and curling, broke te tons of y, nawthin's th' matter. seething foam, which ghowed demiliag Na White against the background of {ie ocean. The sprays, torn =x ) saved with o baitkrife the lick of hh the bait-toard be- and cut a {1h Weta, red like myriad dia. | fled hyn wah ri Fra s pre-ent state in the solar effudgence. and Monde, acress the deck of the plung- ing sohooner like fine rain until every- thing dripped water. of mind was one which resented sym- pathy--Jules could see that in 'his eyes. "Dat Dexter girl?" bagon: he. "Aye? That Dexter girl? What The little vessel herself became as about her?" a creature of the sea, She leaped the The Price Tag el The price tag on ad on Ynshrink- able UnderwegdiPoffers you the best chaos | "She play aT trick on you? She is in one of to the moment come @& recollection of the ed upon life thro sensitive. a reflection of the war in his soul: nature, and wheel!" he growled wished ing over the les we himself and obeyed, while the other dropped brood over them alone. He wanted no into the cabin. a tug I'd give up fishin', Sheer off 1: 1. "0 "No, not even Jules, and miscellaneous heaps of when he thought over what his old tered about, and' the snoring now about his affairs in the bunks--Wiesthaver rr J 10 tek], {he mentally castigated himself for ing of disgust. No, thi 3 with his confi- the dogs! Too much Portland dences. Jules had listened to his rap- them, and if Give him 8 turous ambitions and his hopes and oblivion to torment of mind, well: I willful men abhor-----that of a het prod variety, was what he feared that his' saw what he had been doing, and he bawled Shorty,' friend would give utterance to: When was troubled. drinkin' As she shoulders and tosses the brine. "Ant with the 'glory of it wll the! ! supreme freedom and grandeur of lovetiost and E ou ont dant, and to his memory at that n beauty in the day--a man who look ugh dark glasses and felt in the tumult of wind Sy sea but "Lay aft here, Jules, an' take to the figure lean~ dories. The Frenchman d bellow a Glancing amound oe dirt-littered oor--the broken b oltie Yom, tie were They had if drink could ng to wary Fympatiise there were some uses for drink. Bo reasoned, and, proceeding to his' uced a bottle and drank, When he came on deck later Jules "You been Frenkee," he said with something oach in the tone of his voice. H Waal; what ef I have?" the other. The big Frenchman took no notice, but continued as if he had not heard. iki you put de log over now?" hei? said. "Dere's Monhegan astern." "Ti Put it over when I'm ready," the ski] lounging | against the house and looking at the tossing wal Jules took no notice again. "Ain't you goin' to set de course, th board of the cabin" compaion-way,| | "Calflate it dont iin bx ge wo nd axwmer the ether, puffed up with a ee Led, "Git away an' Jeay lot mi po Ra Jules fo omen Ros iris 'Raisins, Rilo wd " Sopa iron, will put the pep into you 3 ir that makes winning plays. Use vim | : like it in your business, too. Been: sm SO -- One hundred and forty-five cal- ness of the blow, es ories of energiz ergizing nutriment in every 3 : his heels : fished up against the ik little five-cent red box that you see. . | and he fell head first down the brass: steps. | ow maybe yell mind own business!" And RF cotnaver En | ripper Suber, va red | almost immediately. | iron also. i tha Schooner on her ing his N hungry, lazy, tired or faint. In, his fall Jules had struck his head re of the ot fof a they pick you up and set. you on your Dimte he lay helf-stunned." Then he toes. up and sat down upon & locker _- , until a trickle of blood ran i SR a Gren : ' "the " Between - Meal" ~ i] Raisins at 6c Everywhere Tn ant ve w® | | | | AL a 1 hha bon A "There aré séveral mines in the Yaka UNITED STATES DOCTOR MAKES STARTLING OFFER Will Send anddome Bp Spectacles on Trial to Anyome. Everyone who wears glasses or suffers from. eye strain will be Inters ted in the enfarkable offer of Dr. Ritholz, famous Chlcago eye strain speclalist, to send & pair 3% his handsome; Sxura, large size 'True Vision' Tortoise Shell Spec- tacles Free on trial, to any ots of this pap per who writes him, addressing his Canadian Office, "Dept. C-85, P.O. Box 2301 Winnipeg, Manitoba. These Aplendld Glasses will enable anyone to read the smallest print, thr the finest needle, ies far or near, and prevent eyestrain These § are sald equal to any sold at retall at from 2. "00 to $156.00 a r, are very hand- some. In appearance and will last a life- time. They are very becoming and your friends are sure to compliment you on your improved appearance. Don't send any money. Simply your name, address, and age, and state the length of time you have worn glasses (if any). He will send the glasses at once by Prepaid Parcel Post, for you to wear, examine and ins f for {Sayan your own home, absolutely free f you are satis- ifn every way and want to keep you are thén to pay the small charge of $4.49, otherwise return the glasses and you are out nothing. 1f accept his offer at once, he will enc Fone tho glasses in beautiful velveteen- ined, leatherette. springback, pocket. book, gold-lettered Spectacle Case, which is to be yours, free of all cost. ' Prev -- A Prescription for Long Life. The gathering cf centenarians which took place tue other day recalled the case of the eminent German physician, Dr. Fischweller, who died recently at the age of 109. He often declared that he possessed an infallible rule for s& curing longevity, which he would re- veal to the world in his will. Upon his death, then, this formula was die closed: "Put your bed, orienting it by means of a compass, 80 that you will have 39 them, horizontal position. closed fists." This is the whole sodreh. This pesi- tion, it is asserted, brings the body in communication with the great tel lurian currents coming from the north the' your head placed north, and lie in a i "solidly V and insures an extremely happy blood | Music; Education'and i his What 13 music education? It is easy to describe what it has been to a large degree in the past.' Too often At has consisted in taking lessons and after many holirs' of painful effort and practice the pupil achieves the doubt-| ful goal of beifig 'able to play a few pleces obsthe piano or sing a few | §| F songs or talk intelligently about. Bach & | Superior copper district nearly 5,000 What i a, or Beethovefi. To-dgy, However, we ow that ne he : ! first and allimpoftant fhifig Ia' pe education i§ learning to listen. Fo "REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM. ; generations past music educators have been putting the cart before-the horse and heve stressed performance "and totally neglected hearing: .° Of real musical feeling, of the ability to har- Dobson's New Life Remedy. { monize a simple melody, of the joy of {: 'i Dear Bir:--It affords me more" real self-expression through music, | than meré pleasure to' add my hardly a fragment 'ean be discovered.| testimony to the many 1 4m sure For this feason the world is full of so-| you already have as to the merits called artists who can play a Liszt| of your New Life medicine for Concerto but cannét pick out a folk | sclatica and rieumatisw. 1 was'a song by ear, who have the technical great sufferer fora long time with facility of a mechanical instrument,| sclatica; and 'hearing of your buf ery out in dismay if requestdd to medicine, I procured two bottles, harmonize or transpose: the simplest which cyred me completely, at tune. least one year ago, and have nev: The latest word In" music education | er been troubled since. is that performance is not the first Trusting your medigite will be! but, rather, the last ssep. Listening | come universally known and cure, must precede performance. Music edu-| 8 1 believe it 'will, all sufferers cation no longer means pumping some. | Who take it. x 5 thing known a8 & system or a method Tam yours very truly, into a pupil from the outside, but it B. SMITH. means developing the latent music | One bottlé for One Dollar. ~ Bix bottles which is already there. It means self- exPression, not a parrot-like Imitation or a techical achievement, Musto should mean health, Joy, growth and ee gl Too often in late From i ALL res VARIOUS FORMS, Testimonial. "Dundas Street, Toronto. wi with "every chance in the | -- the clock and avoid | 2 % Comes from fruit sugar in prac- tically predigested form--Ilevulose, the scientists call it=--so it Try these little raisins when you're Little Sun-Maids Had Your, for Five Dollars, from your nearest oe to work ich in food- See how [ "Grave 'Humor. In the iceriote: 7 ut South Pethlehent, | Betis; vapl J He toldwirg gikn ape Ly : ors are prep hited fro ; 5 ie flowers from any ut the vest! F Minard's Liniment for ro i; Etc. TEE (Pishes' pers sre beautifully. £ pA 'pedri-like substance) A He clog to the brajn SRT Stn. 5 OF eXpress- s manill Tp ng Parker service Fight wv N) your home. i i Whatever you sod whether it be suits, coats, dresses, lace curtains, i {apes estry draperies, ste ste. willbe ully - cleaned. by Process "turned. =. We way on 'Write tor tall eticslarn. ve apilage' 'one, 1 orders, a

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