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Port Perry Star, 22 Mar 1923, p. 3

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es a CPS a 4 on eylidrical cistern fou Adedp and: fourteen feet in diam - +The jel contents of a deep hve ee ipraing on mi seed grain; is carried © over in the soil from Hot 'Water Treatments This is a one year the fidd" i-infected to. healthy! jive steam used: in the dairy on' the plants, producing the smut "bolls" on ori or unless-there is a cheese fac- any part of the plant. A strict rota-|4ry nearby, where the treatment tion, and/as far as possible, the ¢ol-| o,u14 be done. The bags of grain aré lection 'and burning of the "boils" are| 15004 in water and live steam turned of controlling its bn until the temperature is raised! to - 127 deg. F, Enough steam is then run Treatments." in to maintain a temperature of 124 Formalin Dip: Fill bags half full of to 127 deg. for ten minutes. The bags grain. Add one pint of formalin (40 are then taken out and drained and tel me if' sweet per cent. formaldehyde) to 40 gallons the grain spread out to dry --E. L. I ce makes &ood petmanent of water} immerse! bags in: the solu-{ Drayton, Plant Pathologist, : Inder: In apt to crs | tions for hog & course | Station, for instande, says: | / beers dtseld: 73 "Sweeticlover: isavell ted to us i a Se crop for hogs, If prop- 0 ngged, it should reseed itself to year and produce 4 large of succulent foragé atia mini- pols i Ni:--=What "is theitrne name for/: lease tell ime how! to them, what fertilizer, " what Bin bes fH soil they do b tony ox swede turn Th 'a good flow 'of 'mibc:~ This retards cent. 8 per cent phos-| potash. | oroughty, hen Baste pat: F-- drill small, thin lamb nearly always. sells as a cull on the market. There is usually a large supply of culls, with fittle demand; consequently culls al- The 'care of the flock before lambing ways sell for "the lowest. price. Sheep 'an important relation to the finan- producers will find that it pays well, 'dial weturns which 'may be 'expected, from a market standpoint, to have the from the lamb crop. Ewes which are ewes in strong, vigorous condition at jth {lambing time. et non, ox | A ration of three to four pounds 'small, weak lambs. Such lambs re-| per head per day of clover or alfalfa quire moratearé' and feed to develop, "hay alone may be used. Approximate- rapidly enough. to reach the market 1v one-quarter to one-half pound of rly when the prices are usually | corn corn should be added three to four ghost: If thé owds-are thin in flesh | Weeks before lambing. at lambing time 'they will not: produce; A more economical ration is two to three pounds of alfalfa or clover hay owth: and stunts the | lambs. A | and two pounds of silage. The silage Testing Seed Com Without 'good seed safisfactory crop {inches in the box (cold or dry sawdust, production is impossible. Good crops | hardwood sawdust is to be desired). 'wheat, oats, and barley are grown| Mark off in squares 2%x2% inches each year without a seed test before| with pencil a piece of cotton sheeting | seeding. 'Why can we not get the| checkerboard "fashion, number the sown until s. 80 that ithe asked. Corn is different in. many ways h | from ost favor cannot expect the high germination be tested; twofrom near the butt, two | ~_ ar | tarmips En] would like to have full tance Pion 8 8 i oh 3 it Huban : : r greatest growth in late ; ano > fall. They are hot. 5. Tipena. Lhe sown. | ured: } the eavy Trosts. kill all | ©©! sanie 'condition Jin corn is fréquently| squares. Lay this sheet over the saw- 'the cereals mentioned and we| six grains of corn from, the ears to common to well ripened harvest| from. the 'centre and two from near 'grains; | Corn ripens ilater in' the sea-| the tip, and place these in each square, Sop 3 hen damp days and. nights are number the ear to correspond with The grain is attached to an! the number 'of the 'dquare in which Se ey cobb that is frequently the six grains are placed. Using a slower in drying out than the grain| piece of cotton of the same dimension | "ripening, "The corn grain con-i ag the box, lay it over the seed and dust, press down and moisten. Take) percentage of oil and, press down gently, do not disturb the | the grain oils 'are not noted as pre-! corn in the numbered spaces. servatives | changés: The corn germ is not as'well | ways 'or about twice the size of the prof 'by 'coverings as is the germ box, lay this larger cloth over the box a] in The other! farm grains. The fact| in such a way that it extends all | this | that wheat, oats and batley can gen- this! oly be sown' without a test and re-| {lied on to; germinate: has led many | farmers to believe that the same holds: corn, and they hesitate to around, cover the box area'with warm, moist sawdust, piling directly: on the last 'applied large cloth, pack'the saw- dust down well, by treading or stamp-| ing with a brick or heavy block of wood. This layer of .eawdust should |* thick when firmed. Fold portions of the cloth) wast, forming' a Sxtend large pillow or pad.. When this has - 1 been_done, the box or boxes should be "away.in a stable or oom 'where, rk temperature. Sy os mre! Take a; if 'subjected to mas second ¢loth large enough to fold both! | I : [Mh Tbaooo of Quality Y2 LB. TINS and in packages ly, "Salt should be kept before the flock the next and spreads in jirqeult treatment unless there 4g! at alt times; an unlimited supply of fresh water should also he available, It 'is important that the ewes get a moderate amount of = exercise and where the flock is not on pasture the rough feed should be placed some dis- tance from the sheds or barn so that the flock will get exercise in going to and from their feed. Care must always be taken that the pregnant ewes dre not chased by dogs or jammed through narrbéw gates or doors, as any rough treatment will cause a large' per cent. of loss of lambs, The. shepherd's. problems for the lambing season are very largely solved if he has brought the ewe flock to the| beginning of the season in good flesh antl thrifty condition. -- eee es Wholesome 'enjoymerit is one of the] best stimulants we can take and it is one of the few that is essential to our; well-being. eee The impressions. one gets in early life are the most influential. Are you helping your children to get the right, RADIO RECEIVING SETS Farmers! Protect your crops by get- ting last minute weather reports with Wostinghouse Radio Recelving Set. Also latest Market Reports, Concerts, Church Services, Itc. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. Limited HAMILTON, ONT. District Offices: Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Fort William, Win- nipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver. * "Eastlake" ' ' Galvanizéd Coppeér-boaring "Metallic" Shingles | Five, Lightning, Butt, and, Storm nd Fra Dew a i Send Postal Card for Folder ""B" > "Please send me ! HORSE. Ihave used your Kendall's Spa | eleven Joan snd found 16 one, o€ the bet 1 Hnlmontsl have allkinds of sores, (Signed) M. Protect the house with a matchbox. re Apes ~--A-few tats save much grain and a great deal of annoyance. b tha labor cost. 'The "Brantford" ls THE DEST VALUE FARM-SIZE MIXER. It is the right size on small jobs-- founda. tions, horse troughs, ellos, eto, Many farm. ers wpe It for mixing toed, fertilisor, to. Merde for hand of power, On. skids mounted on trucks, with or without engine, Write Fao Limi Goold Shapley uir_Co., tad, Brantfora 200 Weilingten Street. Ontario. irrigated Farms in Southern Alberta Im ibs Famoug Vauxhall District Biver Irrigation Project expecially good | ocation for mixed is airying. Splendid op- ortuntty for young men now living ots where good land cannot 5 Not PIONELRING, the firet 10, 020 acres are fully settled and another 10,000 acres now ready for settlement; maximum distance from railroad, seven niles. Good roads, telephones and schools. Rasy pay- ments, extending over 18 8. \ This the Best Land Buy A Alberta rite for further information to: CANADA LAND and' IRBIGATIO MEP. Modicine. Hat - - Alberta Don't wait for someone to '..be in pain to get Kendall's Spavin Treatment in the ouse, Forall external hurtsand pains ~for all muscular troubles. Kendall's Spavin Treatment makes good. KENABTON, Sask. Decambersth, 1021 Me one copy of us TREATISRON THR Cure for over ever used for | Get a bottle at your druggists tod Re dar Jor. Hore hy anes finedfor Humon use. Fie ve, TREATMENT ttn nn TheCanadian Pacific Railway WILL FIND it: were ai

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