The Last Reduction of $50 on Ford Touring Cars establishes a new low level Just how long these cars will It has been never before reached. remain at this low price is 'a conjecture. Pe into effect by the Ford Motor Company imited, in response to the demand of those who want a car NOW at the very lowest possible price. - materials is increasing and if there are not a sufficient number who take be witha of it to purchase: NOW the price will have to be withdrawn. New Prices on all Models : Truck Chassis $495 's34s $405 $4456 Chassis - - Runabout = Touring - - Coupe - Sedan = The above prices are F.O.B. Ford, Ontario. Starting and electric Tighting on On Coupe and Sedan, starting and electric lighting are standard equipment. Chassis, Runabout, Touring, Truck Chassis, $85 extra. ny McKEE & HOOD PORT PERRY LOCAL DEALERS ~ Electric Supplies Toasters, Heaters, Irons, Lamps; etc. Tell us your needs, we will supply you We carry a First-Class Stock of Hardware of all kinds ~~ We appreciate your business and 'guarantee every article that we sell to beexactly as represented. ¢ You take no chances; ' We have in stock No. 9 Wov Wire in 8 and 9 stran Fence Carnegie Hardware Co. Death's, Call Comes to Nelson Mitchell ve, 'on the 21st of EY mo! Br Mr. N. Mitchell. tchell was E: ant Li Victoria County. he spent his boyhood LY a Lig going to Michigan, he en e lumber e later returned to entered When you u. require Printing give the Star a trial Prices, Hight, ho; that his great. hoped win Eo Be 8 the battle" he| Grit was waging. about ten weeks before his Je a on Teh k rave, but 1t was no! 80 a Go Here Ho passe of Canada, "Cost of $696 $785 ea tton sleeve He in $1 B fE Twill 38 he 'wide jeces of Empire inches wide, abbon P Would make good quilt jining Special price Eu 'Shaker Flannel Striped Shaker Flannel; in light dnd dark colors 28 inches wide, regular 22c yard. Special 18e. ~~ Men's Trousers Well tailored from select materials, suitable for. winter wedr, made of heavy materials. Colors brown and grey. Specially priced at $3. 50. * Seamless Tapestry Rugs Suitable for small rooms. Sizes 2} x 3 yards, Regular, $18.00. " For $14.50 All Wool Tricotine For skirts and dresses this is one of the most opular cloths. It is 54 inches wide and comes in Black, brown and navy: - Price per yard $2. 50 an DON'T HAVE TO SAVE UP" BEFORE YOU CAN BUY REAL COMFORT | ! No you don't have to save up before ou can furnish your home with i an can place the desired necessities at' once and pay for them while Jou ay are enjoying them if you take advantage of the it we will cheaply grieng | to you. Why not'have a chat with us | abou Don't forget our new store one door West of Archer's Hardware ~~ JA.L. MEDERMOTT Rev. H. S. Cobb. B. A.B. D. Griffin, Sask., a sister, Mrs. W. brothers, Reuben, of Michigan, and Albert, of Viale from Toronto to | Califo This. was /paitioular] Point Cemetery on Sti sy a on 'Rogers, of Seagrave, and vo : Sellery--Hisoox - | Ruddy's Lunch' Ruddy' s Lunch will be attrac- tvs! vsly 4 kept, and will provide lunches at reasonable prices Yom vel i midnight: 16c. a Home-made Cooking Tobacco, Cigars and Cigareten Jas: Ruddy Proprietor Bell Phone 96 hd He was was laid at rest in Pleasant i 1 24th, ate rom the place ets Lose his birth. ; LI