Jobs--no wonder she ! fen the trunk as her only hope of PART I. : Trail fg ot Ln nch si 'It was a shivery it back and told oke. She laughed--she would laugh, Wen! BA lo oe, She ug 8 wl dos vis mused the mL "I feel a draft!" laughed she. er. If it were not sufficiently funny to| be sitting out here--on a --a it of doors eight clock at nigh there oe the her best to have Martha: ry jou ei additional humors of her to have a little outdoor coop built on . There w methi on 8. estate and the Landlady Kimmer's to the old house? ; in jrout her Juilinees. Shirley : ponderous image. You couldn't ask! "My heart!" sighed she at thought |" "Good ~evening--neighbor!" al | : more funniness than that! of the old house. All the rooms and |. /s voice was gravely sweet: i ' ; 5 Sn ' Landlady Kimmer had sat with ter-| the fireplaces going to waste in it to- | it & woman stirred ' 5. T OLD-F ASHIONED GINGER: rible solidity upon the poor little night." And wood in the woodshed to ble at the sociable little bait. 77 od" hil, aah | J her READ. : trunk containing all that was mortal burn! : : "Don't you feel a draft?" asked which his p recovered. ol Ne sor alt Sup chant. of the girl's possessions. Furs and| Not even Martha Mary was in the Shirley. - "I do! Don't you wish the 6, Of the...... A he recipe calls for p finery that she'd been obliged to part old house to-night. Where was Martha 'city Tathers furnished "good warm mj; he Grn | én (lard or lard and butter or with atleast had been spared t Mary? She wondered between shivers. plankets?" x 2 we | 3 unpopula n fat), two small eggs, one cup humiliation. . Fate had "sat upon "But, for that matter, where am I? At that, the woman at the other] it oe LSD ,of sugar, one cup molasses, two and them but not Landindy Kimmer. ~~ _ |It's just as well and a good deal well-|ond of the seat turned and--she was Sha BEY: sx vs 208] Lad {one-half cups flour, one 'teaspoon of ime, eas oPqrted this life Just ier Martha Mary doesn't know things not a woman but a girl, with a sharp, bers through the........ Leda, half teaspoon cinnamon, one} time, dear," the irl said with a very! __the dear heart!" white profile, , | 8. With his ther's strong teaspoon. ginger, quarter little smile. Little smiles helped out,| This would never do! If she called) * "What's a good warm blanket?" s about' him the little fellow od peo nih ap aapoon one. if you smiled them often enough, Martha Mary a dear heart again--lasked in a strange voice that made bravely faced the ordeal. x | ove Ed POON. ajispice, oer The girl was a Stanley. No Stanley one more time---she'd cry and no long- Shirley shiver worse than ever, 9 and 'you UP raisins. : Fo aver whimpered. / [er be a Stanley. But Martha Mary| "Oh, you are cold!" she cried. "It must you are entitled to no har- Cream together shortening, WH , 'It's here I'll set until yez pay me was no longer a Stanley---- blows so round one's legs! I guess yest ® 3 and eggs. Mix "together flour, soda}l f'r the two wakes ye've e't me vittles| She must not begin on that. my petticoat isn't any too thick. | 10. The little and the wood 2nd egg mixture. Stir in the flout' and S add raisins, Bake in a moderate oven an' drink!" She could hear Mrs. Kim-' «This is a joke" she said firmly to] "% ti th Lik : fa eg mer even out there on the chilly Park her shivery sult. "ALL this i & joker| "pS.Ds rot arg nd the DADS." f muph engage in pesifiage. | five minutes. Winard's Liniment for Coughs & ¢ IRL so fou ite wy LL een to el my grand) v "Anger Byer] in ec led bi Se 'But ; e children. ey'll love ell usiI've got. She's asleep now but Lord soldiers up the...... and then " 3 drink, Mrs. Kimmer! II scrimped. 'hout the night you slept on a park news hath Ha 4 if she wakes' them down again. 7 TO CLEAN 'COAT COLLAR. 'We have progressed when" we ars Besides I'll pay just as soon as I find bench, Grannie!" They'll tease for it.|up! She's terriblo. sens'tive. to the| 12. It was apparent to the old Rub the parts with a clean flannel equal to our one-time superiors, an another jobs Or it would make a good chapter in!oold, is: Do- you know the; bachelor, promenading upon the. ...., dipped in either benzine or aqua am- superior to our one-time equals, : "It's here I'll set. No expressman'll i 'What I|kind o' ki ) " ) Pr g upo! A An Be : , --a---- \ Foe. at 4. My book when I write one. "What I kind o' kids poor folks'd ought to have that engrossed couple were thor- mu ------ be gettin yer trunk out froom und. Know About Park Benches. Not | whose men get. kicked out o' their fous 'of his B her! t's trunk or cash. That's what." every author speaks from experience." | jobs?" The thin voice broke into & Eg acius of pr The girl who was a Stanley had ~ She was twenty-one, this girl. Her sorry laugh. Shirley shrank at. the ». BIO lie [Gar managed a final little attempt at name was Shirley Stanley. Martha sound of it. . pirate when he was no longer lightness. | Mary had been a Stanley, a year os) "Fleece-lined kids! That wouldn't of service. - "But trunks are so hard outside! hefore---- need their mother's petticoats an'| 14. When you this child, he My petticoats and nightgowns are ap the befores--and the afters!!sweaters." will:ron'and nice and soft--if you'd just take an This was the after. Before, they had| Shirley could no longer make a pla 15. It will his 'nerves inside seat ' . {lived in the old house together, she!lout of this park-bench episode. TH when he latins the he must pay. oor old creature! Just being a and the older sister who had cared for was no joke when there was a Maudie 16. When. th ti ther found landlady "intil" her hair turned white gnd mothered her all the days she "terrible sens'tive to the cold." - When the poetic miner 'fo * Li was pitiful enough, having no sense could remember. She had had her| "I am mo sorry! Couldnt I ut my the rich he sat down and com- fi | . "1 es a ia ; of humor was worse; and on top of Martha Mary ail to herself and had petticoat round her, too? Doubled ail! Posed an to his golden discovery \ tL feels good : these to have her boarders lose their heen a--pig! Of course, she had been |up it would be almost thick--" of riches. ' be) yg one. But it had been so dear, being| "No. Keep it on-- No need of all 17. We may be sure that ij to feel clean I a pig! It had never occurred to her! of us freezing in bur tracks." offer to accept the sinecure which . TE PATENTS that anyone else could ever have 8 ho.But you can't sit--she can't sit one could fill. mo bring the. largest + ri ove her Martha Mary. Then here all night! oe ng protaceed: Yon . someone had come along and had done |" "Watch an' see us sittin' !"" cackled tak, Though led it. ; Troe raven, Sonfidence to, our arm, for | that very thing. While she was away the dreadful young laugh. "We ain't| the court compe « ; free yoport as fo patentability. Send} visiting a school chum! Had come and' goin' to any A place. I'm bringin'| 19: Youth is the time in which to those useful-lesson which later List Id Ly x i hoe i ature | taken unfair advantages--she's been her up respectable. Freezin's respect- may a competence. 20. With a gay THE RAMIAY OO. given no Jehing Shanes to ward nim able!" : Bank - off. With a fighting chance--. The| "Don't laugh!" begged -Shirley, a Jn 2 Simms, one girl on the park bench tightened a'great new tenderness welling up in| down the hill, his' new small fist in its shabby glove. She her. Let's: talk about--about when! ahead : {laughed fiercely in her slim white the baby grows up. 21 A eciite. this for ybu throat. | "Lord! Grows wupl--Well then,| PP! Ia atte East or West | "Im a pretty good fighter!" she|Maudie's goin' to marry a fur coat ant; Yi Dever have an......., no matter said aloud to the empty darkness. {muff an' a automobile with a fur Jap-| how long you may live. ' f Eddy 8 Best | What if she had hurt Martha Mary robe! An' her man's goin' to work in| 22 We asked for. .....and he said : ' fin her fighting? Instantly the laugh a big fact'ry that don't never shut! we might take.......which you see > Br . » 4 : gentled, grew tender. Silly old Martha | down! Hear t at, Maudie? . She's! was fifty per cent. more than required. | : s. BY, : rai Ar nd : : Y- | Mary to" be- fallen "in ove 'with "8t dreamin' 6f ft now!" = ~~ | 28 T was about to teach her fo 2] The stains of toil cannot thirty-three! Thirty-three was 80 old» "What factory was it that shut when -T. discovered y or He 3 ' meni ne. A citions thing in the, down," questioned Shirley. She must| pi Shout the art than I did hold oyt against the big, rl's musings over that year-old hap- say something. : a . ren MATCH ES pening, Something. she had never Yims Tactry." She gave a name! 2% If you will not creamy lather of Life- # acknowled to herself, was that that had no significance for Shirley,|¥8rds, at least let me have an Fh ; Ts . . Martha Mary might have done her "You better ask what one ain't shut] of these goods. : ' : buoy. : The pure palm 2 Insist on having part in the falling in love. | down Tim's did hold out a spell--| 26. As to whether the creature had x { : il fl shi % EDDY'S! Well, she had not kept Martha Tim's' my man" The white-faced, or two was the ledicrous| = - Mh and cocoanut: o1 Ss Iiusk : Mary from marrying, had she? Not mother of Maudie spoke of her man, upon which the case' out th ep ores an d bai 1 J to any great extent! She had merely | with a curious little undernote of. 4 : y y o reared her young Stanley chin mili-{pride in her tone. 26. In this balmy the orange, the : skin with he h an d - E Gn and then saw it off. ftantly and gone forth into an inde-|" "She likes him," Shirley thought. | pendent life of her own. Pride, up-{The rest of her thought she put Pt lemon and 28. The game was.' la » The health odour vanishes Cm "a Ss EEA ae . after ue. . , > KEEP-YOUR STOVE H root, hurt--she had gone proudly,' speech. Se | rooted-uply, hurt-ly. Never would | "How could he go away and leave / : § (she be dependent on this heartless'--1I suppose he has gone away?" 4 B ACK 1h Bl | stranger who had--had taken advan-| "He'd be here freezin' with us if he! fortunately we managed to 2 y 5 tage of hor and beguilad Mardis Mary Badr, Or he'd set Bre to the benches| the last inning. 4 - quickly X DN 3 into 'thirty-three-year-o oolishness. | to keep us warm! at's Tim! But! T Shs STOVE POLISH In her twenty-year-old seal she had he's off job huntin'. The landlord | we have wore... or "Hiner unless | i lost no time. . Straight to the city turned me an' Maudie out to-night." 30. Sh ised to t t thi marched Shirley. The work she had! "I know him!" cried Shirley almost +, Die. promise meek me at the found for herself she must begin upon {growing warm with indignation, = #I| 01d. .:..but T was too at once, they told her. Shirley began know that landlord--his tribe is Kim. | : ' : at once. Her steady young hand on{mer! When I get my new place" ei absconded from..... the plow, she had no idea of turning| "When Tim gets his job---" with all our provisions. back. And it had been a straight! "Yes, then we'll settle with the Kim-| 32. This = great senator was a iclean little furrow she had plowed mers, Tim and 1!" Shirley leaned to- : } of fourteen. - | from that time up to two short weeks | ward the other girl with an eager lit- 88. The pirates sailed into'the. .. {ago when she had been caught in the 'tle impetus of friendship. - 9%. 18 f the fict that Bran no {general exodus from so many of the| "My dear, if we can just stand to.| BhcOnScious of the fa aL We were work places of the city. Turned loose night--don't you think we feel a little| cOnCealed in the... 3 oof i with 'the rest of them--Shirley and|warmer when we talk?" '84. He was not as »»..88 he was | Tom and Dick and Harry. But the other girl did not answer. painted, although he did....:.. | She had not been able to go back|{She seemed again only -a shivering |ivirtues, rr {to Martha Mary. But, of course, all huddle of thin clothes and bundle. § .. The Missing Words. along! she'd written cheerful letters! Shirley, repulsed in her friendly ad-|. 1. dread = dray vg ! carefully designed to keep Martha vance, remained silent, too. jog ot ATORC, Tea oo GERY PRY} Sp «Mary from worrying. But because{ Then it happened. + jdream, ream; 4. droll, roll; 5. drug, | {she had adhered so firmly to her own |. . (To be continued.) , 6. Easter; aster; 7. goats, oats; | /independence and twenty-one-$ear-old -- warm, arm;.9. fallow, allo | foolishness, she had given no address The First Consideration, fairy, airy; 11. chill, hill; ang 5 bad Teseived fo answers, The dentist had finished work on a' 3/18. hold, old;- 14. cl il "And this is*--this|" smiled Shirley|1ady's back molar and had handed her n Bri My, but a year could'a hand mirror tbat sho t ob, 0! Lan rrr rea nS ed 7 | von r : your Sos | ticular park bench was well situated. the mirror when eagh tooth had heen have a Walker Electri for watching a gay stream of theatre- nied. Finally, when the job was en! goers tum in at a playhouse across fr vomplete, and she handed bai i % a L } » e as long as an age--and two weeks the result herself. Then he went on as a year! She absolutely, with his task with respect to-the oth shiver again, This par- 'teeth, repeating his performance with Dishwasher to do k la | a street. the mirror Shirley w ° 'he motors. edg-| et & nd