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Port Perry Star, 17 May 1923, p. 7

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, he has plants much § those that he might have grown "| This article describes the method id i tar Blowing art, wil not bo wo will be necessary to obtain them as Ee vold Jour while buying seed for one plan plants, as the seedlings do not come| Washing the seed ut :Where ons wants a number are. trae, although it sometimes happens light | the| variety, he will find that his own seeds uch benefited by & that seed taken from pecin ngs. ell x lings will give him entire satisfaction, omposed manure in: will produce plants almost or quite pS ) and he will besides have the pleasu Yoo ds of dry! equal to the parent plant. ready for transplanting by the end of | of producing from a tiny seed a mv soakings of| my, . Eh tnto which June, For this purpose a part of the/ ture perennial in full beauty of bloom ae ore are S6VEra P 16863 n apy garden where an early vegetable crop| It {s this gradual but sure develop« year many new ¢ She sublet pay be ed, ae seed-| 18 been may be selected. There will ment taking place under the garden hs have be nt tings brad i Be CRE ques be gale piace where early lettuce, or|er's eye that gives him the greatest a | praase sbeiaiy. © | eutivs oy son foot varios nocd ook bn meno Lag V0 10 I TL Wn POS ne of sr "cows during In Keeping up the 7y. lime Meri rious cludes 28 of the most ej here except to say that the method setting the seedlings about 6 inches, not only of perennials, but also of b false $j an Phospliorus gapply 1 is well 19, - ini i outlined is suitable to"all the more} ny, 'yng shadipg for a few days, | enniala and annuals ameng the Ho ack. ' oa oe x Highs ie biter Mis Ruys, Mrs, den Soman species, such i he Holly- you will have in September beauti ul| cultural Boglety's free a. ,| than 8 A. = 3 ; Campanula, Delphiniom, Fox 8 ein faye th 250 haps Tons Bane, Wht vith em 5, SU aban, i |B, prin pom coral Sols Tro rena ons. ok Halts; Soyheans and arora, Bormung: sad oo hing The first essential in the growing|that many people advocate the sowing| tural Council by J. B. Cannon. us 1 59 cine, boken,- Mrs, a A Elizabeth of perennials is fresh seed. Here is|of perennial seeds in August, but my sn ld i me pris : alt 3 Campbell, Fr Hanny. 'Pfleiderer,| here most of the failures take ice, experience has always been the same] To Feed Silage to Sheep. has m Ode with -- a, Pantheon, Solr, and Sommerkldid. and the writer has year after yenr|with late sowing, namely, that in the| For feeding silage to sheep -an lime found therein, good leafy. Salmon, orange red to scarlet and|°<Perienced failure in 'the seeds o fall the plants are small and rarely lambs, a single feed involves handlin hay containing more than crimson: Veld = Jensen, Coquelicot,! S°7*3i" perennials to germinate, and bloom the next year. at least one ton. We have abandon : bor 3 his had to finally abandon the rals-| 1, he "matter of transplanting, the silage car and r a 3 whether it ivi tna, G. A. 'Strohlein, Genl. whelhep 2 | contse, stemmy hay. a, G. A, Btrohlein, Von Gr ar oymar a, Paying, 8) Phosphorus is derived mainly trom, Hout, Rifustroom, Thor, snd 880-1 10%,0c," Foun diet to, obtain On| "erin, Soo? ion. or porhape 000 StU Gestnaey gaivan ie sor) Te-I wheat bran, eo neal, - low. Mauve, lilac, and 8 je ov of f ced yield she is Able to produce. | ad ahest vilidlings and linsced meal of purple: Marle Jacob, Antonin Mers| Pendable Delphintum sced, and one these perennials ave extremely able' tors roumde of siluan. Thi method ¢ v 85 a or two other species have been almust ty pou y 4d Let us briefly consider the mineral iii the order given.: Other feeds rich cier, Dr. Charcot, Iris, Le Mahdi, and| 0" [© "15% SPPCE8 TOH0 DI HER to winter Kill and transplanting more convenient and handles quic oo requirements of a dairy cow during, in phosphorus, but less widely known Widar, he anal te vou In. your nelghbor's| "eeMs to increase the ability in this than any other way. A wash tub * the last month or six weeks of the and used for dairy feed, are sesame Br eps caffe as appea K og he h g 4 respect. 'Therefore, I have found it with rile extended handles is prefer tion perfod while she is dry. | ofl: cake, rice polish, buckwheat mids! Intense work is the best remedy|garden, ask him to let you have Gs better if at all possible to transplant able. The drop handles require more b lime "and phosphorus are dings eT a edd cake. for worry. -- ve ripe and you will find him de-| giract from the seed bed to permanent, time to locate.~J., McB, ~The : 7 y a a------ indi KBRik ope bl found ji atively small rapeseed cake, buckwheat bran, and| ; quarters in early summer and thus it, like dynamite, is 1 aT iomaal, Quaty | rapeseed sale: bus ~~ 1The Sund School L prevent any shock in the late season| , Cre KG SFRATE, Io 8 peweriu) great deal to do with.milk production] No bran or other' concentrate con- € Sunday Scnoo €SSO0I | plants that need to be in full vigor |p, to uge it. It in also quite as dang snd also play. an important part in|tains anywhere near so much lime as| . e withstand the severe winters of | gerous in the hands of those who od ng up the body of the unborn/ do the legume hays; no kind of rough- MAY 20 > this locality. not understand its proper use. Som calf. If the ration fed to dry cows|age contains so much phosphorus as There Is little to add. If your seed| farmers to-day would be better off fs deficlent in these elements, they is found in the concentrates mention- - has been fresh, and your soil properly | had they never had a chance to bor ormer. 1 Kings 17:1 to 19: 21; 21: 1 | prepared, you will have a good supply| row, while others have been kep en driwn from the su ed above, Grass hays, corn silage Elijah, the Brave Ref d t Fig i and 'ol ie: er' gan Facts with the to 2 Kings 1: 1to 2: 12. Golden Text--Choose | °f healthy plants in the fall which! down for lack of adequate credit, \ j "also takes plac on e made from : 3 : helght of the milking period, but if, the corn germ are low in both lime ~~ you this day whom ye will serve.--Josh. 24: 15. . to king of|ures or seahs would sow about 1,195 Easy Way to Letter Signs a tinue for. and phosphorus, Keep these facts the oo square yards, or not quite a quarter animal well in mind when mapping out the Israel, had married Ala, loss of flesh and rations for dry cows--then feed 80 cess of Tyre and a worshipper of an acre. This gives an idea of that no cow is compelled to "hit on Tyrian Baal. In such a marriage -it|the measurement of the trench. By G. E. Hendrickson three cylinders" and is cussed when was usual to allow the foreign queen V. 83. Put the wood, etc.; for the : to worship her native along with {burning of the sacrifice. Cut the bul- One day last summer I stopped at| deeply around and upon the margin she fails to produce. / - the God of her ado country. Not|lock in pieces, It was to be a whole- : ; ; content' 'with wever, bey har burnt offering, that is, the whole of the home of a neighbor and found of uc} ¥ad every Lever. he task: who was a remarkably forceful pers the victim was to be consumed on the| him preparing to paint a sign. wis ia . o nh. § sonality, attempted to. thé{altar. The whole-burnt offering was| "Taking up a new trade?" I asked.| ed, "that enabled me to have my sign/ worship. of Jehovah with that of the made on very Important occasions.| "Well, not exactly," he replied as|displayed so quickly. The deep, sharp Tyrian Baal. Not only was the wor-| Fill" four barrels, etc. Elijah took|he brushed the shavings from a nice| Cuts around the letter margins seve ship of the Tyrian Baal in direct con- elaborate precautions. to ensure| pire pine board, "but it is getting so| the grain of the board upon the sur- 'travention to the religion of Israel, Spainst any possible charge of fraud. nowadays that a man is considered] face, and although the black letterin is painted upon the board immediate. g courses in Choral Singing by but it sanctioned some grossly licen-| He wished to show the people that fire ; , ; y of Tsrael, kindlin spontaneously on an altar, so| ® back-number if he doesn't christen 1y After tho white background i find ished the two colors will not run " gi h Literature tious pr: The le : ciby -- LL i fg and at the conclu-/ SPRAY to joes. labile ro the | thoroughly drenched with water could | his farm and display the name where sion of these we united with Beeton tWO rival religions when Elijah came only happen by a divine miracle. passers-by may read. Accordingly, =", I on tute, The were taxis the exon, ut. as the mpion of the God of II. THE UNMISTAKABLE PROOF, 36-89. having named my farm and having a oge er." 11 A the nse} Tosialting 58m, Israel. He proposed that a trial by The contents of Elijah's|few hours off duty, I'm going to try remained. long enough io see the a; truth of this assertion demonstrated courses nd gave a concert at Beston, a 1 -| prayer are worth noting. He began i inting." which was a huge success. Bond Head 5re on Mount armel Fig id Jemen- is Sorayer by calling > God's a hand at Je ure i pn painin i and, in fact, the entire job was comm being a small place with no railroads, hovah or Baal. The prophets of Baal |embrance his covenanted. relations to| It occurred to me that the "trying" 1 vq hetore I left the shop. ; | we were rather doubtful as to whe-' were to prepare a victim on the altar the fathers of Israel. Jehovah was| Would prove a somewhat discourag-|" syyp5u0h 1 am convinced that any | ther. these come to us pila to Jehovah; fire coming| the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, | ing experience for a man who had, wo ionced painter would advise two not; but 'they: srtainly did, and ex-! down from heaven and consuming the and therefore surely of their children. | never wielded a paint brush except| ove of paint upon: a' sign which! pressed their willingness to "come Sacrifice would prove which was the| Then follow the tions of the pray-|to smear a few farm implements or a! would be exposed to the weather: 'the again if wo wished. < true God. | Himself to the shiovah Would reves] section of board fence; but I didn't! 4. shuplioity of this process makes h : IER Te e as God. ) : (we have| "In March Seniors and Juniors held] I. CAREFUL PREPARATIONS, 80-85. | ould be ne. eape y fire on his feel Skat I pad any sail so to Siphess a neat farm sign possible for any AT and a half) wean "Old Fashioned Supper," the Sen-| V. 80. Come near, etc. The people altar, Second, that God would vindi-| WYSelf, and my surprise may well be ¢, 0, owner. The work ean be dona< ppointed a program. ,. who, | | resenting "Ancient Times," had been standing about the altar of [cate Elijah as a true prophet. There: imagined when I passed the farm j; o few hours of spare time, if one with 1] Ip of | ; planned our!and the Juniors "Modern Times." The Boal and watching the prophets of after. the le would follow after | again next day and saw a handsome, i; gatisfied with plain lettering; and meetings for this year. First, they| Seniors caused h re fn thei + Baal who had all day been trying by and trust Elijah, plain-lettered sign (black letters on a the use of the knife to prevent th cured the names of all girls who|old fashioned Sima an the ters ¥, the most frenzied methods to induce| V. 87. Finally, Elijah prayed that|white background) conspicuously dis- colors' from running together is pn o- es and. for. what| were set with old: fashioned dis 8, their god to send fire upon his altar. | the heart of the people might be turn-| played. over the entrance. trick that will save much time and Be Tata a ae] Ren stoma we. a ond, dishes Efe uranic 1h pcp ant ts of bask to' Jota 13 uid Hart)" tela of Mpssled cut. Soci mes i 3 ¢ i Eber) or to have revealed}, .;.y 1 dropped in to learn how it was As for the lettering, the squared program for| solved that Consolidated Schools are would do. He repaired the altar of and vindicated Elijah unless ; done, for I had seen enough sign work 'upon the sheet of wrapping paper taken by Juniors and aff by must have been fairly extensive, for accept such attestations, [to know that, aside from the difficulty furnish most of the outlines; and fo pom THE wa us Panve ng | this sanctuary of Jehovah had fallen gly mee fire of the Lord; prob-|that would confront an amateur in one who has never tried his hand af We resting, into disuse and the altar required ab tning from hea-| the lettering, a job like this should this work, there is a surprise in zing a | 1d give thelr: fries 3 on ach meeting." We pl better than Rural Schools," negative the Lord. The worship of the Baal the people had it in their hearts to but the affirmative won. : : NE 'repairs, ; ven, 3 :24. The author require more than forty-eight hours to see the neat draftsmanship th Sry me we, She Jusloss, Saris, Vv. 51. diwelve stones, Elijah Shose : ards ad od 2 Ee or or for its completion, | can so easily be privy iy 4 & poor twel stones rdance "Ye. B ; w ! North. And we are at present mak-| view that the vhiidren of oe wid con- ken at such an unusual demon-| "Well, sir, it's simple enough when - : Baby Chicks and Ducklings From ing flannelette under garments to sisted of twelve tribes. Similarly stration of Jehovah's reality and|you know how," the old gentleman send children in the fire stricken ares. | Joshua took twelve stones out of the | power as well as their own stupld| remarked, with a knowing wink. "I STERLING. stook... April. shioks. make 'sure In July the Juniors and Seniors river Jordan to commemorate the safe mistake in not previously recognizing can't explain' it very clearly by just | Winter layers, Winter layers sro moner-makers. held a garden party snd divided pro., passage of the twelve tribes over the hith 48 God The Lord, Ho is the God.| telling you what I did, but I'm paints | Sue rer ces ser 147104 sock er. ceeds. We, the Juniors, realized Fiver, Josh. 1-9: lien. levael first Once again; as often happensd In the| IE 8 sign for my brother's farm to- | TORONTO HEIGHTS POULTRY entered Canaan the tribes 17 | history of Israel, the i of Je | day and, as the board is ready to SUPPLY CO, Ltd, about $100, which is 3 ; = AL} ; Yoose} 3 connected, but later when Solo- | rv 1" T finis| ying for Jour community ooo a the country into twelve hovah' 'was saved from a serious at- work Lg oT re you observe an {2048 Du erin Bt oronto 3 . for Piposce of adminis- | tack upon its very existence. | ration, the tribal nation became ve 2 APPLICATION. In the workshop, my farmer friend Er haan ok Jacob, le : oly "Saco, iN Blijah--a Zpalosa, unoomprom-| drew from beneath the bench a strip' fp Mm to Israel, Gen. 32:28. : id 5 tor PHAR bt rs hen wi Rt fo pon 82, He built an altar. In earliest tr ort ives by imagination to previously been ruled off in one-inch altar -was Of c at, Io 1 JToroved squares over its entire surface, nt, but that| "I did that by laying the yard-stick Elijah lived cen-|on the paper and gpacing the lines : and the light{just as far apart as the width of the Zath was forges: stick" he explained. "Didn't take me e ? eX: but a few minutes that way." | of the leade? whol" "with the paper spread upon the .) s 'clean bench, he then drew his carpen- | | ter pencil heavily over the lines to . h PO MT spell olit the words, CLOVER-HILL coment This, of ig Produsd a somewhat square style of lettering,' y these r a guide he qu rimmed off the. corara quay, 13 {sult was neat and readable, ; Rt ith the layout completed, a dress- Fit ed wh 3 0] 8 4 @ Ph Board. tabi ck. A win out but " ny = | § J ahoY of

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