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Port Perry Star, 31 May 1923, p. 10

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iG Alva T. M. of Salem, A Ad 7 v © 2 £3 ave Christie, and lived her life within ; few miles of her birthplace. Besides her sorrowing husband she leaves five children, James %L. C. of of Lorneville, Mrs. W . 'of Sandford, Mrs. A. T. W. Hun "of Manchestér, who mourn the toss] of a loving and affectionate mother; she 'also leaves to mourn her loss her| | = two brothers, A. E. Christie, and L. D. Christie, of Utica, and two sisters Mrs. W. F. Clark, of Woodville and Mr.s W. H. Lapp, of Lorneville. The late Mrs. Smith went to Wood- | ville on March 13th to visit the death bed of her sister, the late Mary C. Christie, being in feeble health she was unable to return and patiently and cheerfully bore her weakness to the end. She was a life long and faithful member of the Methodist Church at Utica and at Port Perry since her retirement to Prince Albert five years since. Interment took place at the Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, the service being conducted by her pastor, Rev. D. W. Harrison, assisted by Rev. Mr. Everson, and Rev. Mr. Hall. neral attendance and the beautiful floral tributes showed in some meas- ure the high respect in which she was held. The pall bearefs were her two sons three sons-in-law and nephew, Christie D. Clarke, of Woodville. 8S. H. THOMPSON'S SPECIAL PRICE LIST AT SEAGRAVE STORE Choice Salmon Crown Syrup Crown Syrup 10 Id pail 75¢ Aunt Dinah Baking Syrup. .llc Magic Baking Powder, : large size tin 33c Small size tin 20c Benson's Corn Starch dle Royal Yeast Cakes Bulk Cocoa Shredded Wheat each 13c Lux ...: .! 2 pkgs. for 23c Laundry Soap, Gold, B & G Comfort, Sunlight, ..3 for 23c Fry's Cocoa ¥; Ib tin 25¢ Cowan's Gocoa % 1b tin 13c 2 tins for 25¢ Avsnans veins 2 tins for 25c 2 tins for 23c 5Y; lbs 25¢ Keen's Mustard....% Ib tin 20¢ Soap Chips... x ..... per Ib 20c Choice Cooking Figs..per Ib 10c Choice Prunes Lifebuoy Soap ....... tas Best grade Blue Rose Rice 3 lbs. 25 Dome Black Lead, Choice Raisins Fa aA per package 10c Ib print 20c ..3 Ib pails 57¢ 5 Ib pails 95c.. 10 Ib pail $1.90 RE 1o4+.20 Ib pail $3.60 Choice Bulk Tea, black... . Pastry Flour Cheese, Produce or Cash at these prices. Shoes--Special values in ladies' and Misses shoes. while they last. Dry 'Goods b yards-of Gingham........ 1.39 5 yards of hand towelling...1.39 5 yards of Tea Towelling ...1.19 b yards Factory Cotton b yards of Print ..c....... 1.43 6 yards of Cretonne........ 1.89 Special Values in Hosiery --_-- -- ---- House-Cleaning Time It's not half the work it used to be, before you could get rs. A. A. Lapp | The very large fu-} All sizes at $2.25] in your feed bins. : cts sia' palatable; Kiln-dried ration, '- 'perfect in balance. All animals eat it greedily and digest it every bit. : Schumacher Feed is manufactured from milled products of Corn, Barley, Wheat, Oats and Linseed Meal, evenly ground, sold in new sacks which carry the Govern- ment guaranteed chemical analysis. Keep a generous supply of Schumacher The results will con- vince you of its value. FEED Sold in Port Perry by HOGG & LYTLE Wash F, abies for Spring We have all the leading Mgtarisie : ar outs 82 Inch Gin in Plain Chambra; and Plait. -- 8 ndid cloth. an Same The. Green, 2 > elon, Sand. Fa, Cotton Canton Crepe is im wood demand. Suey Dave DESIGNER The Womans Magazine "every purpose of Outerwear and U come in with a rush this season. aang Colors are. Green, Pink, Rose, Blue. Price per yd 90c. ALWAYS APPRECIATED And always welcome is a dish of our delightfully flavored ice cream. For a single guest, ora large party, it is the ideal refreshment. boxes or cans of any size. Will keep hard an hour Order for your next function, PORT PERRY or longer. A.E. SIMS : RAGLAN Mr, Harold Platten of Oshawa, spent Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. CocBrane; daugh- ter Edith, Mr. F. Nottingham, of Os- hawa, and Miss R. Thompson, of Oshawa, spent the 24th with Mus, T. Thompson. Mrs. J. Coates, of Shirley, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Brent. Mr. and Mrs. N. Luke, of Toronto, were recent visitors of his mother, Mrs. W. Luke, A Mr. J. R. Brent has purchased a new Ford car. We are sorry to report Miss Kate Hodgson under the doctor's care, but' hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Rose Brent .and Miss Annie Smith are spending a few days in the City. Miss Bertie Luke, 'of Toronto, spent the holiday at her home here. « Mr. and Mrs, A. Wallace, of Sea- grave, visited for a few days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R, Moon. Mr. A. J. Grose sports a fine new Chevrolet car. We are pleased to report that Mr, iS : Wm. Squelch is convalescing after a very severe illness. "Many from here attended the Fair at Brooklin on the 24th. Miss Elsie Ferguson visited for a few days at her home in Uxbridge. MANCHESTER (Too Late for last week) Mrs. Alan Jackson Scugog Island, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stomp, and daughter of Alliston, were guests of Mr. ang Mrs. J. T. Dobson. Misses Aletha Barrett and Jessie ; i; Johns, Toronto, were at their 'homes J here over Sunday. : Mr. Chas. Fincham, Es réturned home from Toronto; where he has | spent the past few months. Miss Mae Rusnell visited Mrs, w.| § F. Crosier over-the' week end. Miss Winnie Way, Toronto, is vis- § Rees. iting her. aunt, Miss SPECIAL OFFER The Designer 90c for a years subscription. - Reg. Price $1. 75 i BROCK BROS. & CO. a a aa Can be had in Arctic Silver Fox Ranch Comj W: Limited Lost week we: told you in a brief way of the success we had from four pairs of Silver Foxes at our Sunderland Ranch. We stated that we had 19 cubs from four pairs, which statement is absolutely correct. also stated that, based on pelt value as reported by the Dominion Departmen of Agriculture, we showed a gross earning of $5225, and a net - of $3580. sg Naturally you would say--A net earning pairs of foxes. Well, let me see--$3580 divided by 4 equals $ that looks like a lot of i money from one pair of foxes. Then would naturally say--100 pairs of foxes at that rate would earn #95 and the company is planning on 1,000 pair--1, 000 pair at a net earning 3 : $895 per pair--whew--$895,000!! 1297 But--we did not finish the story last week. We did i tell you. that there are seven pairs of foxes in this ranch. We did not tell you that two pairs failed to give us any increase this year. sf We ale not tell you i that our last air are due to give us a litter on June 2nd. | th: ke il pairs, » Starting wth 100 |

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