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Port Perry Star, 16 Nov 1922, p. 3

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Ha Ra Xe Vg EE El 4 . Cochrane, Ont.--There is an abund- of game and fur bearing animals thie year in all gections of Northern .| Ontario and in the northern part of the Province of Quebec. Trappers, both Indien and white men, declare giaks 8 4 ams ed ¥ eC the e blueback, 'steelhead and cohce packs. "Brooks, Alta.--Between 500 and 600 eys were killed, dressed, cooled, graded and packed under government -| supervision in the Bassano district last year and sold by the Provincial Egg and Poultry Marketing service to the Christmas market, netting 605 (that the fur catch should create one of the best records in many years. An Indian from Mattice, one of the most successful posts of the Hudsons Fur Trading Company, stated that never before had he geen such evidence of game. i Montreal, Que.--The productive ca. pacity of the Canadian newsprint mill will be increased about 10 per: cent. next year, according to a survey of men killed and many wounded. Two n the matter of the -they 'are forced 'into is PREMIER BONAR LAW x new, Britigh premier photographed on the day on which he assum | : of directing the affairs of the British people. The picture is' 4.500 5.000 turk will be' packed "#haracisristic of the modest and unostentaticus attitude of the Canadianborn and graded by the Government and! chief of the Unionist party. * rm nt JRVEYS BY PLANE * DURING THE SUMMER T. and N. O. Comission to orities here of its willingness to nego- A 28u-ars not tiate in London for a commercial \ nty Mayo, is reported ? Jeroenient between Italy as Saints, News despatch Zrom Ballina, ten miles | in view of the fact that it is unlikely : the scene of the fight. The jr-| that Hon, Mr. Fielding will ha unable [arsare said to have been dis] 10 fine gine. to 'go to Rome for that lodged : : i purpose. he new Fascisti dd and to have suffered aboyt 12 tration has already signified tha attitude towards Canada 'and closer ade relations with the Dominion is viendly, despite, the SantiBritish ments expressed by spokesmen o chief the party before its advent to political ark 4 Belfast says: ; one of the Extend Traffic Boundaries. A despatch from Cochrane, Ont. says:--The almost limitless expanse of the territory stretching as far as the Province of Manitoba on the northwest and Hudson Bay on the east and thé Albany River on the south; will be made. the subject of ex- tensive investigations by airplane next sunimer, according to the present intentions of the T. and N. 0. Com- mission. In an interview here on' Thursday, in which he touched on the| future policy of the T. and N. 0. in its plans for further extension of its | traffic boundaries, Chairman George Lee stated that completion of the ex- tension of the railhead to James Bay will only mark the bpening of further exploitation of unknown lands for the Ontario Government. Dhring the past! summer several airplane parties had! | flown. over considerablé territory in the vicinity of the Albany River and ar-| 'rangements have already been 3 ho] with the Laurentide Air Company for pt. seriously th br bark oroes pecially] are. i .{ the, actual line for the remainder of! ent of & small fleet of air-| in that region next summer. | At present 70 miles of railway is of James Bay while the route of the extensi | the way will 'be located this -winter:| |} "Wei hope to' get construction | far a . GT RA, A adv Tm + by to Princéss Mary, 1 of Cavan. Byng. A few' er'Liondon with r - "Mahogany trees do not reach their and - took (full height until' they are' 200 y eral thou-, WL Arg - i Fi The William! Paper Co. ight are installing two newsprint i] machines to make a sheet of "paper over sixteen feet in width, 'Each "machine will produce 80 5 3 . Tt takes eight in diameter to paper. This ill be 3 trees Sor year. . mal forest con enough advanced "to allow the con. | 'tract for the remainder of the road to Moose Factory being let next year," is Mr, Lee's statement. "The present construction is aimed to develop all Ontario east te: the Quebec boundary and certain portions of Northern Que- bee, which will 'naturally drain its traffic into James Bay. The Western portion" of 'Ontario, of course, will be exploited to the utmost and the possi- bilities of further traffic from this territory will. .be continually investi- ---- i Explosion in Mine i ' Due to Marsh Gas A despatch from Spangler, Pa. says:--Methane -- commonly called marsh gas--was responsible for the explosion in the Reilly mine Monday, || which claimed a toll of more than "manded her to return to England after | e said. "The ex-: {as comparatively slight.' lives were claimed by the RES roducers fully 10 cents a pound more s 3 : | than they ould have otherwise ob-| the "susbrint paper situation, This tained. The success of this venture ng pro nm imulus to 1,206,000 tons annually, as compar- has given considerable - stimu ©| ed with a production of 1,500,000 tons "| from the United States mills. Y| Fredericton, N.B.--New Brunswick osses from forest fires in 1922 have ' been the lowest for years. A total of ready for shipment early in December. | 104 fires were reported, which burnt _ prE-- Conditions for this branch of agricul- 6.910 ac This i SUCCESSFUL YEAR ture are excallont hore, and the dis-| oUF £5 SC 2 MVC, ROR TU OE FOR TIMBER LANDS! trict a Sestined to be one of he Je acres were burned and the average for SN toy ey raising sections of the Do-| yo past four years, 52,000 acres. The va st . total damage to* private and Crown Many Limits Sold by Ontario Moose Jaw, Sask.--Out of a total of| lands from forest fires was $17,280. Lands and Forests De- 44,817 cars loaded 'at county elevators| Sydney,wN.S.--There is a possibility partment. on the Canadian Pacific Railway lines | that next summer Sydney may become A h » lin the three Prairie Provinces between | a base of supply for a fleet of English on despa] from Taroko yey! Soptember 1st and October 14th, 25,-| trawlers. A Hull firm last year sent ge? YH ne its past fiscal year 500 cars were loaded at Saskatchewan out two trawlers to try their luck cod f Tea ized the sum of $4,400,000 points, The total quantity of grain fishing on the Grand Banks and they rom the sale of its timber and pulp shipped on C.P.R. lines to October | succeeded in some 7 weeks' fishing in limits and erown lands, according to. 14th was 65,219,498 bushels, or an av-igecuring abut 200-tons of -cod the statement which was issued Fri- erage of 1,455 bushels per car, or expansion of such undertaking day afternoon _dt the Parliament total of 87,102,600 bushels of grain| pends on the report of the tw Builaings From the stfice of the Win handled in Saskatchewan alone this| tains who have exprecsed thems 1 3 ¢ v 8, season. optim ally; Should the figure Sonstiiutes a record, being sub-| Winnipeg, Man.--Six - thousand| materialize additional trawler Hp a. al ree oul peonies have been planted in Winni-| sent and accommodation for om Te TA i ph ALR peg gardens as a result of a "plant a provided at Sydney The Lands and Forests Department! = or HY 520 a considers that the year past has been! Th W k M k one of the most 'successful for it.| e €eK S ar els Habitually the greatest revenue | | 1 ducer for the province of any depart- Toronto. ment, because of the timber limit! Manitoba wheat--No. 1 Northern, gales which it transacts, it bids fair $1.20. | this year to maintain this position, | Manitoba oats--Nominal. its only possible rival being the suc-| Manitoba barley--Nominal. cession duties' department. ! Al the Shove wack, Bay re . During the ydar forty-one timber! merica Lorn-aiNO.. # i ' and pulp-woods limits have been sold J Bikes No 3 allow, $Tic, al ral, | involving a total area of 600 square ing to Treight iH ai | miles. Of these the largest single Buckwheat.-No. 2. 71. to 8c tract was the one of 81 square miles! Rye No. 2. 76 to 00 mr . | in Bherlock Township in the Sudbury! nilifeed--Del. Montreal freight, ' District, which was sold on the last bags included: Bran, per ton, $22; day of the fiscal year. Another large' shorts, per ton, $24; middlings, $28,560; tract, wis 'one of 72 'square miles gn'good feed flour, $2. Mississauga Township, District of Al-| Onario wheat--No. 2 white, $1.07: ; goma. The great bulk of sales, how-to $1.12, acerding to freights outside; 2 SEL 2 ever, were of tracts that were under| No. 2, $1.02 to: $1.07, | ' } . 15 square miles in area. . Ontarie No, 2 Khite cals-~] to oe The chief of staff of the British FRAILTY "use: TN . { army, who is to marry Lady Joan Mul- in Jak bags, Mantra, promot Shp: holland, a charming war widow ment, $4.80 to $4.90. ronto. basis, ! 4 TTL ATER 408460; ll, cna, $400, 0 Cobh pg Many Manitoba flour--ist pats in-cotton. 30 1082 3.00 to £8.15. . By sacks, $6.90 per bbl.; 2nd pats., $6.40.| P12 $16 to $17 4 4 Hay--Extra, No. 2, per ton, track, | Cheese, finest Easterns, 28 te 83% ¢ Toronto, -$156; mixed, $13.60 to $14 go, Aen 4 clover, $18.50 to $14. ', Butter, choicest crea ery, 87¢,, Biggs, | (fresh, 45.to 46c; s 39 to 40c¢; ~--Btraw--Car-lots; per-ton; track, To- TTY ra Ho $9160 to $10. No. 1 stock, 36ec. tues, per bag, Nea lots, 80 to 95c¢. Cheese--New, large, 26c; twins, "FL ' > pl : a0the; triplets, 26%c; Stllons, 2Tc.| (00 Hie B50 $0.50; Northwest Sid, large, 27c; twins, 28¢; Stiltons, yoifera, $8.50 to $4.25; com., $2.25 to Butter--Finest creamery prints, 40 Bie wh Jo 33.28; coms Sows, to 42c; ordinary creamery prints, 38 1 39 t 4 50+ & . $2. o $3; to 40c." Dairy, 29 to Sic. Cooking, 21c, | S3lves, $9 to $9.50; med. calves, §6 to Dressed poultry--Chickens, 4 Ib. $0; Erasers, $20 to $8.50; best and up, 286; do, 3 to 4 1b. 25¢; fowl, HERE $000, to S11; med, $10 to ; ip. 28 : 3 i .60; com. lambs, Y 0 3 8 1b. and up, 26c; do, 4 to b Ib, 26c; | OO fo. Jamin, $9.50, ; do, under 4 1b., 17¢; geese, 24c; duck- ily Battleship Remains + lings, 38¢; futieys; 0 argarine--20 to 22c. 3 Factor in Warfare Eggs--No. 1 candled, 387 to 38¢c; SRE selects, 39 to 4lc; cartons, new laids, 8 66 to T0c. Ad teh fi Lond Eaves: Evangeline C. Booth : espa rom ndon says:-- THe fate of the Salvation Army in ge Cagadian hand-picked, Ib. Responding to the toast to the Im. ok fangs onthe word Maple radon Syrup; per. im 1 perial forces at a Guild Hall banquet is dauglter of the famcus Gen-| gal, $2.50; per 5 imp. gals. $2.40; on Thursday, Col. L. C. Amery; First oth." Her brather has com: | maple sugar, Ib, 23 to 25c. Lord of the Admiralty, said a large { elk A Ib. tins, 12% to 18¢ per hart of Saval alate would eventual- ° years. The U.S. Army fs Ib; 2 and 2%-Ib. tins, 14 to 14%e per ly lift itself from the surface of the. bow 4 it from headquarters and. Ib; Ontario comb honey, per dozen,! water to the air. The pivot and centre establish her as Commander in Chief, | $3:25 io $4. ; Ontari {of naval conflict of the future would, Lut he hes so far declined. 3, Potal New, Ontarios, No. 1, 0c however, still rest with the great : ito $17 No. 2, 756 to 86c. Sh 5 Smoked meats--Hams, med., 26 to ships on: the surface of the sea, be- 128¢c; cooked ham, 40 to 48c; smoked cause there the mass of offensive and | rolls, 26 to 28c; cottage rolls, 36 to defensive power could move econ- 88¢; breakfast bacon, 82 to 35c; spe- omically, be supported most easily and gial brand hreakfagt bacon; 38 to 40c;- propelled efficiently. acks, boneless, to 43c. i . Sir mip Cured meats--Long clear bacon, Dublin Headquarters of i! i $19; lightweight rolls, in bbls., $47; De Valera Are Raided heavyweight rolls, $38. Lard--Pure tierces, 17c¢; tubs,! 17%c; pails, 17%c; prints, 19%ec.! A despatch from Dublin says: -- Shortening, tierces, 13 to 13%sc; tubs, Troops raided the De Valera party's 18% 0 13%es Ei 14 14%¢c; headquarters in Suffolk. Strest on prints, c. #1 H 1 ® Choice heavy steers, $7 to $8; but- Thursday evening and made a pro cher steers Shoes. 35°30. $6 4 longed search of the premises. $5 'o 50; 30 ned 84 to. $5: No men were found in the building, = com., $3 to % ; "butcher heifers, but five women were arrested and a 'choice, $6.76 to $6.25; do, med., $4.50 large quantity of documents were to $5.25; do, com., $3 to $4; butcher feized, including Republican election ice, "$8.60 to $4.25; do, literature, : 83.00; y OR YEP 2 en pis to 3 canners . $1.50 'to $2.25; Britain's Debt BO fo $4.20; de. Exceeds $34, do, med.,| Thé British LER iy Fr cn We Re 00; 8p 'S, tain's tot in en of HLT6 10, year at 87742526147 (roughly $84,

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