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Port Perry Star, 23 Nov 1922, p. 1

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hy % 1.00 bore, Piosphites ami: Rheumatic Capsules empleton's Raz-Mah are good ones re throat and husky voice uses ~~ molid Throat-Ease, Nyal's Huskeys, - dicated Throat Discs i at % day 'Special --For d's Candies aso ~~ Morrison's Drug Store ; nia I oF EE IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT r 'people of Port.Perry and surrounding country; Ve wish to annourfee that we baye made arrangements : AE Hare, ODOR tHes ® be at oiir store on ber 30th, from 9.20 a.m. until 3.30 p.m., sday therea This will allow our pat- . opportunity to ¢onsult - him and have, their eyes. 25 "A properly tested and correctly fied. : EYES EXAMINED FREE. =~ __ STATIONER Eggs will bea high price from nowon! ~ This is the time of year-to make Jour hens produce a profit. Get some of our -. ~~ Chicken Chowder ery, and take on | we feel that the en {our plant should be o 'all concerned setting m Js Tew apthit, y ve: $ thn in the pest. W still need your loyal. sap- y a port, which has been great reciated, and without which rT. gnd uw no success. bi ght ily e ilties as 1 stal new machin- ant 'new work, but 4 rned ; | ven extra employment in the}, own, ~ REA - This week's paper is set by the Linotype, and you will note 3 pcs Soo (Al i Students of the High Schoo under the direction 'of Miss Appleyard are busy preparing for presentation Oliver Goldd- smith's masterpiece -- "'She Stogps fo Conquer" to be played in the town hall on the evening of Christmas Fair day and also [lon the preceding evening. It is. an enjoyable play, full of should miss, seeing it. It will be as good as any the 'high school has ever given. Réserve one or both nights for it, and watch for further particulars. TWO FIRES -- : -|. Saintfield store was burned to the ground on Tuesday even- th ing of 'last 'week. The garage was also destroyed, and an || auto. The contents of the store were lost, and the total loss was large, with but little insurance. 'Lne worst feature of the whole ng is that Mr. R. Braden, the Ii} RIoBtietor, does not intend to rebu ild, but intends Reing into the lumber business in or near Haliburton. . Mr. Braden has I been 'a good citizen for many c | years, and has taken an active sud helpful interest in church work, particularly in the Sun- _|day Sehool. The people of the Jecommunity will-be sorry to hear that Me Braden is Jeaving. 5 n Mon morning I. John Sy at Green- bank' caught fire and in a short time ey spread to the rear of O'Neill's store. Fortunately the efforts ot ~the neighbours were sucessful in putfing out the fire before any' serious damage was done tothe store; but Mr. Stone's garage and contents were badly "damaged. 'makes them do the trick. This garage has o been up about a year. Wor sorry to hear of these losses. % COMMERCIAL RATES + Some of our townspeople Who would like to be ci reial users of Hydto power, hesitated tit cause Of the high um e<$3.00 per 'be understog " |rassment when in the compary laughable situations, and no one To young ladies themselves an what an meh reves secured, and they are to {be specially congratulated on| . r splendid success. ) By the will of the late J. I. Cayts = of Sarnia, the sum of ak at $100,000 was set apart to furnish. prizes for proficiency in Upper ool work in our h Schools. The income he Rta aE \ A * STANDARD F**r- ~ Port Perry Branch, Investors are invited to consult our local ywho will be pleased to arrange any such fran. etic Se ad TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLION - +H.G. Hutcheson, Manager POOL ROOM CHANGES HANDS ~ om . this bequest provides three scholdtships for each of Erovice of Ontario; of which atario. County-is 'one, the first ibe, She second $60. and the Mr. Carter was a bachelor who had not the advantage of a liberal education, and .often felt and admitted his great embar-| of "educated men because of his inability to converse with them on' questions "of "literary and scientific interest. He accumu- lated a considerable fortune f the salt, industry, and he ecided to leave his money in a manner that would encourage the broadest education possible among the high school students The fund is administered by the Department of Education in nto. ; Up to this year these scholar- ships have been given for gen- eral. proficiency, the first going to the candidate obtaining the the highest aggregate of marks in the County, the second to the next in order and~so on. In this County four schools are in the competition, namely :0sha- wa, Whitby, Uxbridge and Port Pores High Schools. Heretofore scho. arships will be awarded ac- cording' to standing in the best ten subjects of each candidate. Last June. Miriam Harris wrote on sixteen papers,. ob- taining over 75 per cent." on each of twelve papers, over 60 per cent. on two and over 50 per cent. on two--=a record scarcely equaled in the whole province. In addition to the Carter Scholarship, she was awarded by the Toronto Uni- versity the second Edward Blake "Scholarship in medern languages, a prize worth $220. Elizabeth Allin wrote on gix- teen pépers and obtained over 75 per cent. on seven papers, over 66 per cent. on six, and over 50 per cent. on three. Port 'Perry High School has had a creditable record in the competition for these ¢sholar- ships; as shown by the follow- ing list: ra « 1915 Noa McLean (13 papers) third scholarship. 1916 Mary. Watson (16 papers) ~ First\scholarship. . 1920 Aléta Ferguson(9 papers) * Third scholarship. : 921 = Grace Rose 10 (papers) Third scholarship.' = / P22 Miriam Harris(16 papers) First scholarship. ~papers) Second scholarship. [4 Mr. Ross Roach has bought the Pool Room from Mr. Frank Williams and purposes to im- prove it-as time will warrant. Mr. Williams conducted the room for many years to the sat- isfaction of his patrons; and his pleasing manner will be much missed by the boys. : Ross left on Sunday evening tojoin the St. Pats hockey team who go to Vancouver on Satur- day night for their tryout. trip. The room will be under efficient management till the end of the hockey season, when Ross will be back to look after it. \ ---------- MANY CONGRATULATIONS On Friday, November 10th, 1922, Mrs. Robert Munro, of Manchester,celebrated her 86th birthday. A pleasing feature of this anniversary was the fact that Mys. Munro received a Host of ¢ongratulations by card 2 and letter, totalling over 86. These ~ congratulations came from many points, including-- Vancouver, Naniama, Pittsburg Philadelphia, Tordnto, Lisle, Oshawa, = Whitby, Uxbridge, Seagrave, Prince, Albert, Port Perry, and Manchester... It is a flne thing to see an old person retain friends as Mrs. Munro has done. BLACKSTOCK - Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. Mont- gomery, a girl. Mr. and "Mrs. 'George Hoosy, and Mr. and Mrs. John Sonthave moved to the Village. The young people are looking for- ward to a good winters skating dnd are busy putting an extension to the rink. . Q Mrs, 'R. G. Carruthers and Miss agnes Swain are in the city atending the annual convention of the Wo- men's Institutes. They went as delegates for the V. W, i i On Tuesday evening, November 14 about one hundred friends and neigh- bours meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and presented them with a miscellaneous shower. After a Jloasant time ahd ben spent and lunch partaken, the evening was Jrought to a close by all joining ands and singing "Auld \Lang | Syne". \ \ RAGLAN Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor and family, of Burketon, were the | guests of brother, Mr. J. R. Brent on Sunday. -. Miss Annie Smith spent the week-end in the city. to Toronto and spent the week- | end with relatives there. "Miss Greta Hodgson, of Osha- wa, was the guest of her parents on Sunday. . Miss Irene Vallant spent the -end with relatives in Ennis- killen. : 3 Mrs. A: Bryant is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Etherley of To- ronto, 'rx - 3 Mr. Wm. Brent is spending a - few days in the city. SE is Prescott, of /En- to the ne ones E. Miss May, eld, was the guest of ard rawn on Su PLEASE Sweet potatoes, 4 Ibs 25¢ Cranberries, per quart 20e Spanish Onions, 4 lbs 25¢ ew dates, per lb 15¢ New cocoanuts, 10c & 15¢ each a. "Grape fruit, 2 for 25¢ Seeded Raisins, 1b 20c. Currants, per 1b 20c Seedless raisins, per 1b 20¢ Cooking onions, 7 ibs 25¢ = Pears, large basket 65¢ Lemons, 8 for 10c, doz 30c¢: Choice bananas, 1b 11e. Coeking Figs per lb. 12e. Cooking Figs, per Ibv10c : " - "Biscuits > Choce Fancy Biscuits, 1b. 80 to 50c. D. Corbman Port Perry per: Fast Record Paul Welsh with his McLaughlin- Buick Master Four stock touring makes trip Edmonton to Calgary and' réturn, 416 miles in 9 hours, 29 min- utes, 55seconds. What is-perhapk a new high speed' record for a stock car over ordi unimproved roads was established x Paul Welsh of Edmonton, driving a McLaughlin Master Four stock tour- ing car from Edmonton to Calgary and return, a distance of 416 miles. in 9 hours, 26 minutes and 55 seconds on November hth 1922. Mayor Dug gan of Edmonton acted as official starter, the car with Welsh at the wheel and Steve Fiaytord as me: chanic, leaving 109th" St. and White: Ave. at 7 o'clock sharp. Ledue Teached in Ienty-s ree minutes. nd at a speedy gait the car passed through Millet, Leduc, Wetaskiwin. In 54 minutes Ponoka, Lacombe, Blackfaldswere passed and at last the machine pulled into Red Deer for its first stop. One minute was spent at Red Deer gas and water being obtained, The clock at this point showed that the 105 miles had ben. made in two hours 'and fiften min- utes. The speedometer showed Sify six miles an hour for a considera distance after leaving Red Deer and: going through Innisfail, Carstairs, and. Crossfield, the car reached Cal- gary at 11.32 am. The 280 miles were made at an average of 46 miles an hour, according to the time re- reeze, President of the Ca Board of Trade, who acted as ek-- ers at the turnine point. minutes were spent at Calgary, dur ing which time the car was ed with gas, oil and water, while. Welsh and Playford managed to spare time to drink a cup of steaming coffee. Took Wrong Road = Trouble was encountered 'shorthy: after leaving Calgary, the start on. the Yeturn trip from the southern metropolis. being made at f1.35 am. After a few miles had been ated, Welsh and: Playford found 3 themselves heading in' the direction of mhellor instead of Edmonton ndlost fifteen minutes gdtting back a 5 A onnates £4 ng back PRICEDTO Deter A SET, Mr: and Mrg.F. Dring motored gorded'hy Alderman I. Ruttle and F.. Ed 5 "

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