he fire at 5.30 and shortly after words becomng sensible of smoke went down to investigate, and found the floor in the dining room about the smoke pipe was __on-fire. Though it was quickly extinguished, a .few minutes would have proven disastrous, as the floor runs under a parti- tion, from which smoke was al- ready oozing. While the im- mediate cause of the fire was the pipes burning out, the re- mote cause was the fault of the person who put the pipes so dangerously near the floor. Mr. Hall wishes to express his appreciation of the promptness i with which the Fire Depart- ment responded, the chief ar- riving in the Manse with in a few minutes after the alarm was was sent in and before the bell began to ring. + At the meeting of the 1.0.D.E. the nomination for the officers for 1923 took place. A list of those nominated will be in charge of Miss Sexton, at the Public Library. Any one wish- ng to withdraw must do so be- fore the 16th of January. Hockey Schedule: January 5-- Beaverton at Port Perry Markham at Uxbridge January 9 Markham at Port Perry Uxbridge at Cannington January 12 Cannington at Markham January 15 Markham at Beaverton January 16 Port Perry at Uxbridge --=January 19 Port Perry at Markham Beaverton at Cannington January 23 Cannington at Port Perry Uxbridge at Beaverton January 26 Cannington at Beaverton Uxbridge at Markham January 30 Uxbridge at Port Perry Markham at Cannington, February 2 Port Perry at Beaverton Cannington at Uxbridge amp SRS aad COMING---Eye Specialist. Dr. FE. E. Luke, 167 Yonge St. Toronto, at A. J. Davis' drug- store, Port Perry, Thursday, January: 18th. Glasses if re- quired at right prices. S-------- NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a by-law was passed by the Village of Port Perry, on the Eleventh day of December,1921, providing for the issue of deben- tures to the amount of $4000.00 for the purpose of making re- pairs to the Public School, and that such By-law was register- ed in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Ontario, on the 26th day of December, 1922. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this no- Jes, and cannot be made there- 2 after. : Dated the 28th day of Dece 1982. th day of mber E. H. PURDY, Clerk. 'dining | life aged 10 years, Jan, 10th, 1 ry, Ont. 7 God took her to His * Away to the golde; And now she pylon 'evermore, ejoicing for eve dadly Jin gh Mother and Father. a The following letter was ad- dressed to "6. Clifford, M.P., and shows that he is "reporting progress." Ottawa, December 19, Dear Sir: In reply to Jour letter of the 16th inst., enclosing letter from the secretary of the Port Perry Board of Trade, I fear you are asking too much of this Board at the present time, for the simple reason that the Grand Trunk Railway has not the equipment referred to in the Board's letter. On the other hand, we have 'been strongly -encouraging the construction and use of these gas cars for the past two years, and they are now being tried in a number of places in Canada. There is one on the Canadian National on Vancouver Island another around Trenton, Ontario and a much smaller one running from Stanley to Cross Creek, a distance of only 8 miles, in New Brunswick. The: C. P. R. is operating one near Montreal,and the D. & H.is running one from St. Lambert to Fortierville, a distance of over 100 miles. We have seen enough already, because we have been keeping very accurate track of their per- formance, to satisfy the Board that this car, or something very much like it,.is the solution for branch line traffic. =~ We are satisfied these cars can be oper- ated for a little less than 30c. per car mile, including -5¢c. per mille for depreciation, that is al- ways suposing that the railway | companies are reasonable and do not load them down with un- necessary labor and unnecessary wages, but, in the case of the D. & H., we know it is being done for less than that figure. In all probability from $1.25 to $1.50 per car mile would be the abso- lutea minimum at which a steam train could be operated. It seems to me that one of these cars could make at least two round trips per day on any branch line for less than one- quarter of what one trip would cost by a steam train, and, as they are able to carry mail and light express, they serve the public in outlying districts near- ly as well as a steam train would do. Of course, there must be -a-steam train at intervals to look after the freight business. National Railways are thorough- ly convinced that the scheme is all right, and they now have Canada at which they would like to place one of these cars, and intend doing so just as soon as the money is available for their I am sending a ie dwells with the |P 1922 The officials of the Canadian something like eighty places in| Farm to Rent Between Oshawa and the Lake. About ' 125 acres in excellent state of cultivation. Ample buildings. Plowing after present crep. Full possession Oct. Ist or April [st Apply to G. D. CONANT, Owner, 20-tf Oshawa, Ont. WOOLEN GOODS sale a beautiful selection of woolen goods, including socks, mitts, sweaters, etc., also some choice pieces of embroidery. Her store is in the building just north of Leonard's photograph gallery. |. ome ~The annual Week of Prayer begins next Sunday. The topic for study is the "Lords Prayer" There will be public meeting in the Methodist Church each evening. To re---- FRALICK-COPELAND An interesting Christmas event took place on the evening of the 27th inst., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson, uncle and aunt of the bride, when Gertrude Victoria, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr.s Wm. Cope- land, Mariposa, was united 'in marriage to Harold Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Fralick, of Scugog. The officiating clergy- man, being Rev G. H. Copeland, uncle to both bride and groom. The bride has been for some years on the staff of the Toronto Star, and was very 'highly es- teemed by the whole staff, as evidenced by the beautiful and valuable present they presented to her on the eve of her mar- riage. The groom is a valued employee of the Hydro-Electric Commission. After a brief honeymoon trip, visiting Hamilton, Buffalo and other points, 'they will make 'their home in Toronto. rrr---- . In Loving Memory of Lloyd Thompson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Thompson, who died on December 29, 1920. Neath the bridge of years, Lie the lonely tears For a memory, loving and true While on God's bosom of love, You are so happy above "you. re "To live in the heart Bf those we love, is not to die." = : Mother and Daddy. A ati 3. id Dear one, we are thinking of | 'Black, | vice. 'Brighten up by gi Farm is R Seuth Halves Lots Thirty-twe, Fo Con: ) ton, 200 acres improy ed farm land. Plow ger Er, Te an Siar, nd ai Mrs. J. Stones is offering for. = We sell everythin Will do the rest. SIM'S B | 'NEW A.E. SIMS Thirty. on A wi or ng you want in choice, clean, » palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. BERT MacGREGOR |= * Ring up Phone 72." AKERY Wishes 'All Their Customers A'Happy and Prosperous YEAR ' PORT PERRY A Nice Selection of Hats Ranging in price from $1.76 to $12.00 Extra Value; $4.95, $3.95 Ladies' All Wool Hose. particularly good --§1.50 MRS. C. TINDALL, Port Perry a [ATS ay Paint Shop, we will be in a osition to make old cars |look- new. Prompt atten- tion to business. Call and 3 get quotations, Good work |-- sero. guaranteed and quick ur car a new coat Ee if 1 fail to grow hair. ORIENTAL HAIR ROOT HAIR GROWER Grows hair on bald heads. [t must not be put where hair is not wanted. Cures dandruff and al. scalp trofibles. $1.76 per jar. Agents wanted. . PROF. M. S. CROSSE, yk dl fat $50.00 Reward To Motorists . World's "Greatest Hair Grower. : 448 Logan Ave., Winnipeg, Man| * J. A. MURRA DENTIST Office upstairs in Leon Hours, 9 am. tob p.m = PORT PERRY ONTARIO JOHN BELDON LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON . Graduate of Royal College of geons and University of Toronto, Bell Phone ohrah En i Office over Morrison' Dr. C. J. PALMER Gl DUATE f Chiropra ; Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings 7 Office in the Penhall Block, Ups ry ~ POR h T PERRY Ci: :e Hours: ad i » 8pm. Ae 3to5pm. Bell Phone 180. ~~. Teacher of = »1£,10 AND VOICE Pupils 1 spared for examination >hone No. 217. to a te yp ti ISS ESTELLE K. BULL. FOR SALE = «One Oshawa Clover Huller in g running order. be seen by applying CR i: sen Joa north of . R. trac y Appointment. Must phone 21 rh evenings. Dental Sur. &