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Port Perry Star, 8 Feb 1923, p. 4

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'Werry of Blackstock, were week- Crosier. Rev. W..D. and Mrs. Harriton are "both quite ill, and Mr. Harrison was unable to take charge of the services on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Brown reached in the morning and Rev. Mr. Bell in the evening. 3 The item last week regarding Mr. Stonehouse's chickens should have read $37.00 instead of $17.00. JUNIOR HOCKEY On Friday evening the Uxbridge Juniors are coming to Port Perry to cross sticks with the local Juniors. The game is called for 8.15. Come and see the opening of the Junior series. Admission 30c. Children 15¢ St. John's Presbyterian Church * Miss Palethorpe, missionary on furlough from Korea, will speak in St.John's Presbyterian Church next Sabbath morning, Feb, 1 Korea is ofir latest and most a couraging field. o ------------------------ SCOUT NOTES 1st Port Perry Troop Senior Hockey Team lost last Thursday to-a team representing 1st Ux- bridge. Final score 3-6. Unfor- tunately, through sickness, two members of the Uxbridge team had to be replaced by older boys, not members of the Association, who are playing Junior O. H. A. The local boys were outmatched through lack of practice, but put up a good fight in true Scout style. Scout Naples exhibited real speed. 'Graham did well in goal at his first match, and the other boys did. their best under the circumstances. After the match Mr. E. B. Wal- ker, Chairman of the Troop Com- mittee, entertained the boys and officers of the visiting team to a hot luncheon at Ruddy's restaur- ant. The twenty visitors state they enjoyed themselves. Scout- master, the Rev. Taylor, of 1st Uxbridge, thanked the hosts on behalf of his Troop, in good form. Through so much illness the usual Troop meeting was not held this last Tuesday. All members of the Troop will please note that they will meet on Tuesday next, February 13th. Just received a new book of Scout Ganies. We will try sone of them out at next meeting. The public should note that a boy is not an enrolled Scotit un- less he can exhibit his badge= the three pointed arrow head. THE : CURLING - CLUB A schedule of games, arranged to be run off .in February, after the en- joyable January series has been com- pleted. The skips and rinks for the present month are as follows:-- W. Graham, .skip; J. Lucas, W. Christy, W. H. Harris. M. Leicher, skip; W. L. Parrish, J. Nasmith, J. Hortop. F. W. Mcintyre, skip; E, H. Purdy, M. Campbell, F. Shepherd. F. Taggart, skip; D. Carnegie, P. Ingram, H. Emmerson. E. B. Walker, skip; Dr. Mellow, F. Brock, R. Sommerville, Other members can, always find some stones and a chance to curl when they are on hand. Anyone wishing to have a try-out, come along, members will only too glad to assist, 41 their IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" Dr. C. T. Harrison PALMER GRADUATE Chiropractor "Office in the Penball Block. Upstairs PORT PERRY » Hours: 35 and 7-8 p.m. > et his a d Mrs. A.[ end visitors of Mr, and Mie, Jabes | be very welcome this year. Ar if * | other Statutes applicable oo du nd every AA Blanket, 'on January 31, between Cawkers Corners and Manchester Store. Finder please leave at the Star Office. RE MAA Attended Brother's * Funeral. Word was received on Tuesday that Mr, Richard Lucas, Guelph, had died as the result of a para- lytic stroke. Messrs. James and 'Hugh Lucas, brothers of the deceased, attended the funeral on Wednesday. Deceased had been in poor health for some time and suffered a severe attack with his heart some months ago. The stroke which 'caused his death came on Sunday last and the end came on. Monday. rr - ie Sows for Sale C. A. Honey will put in five pure bred Yorkshire white sows at 'the Fanning sale, Sebert House, Port Perry, on Saturday next, Feb. 10. These sows are due about April 1st EE L. O. L. Installation of Officers King Edward Lodge No. 223, L. 0. L. officers will be installed on Friday evening, Feb. 9th. All members are specially requested to be present. H. S. White, W. M. Archie McDermott, D. M. «G. J. Morrish, Sec'y. EE WANTED Capable girl for housework. Apply to Mrs. H. H. Stone, Port Perry, Ont. - ------------------------ STRAYED OR STOLEN On January 256th from the premises lot 13, con. 18, Reach, a dark yellow Collie Dog with white feet and breast and has bob tail, answers to the name of "Major", is two and a half years old and very kind. Any person giv- ing information leading to his re- covery will be suitably rewarded. Adam Wallace, R.R. 1 Seagrave, or Bell Phone 114 r 1-4. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Dobson, at Manchester, Ont. on Thurs- day, Feb. 1st 1923, a daughter. DIED At Port Perry, on Monday, Feb. 5, 1923, Sarah Corryell, widow of the late Wm. King, in her 86th year. At Port Perry, on Monday, Feb. b, 1923, Maria Coolidge, widow of the late Wm. Rundle, aged 82 years, 14 days. At Prince Albert, on Wednesday, January the 81, 1928, James Rosswell, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R 11 LOST A Yellow and Black Horse 1 dle showing a per deprenes oe the Companys a last year. The fifty-third anata Lepore, February 1st at the Annual Meeting to the polic; holders of the Company, who alone constitute Corgpany, shows that in each of the three tte i: y important divisions of the business, nameély, : pi claims, expenses 'incurred and the rate of interest earned on invested funds, the Company had an unusually favorable experience, the com- bination resulting in a won ina" wondertly prosperous year, as shown by the . Record Surplus Earnings of . $3,040,273,98 This is equivalent to $56.72 for every $1,000 of total assets held at the end of the year, an unparalleled achievement in the history of the Company. 14% Decrease in Operating Expenses In harmony with the" spirit of the times the affairs of the Company were conducted with a due regard for economy. ile the business was expanded to the extent of over $34,000,000 of new asBurances written, the ratio of expense to 'income was reduced from 18. 60% to 15.96%. Increased Interest Rate on Investments Owing to the favorable opportunities for investment prévailing during the past few years, the average rate of - interest earned on the Company's invested funds has been steadily rising. This condition continued durin; ov year 1922, when the average rate of interest hoki | over the entire investments increased from 6.60% to 6.74%. + Increased Distribution to Policyholders The steadily increasing factor in the economic life of ouf i Sountiy, 3 Thich the intitytion ja becoming, an , and the magnitude o at public se t illustration in he e folio g facts: 26.1¢ yesforns fing 1. During the past year the Compan: distri buted in cash among SR ityrolay if their beneficiaries the sum of s289.441.21, an increase pver the previo of of $1,320,164.20. ? F np ™ 2. The amount of money invested by the es. outa he up-buidi Nr and the up- is over $50,000,000 > 5 oi Sansa, 3. The Company id pled ged 5 distribute to citizens' of this country an ound] 4 hers e. Ari Sua an business, oe large sum of tracts mature, When existing policy presetited: on' ot Ln The Sixinigeh of Canada's Only Mutual Life + + Company After providing for all liabilities in Accordance with Government require- on a st er reserve basis than oC for by Re Sn, and se aside a special investment reserve $611,776.34, there remains a General Surplus Fund | of $6,603,718.60 which has been assigned as follows: -- 1. Provision' for dividends under de- ferred dividend policies issued prior to 1911 : a . $3,545,408.89 3 2. Provision for interim dividends under quinquennial policies gly $342,773.33 3 Provision for dividends payable in $2,000,000.00 4, Provision for mortality fuctuati and other contingenci Joly 1 - $715,536.38 = Total $6,603,718.60 Miss adele Cockburn | Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 16972 - FOR SALE Onions, $1.00 per 0 az Duthe), On Cab per peck. J as Sait pe: PEhone 917, Ring1-1 ' 5c. per doz. Carrols nips Port Perry - / ® Will do the rest. Butson, aged 2 months, 24 days. : S-- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Mary Fielding, late of the Township of Reach in the County widow, deceas Notice is hereby given ven urs uaa iy the provisions of the Trus all Sreditge ed "aga fa_ having claims and the estate of the Jemands pint me died off or about the 7th da of April, 1922, are required on or 2A the Yt propa, of 1928, to send by the under- signed Salto for 8 o Administrator le of ee dresses and descriptions, and a aiatement of of hel acs te the nature o: y if held by. th by a a duly LE bok WOOD FOR SALE |= --- ; F ARMERS SALES NOTES _ Parmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to 4 ft JaDy Hard Wood, $14. © strive in January. Apply to oe La. Port Perry. -|W. E. HARRISON | Blong Block, Port Perry. "ae 1, d Manufacturer of i : tien vo i Soos lt be well a and-made Harness and | Bank will reli tof dealer in Robes, Blankets, esentation, bd mets wil be cei 'Whips, Mitts .and Gloves, t promptly. i Club Bags, Suit Gases, etc, | Te Peoples Meat Market We sell 'everything you 'want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it goed = ° BERT MacGREGOR Ring up Phone 72. at car at Por | ing Good iit 2 our specialty ave the finest range of , both tailor made and ear, we have ever had. and see them--it costs .- Fine wool is ad- Buy that good suit BE hE aha i HR BR ik a

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