is Gauntlet is gmsds of fine . ques of | cloth and comes in sand color only. It has brown silk by belt at wrist, piped with brown. le iy with fawn chamoisette. 5 Price $1 50 Cuff Chamoisette Gloves 3%. | "We have a few dozen pairs of chamoi- sette gloves in, black _or white only. ~ These will make a good driving glove and are of French and Japanese manu- facture. : Price to Clear 39¢c. Sizes 5%, 5% and 6. We have about two dozerrpairs of kid gloves in small sizes," English and French makes, worth $2.00 and over. Colors black, "Tayy, grey and browa, Price to clear pair 95¢. "EF. W. "cINTYRE "r= | 34. Try us for Fine Confectionery, Home- _ made Cooking, 'Cigars, IA 0 We serve meals at all hours. J. Ashton, Proprietor W. E. HARRISON Blong Block Port Perry is prepared to dé all kinds of Harness Reparing and has for sale Harness Sweat Pads Auto Rugs and Travelling Bags SEBERT HOUSE A E. Rogerson, Prop. 4000 MODERN SERVICE You can recommend the Sebert House to . your" friends. We know we can please you in hotel accom- modation. i t," Plain: - 3 ut, Starter a Rims... g, plains... J Eh Se Toate, Starter and Demountable Rims , Starter and Demountable Rims Starter and Demountable Rims n Wag taterind Demountable Rims 844 4 » 4 L 4 L 4 4 i p 4 > 4 RS > A 4 4 E 4 4 L 4 4 R < 4 4 " " 4 4 4 » 4 4 "4 4 2 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A E 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 E 4 4 EBA AS ese hos sess sossssssstsssRSASSSSNRRNS 00000 NRM RS BOS points on back and is fastened | Fine. Kid Glovesin Small | The Restaurant | . | ter Leon, Fin ine , Ribbed Cashinerc Hose "We are showing a full range of sizes in our "Little Nell" Cashmere Hose. These are made of pure cashmere yarn in | I a 1/1rib. The colors are white, black, tan or cardinal, and | ¢ the different sizes are sold at the following prices : Baby's Hose Girls' Hose Coat, 8536 Butterick Hat 8593 Patterns For Older Girls Fine ribbed cashmere hose Fine ribbed cashmere hose Fine ribbed cashmere hose | in white, blac | nal. Sizes 4 tid 4}. Per pair 39c. cardinal: 6. Per pair 60c or cardi-|in black, white, tan or|in black, white, tan o Sizes '5,. 5% and | cardinal. 74, 8, 8%. Per pair Sizes. 6, 63, 7, 5c. Women's Cazhiiers Finished Hose knitted with a plain cashmere finish. These are in black and cream only, and the sizes are 9, 915 and 10. | We are clearing out our range of heavy cotton hose | | | | Clearing Price per pair 59c. Night Classes at Oshawa Some 120 students have been enrolled in the industrial classes conducted at night in Oshawa. The record is less than last year so far. The subjects taught are as follows: Mechanical Drawing and Shop Mathmetics; Motor Mechanics Book-keeping and Ac- pra: ry a a inde metic and English; English for Beginners Drcesmaking; 'Short- hand and i Tred og SE UTICA Mrs. Wright Crozier, of Port Perry, was visiting with Mrs. Alf Clark for a few days last week. Mrs. James E. Mitchell and Mrs. Giebner spent a few days in the city this week. Miss Phenie Jones has return- ed home after spending a few days with relatives in Ashburn. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. L. Dn. Christie. Mr. Issac Waldon left on Fri- day to go deer hunting in the ndrth country. Mrs. T. Gibson and daughter Elsie, of Utica, visited with Mrs. Ned Barrett on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Curie," of Mount Albert, visited with Mr. George Kerrys on Sunday, Miss Elda Christie and girl fiend, of Toronto visited with Mr. L. D. Christie, ovér the holi- day. = Mr. and Mrs. Lazenby, daugh- and Mrs. Beech, of Siloam, visited with 'Mr.' Wm Rusnell on Tuesday last. Mr, and Mrs. Wm Rusdell, and son Wilbur, visited swith Mr. Crozier on Sunday. 'Mr. Edward Manuel, of Osh- awa; was home over the holiday. A meeting. will be held on Thursday evening in the base- ment of the Methodist Church to arrange-about a Christmas tree. Mr. Frank Manuel is spending erfow weeks | in'St. Thomas. F. Wm. Weldon, Lindsay," Samuel November Delineator Price 20c ) If the Way Ls Long cr the Time Short YOUR. banking can be done by mail if it is inconvenient for vou to come to our office. Deposits will be acknowled tances made to you PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND or remit: 4d mm THE, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE $15,000,000 $15,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH, E. B. Walker, Manager. Re _ ,. SONYA The bazaar and concert held in the church on Friday evening was a decided success. Among those who spent the week-end here were: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Watson, Toronto, with Mr. T. D. Clarkson; Miss Ger- trude Munro at her home ; Miss Clara McLean, Toronto, at Mrs. Jas. Murray; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Monet, Toronto, with Mr. N Dure; Miss W. Gibson at her home; Misses Vera Somerville and Violet Taylor, Toronto, with Mr. J, S. McFarlane; Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Lindsay, with Mrs, John McKinnon; Mr. Chas. Mc Kague, Toronto, with Mr. Donald McKinnon; Misses Thelma and Myrtle Cookman at their home; Messrs. Martin McTaggart and Dun. Cameron at home; Messrs. Gortell and: Aylmer \Hodgins, Oakwood, with frien ere ; Miss: Hilda, Squires with Miss Alice Luney; Mr. gd Mrs. G. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith, at Mr. James Ferguson's; Mr. Boyce at Mrs. James Murray's; Mrs. .J. McFarlane, Port Perry, Mrs. Somerville, Toronto, Mr. A. Mc- [arlane, Brighton, and Mr. Jas. Paton, Toronto, and Miss Cle ema McTaggart spent Sunday at S. McFarlane's. : _A number from here attended | the Seening service af Seagrave 3 fittingly celebrated in the form of a wedding supper held at their home on Nov. 3rd. The evening was one of rejoic- ing and happy reunion of friends of the bride and groom of twenty five years ago. Among those present to join in the festivities were:--Mrs. J. Milner, who acted as bridesmaid at their wedding, and also Mr. Silas Reynolds who acted as best man on that happy occasion. Oshawa was represented y Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wilson, Mr and Mrs. N. Thickson, Mw a ¢ Geo. Stephenson and Mrs, C. A. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. A. Snyder of Toronto, were also present. As well as many friends and re- latives nearer home. In the course of the evening: the gathering enjoyed a mock shiver-ee which was staged iv a few "playful members of the party. A jolly evening was re- ported by all. 4 MANCHESTER The Thanksgiving services and entertainment at Manchester were a decided success. On Sun- day afternoon and evening a fuil house greeted the speaker Rev. Ha Stainton who delivered two very splendid orations. On Mon- day despite theinclemency of the weather, a large crowd g to $o partake of a Supa s supper as t ano 2 Ps Sa pr Manch pro iE ~ Great praise is due our Osha d ia friends who. provided the "gram, w 'began-at'8 panties two and