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Port Perry Star, 31 May 1923, p. 4

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Ble "PERSONAL ITEMS Miss Sadie Bentley, of Toronto, "was the guest of Mrs LR. Bentley + last week, \ Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Stonehouse, and daughter, Gladys, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends in town. Mrs. A. E . Howard, Toronto, was in town for a few days lst week. Mr, A. D, Peters, formerly of To- ronto, but recently of Myrtle Station, who purchased the residence and pump works on John Street, is not at' present going to operate the pump works; but is going to make some al- terations and clear up the place. After investigating the district, he will, if inquiry warrants, go into his former business of building. At the present time he is suffering from a number of broken ribs and is taking a necessary rest. " Mrs. W. H. Crosier, of Midland, and Mrs. M. Gregg, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with' Mrs, Kyle. Donald Shepherd had the misfor- tune to have his hand badly torn in the log carrier at the mill. The wound required six stitches. He is getting along very nicely. We regret to hear of the very ser- ious illness of Arthur Somerville, the youngest son of Mr.-and Mrs Robert Somerville. : . IL. 0. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter of the 1.O.D.E. will be held in the I.O.O.F. hall on Mon- day, June 4th, at 3.00 p.m. As it is the last meeting of the season a full attendance is requested. rere (UO rene MEMORIAL SERVICE A Memorial Service for the Port Perry boys whose lives were sacri- ficed in the Great War, will be held under the auspices of the I. 0. D. E. at the Pine Grove Cemetery on Sun- day afternoon, June 8rd. They will be assisted by the Boy Scouts. All members of the Order wishing to attend, kindly meet at the Town Hall promptly at 4 o'clock, when con- veyances will be supplied. Dr. Fred L. Junkin, OF TORONTO will open an: Office for Medical Practice on Queen Street, Pert Perry, about the middle of June. MRS. W. A. SANGSTER With startling suddenness, Minnie McLean, beloved wife of Dr. W. A. Sangster, passed away at the home of her mother, Mrs. Chas. MéLean, Queen St., on Friday, May 18th. 1923, Mrs, Sangster was the only daughter of the late Charles McLean and Mrs. McLean, and was born in Reach Township, near Seagrave, in 1889. After her father's death some eight years ago she moved with her mother to Port Perry, where she since lived with the exception of one Winter in Toronto. Mrs. Sangster was well known in the community, having been assistant in Dr. Sangster's Dental Parlor for three years. On August 19th last, she was married to Dr. Sangster. On. May 18th a son, John Charles Her- bert, was born to them, and mother and child were apparently doing well, when in the evening Mrs. Sangster suddenly was taken very ill and died almost without warning. Mrs. Sangster was a consistent member of St. John's Presbyterian Church: a faithful and efficient Sab- bath School 'teacher. and will be greatly missed by her congregation and in the community. The suddenness of her death has awakened the deepest sympathy for her husband and especially her mother who has been bereft of an only and very devoted daughter. Mrs, Sangster was a woman of sterling worth, a true sympathetic friend, faithful and persevering what she believed to be her duty, - 'She is survived by her husband, Dr, ~W. A. Sangster, and infant. son, her sec Cut Glass" See our new stock of Cut Glass: Many very neat ad useful articl rang- iig from 75¢. to $10.00, Our line of Souvenir nov- Orhand, Goud! elties in Ivory, Spoons, Fobs, Pins, etc., is com- plete. For Presents to the June' Bride, see our Stock, We are always pleased to Sow you anything in our. . Have your eyes tested by us. e guarantee satis- faction. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST . PORT PERRY, ONT. Eh, .t"sd A AAA OBITUARY The funeral of the late Wm. Rus- nell, took place at Kendall Cemetery, Utica, on Sunday, May 13th, and was one of the largest held there. Mr. Rusnell was the youngest son of Peter Rusnell, and was born near Stouffville. Twenty years ago he moved to the 6th concessionof Reach, where he re- sided until his death. He was a regular attendant at church, and took an active part in Sunday School work. He was a good neighbour, and will be missed by many. Beside his willow, he leaves two grown daughters and a little boy. They have the sympathy of the com- munity. eee (J (JQ. PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL The following is the standing of the pupils at the April examination. For Honours, the requirement is 60 per cent. in each subject, and for satis- factory, 50 per cent. in each subject. The names are in order of merit: "FORM IV Satisfactory--Lewis McLean. : FORM 111 Honours--Grant Rundle FORM II Honours--Louise Carnegie Satisfactory--Marion Goode, Fran- cis Mellow. FORM 1 Honours--Grant MacMillan, (who obtained .at least 75 per cent. in each subject. Satisfactory--Mabel Harborn, Sa- die Hortop, Eila Robertson, Gleenn Collacutt, Dorothy Ney, Milbert Howsam, Lois Lundy, Laura McClin- tock, Norene Cawker, Benny Ward, Lisgar O'Neill, Dawson Kauffman. en (Yin STILL MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Gradually the water front is being put into proper order, and the pres- ent Council is to be complimented for the part they are taking in the clean up. The old sheds by the 'power- house have been torn down, and the rubbish that has been accumulating there has been removed. The day is not so far distant since lumber piles and coal sheds, and all the kindred evidences of . industry were considered an asset to the town But now the lumbering industry gradually leaving us. We the former prosperity of the lumber and grain, but the I passing, and with the passing must begin to consider what are permanent sources of the li of our townspeople. Providence has been most kind to us in this respect, for we are sur-) 'rounded by a splendid farming coun- and there is : owe town PEA COAL $183.50 a ton delivered Solvay Hard Coke $14. Yo ton delivered Lime and Plaster on hand P. FIGARY WOOL _ Wanted Highest Price Paid POULTRY Hides, Sheep Skins and Junk We pay the big price I. TURNER Bell Phone 218 Ind. 1800 . Prices are Advancing 3 We are sorry, but we are not to blame. The bulk of our stock was bought at the lowest price, and we will not advance our prices until we are compel This is the time to order your suit we can give you tailor made or ready-to-wear suits. . Ask to see our ready- to- wear working pants. We are carrying the finest stock of caps in town. W. H. DOUBT Merchant Tailor PORT PERRY ONT. - WANTED A maid for general housework, to go to Muskekg, for June and July. Small family; no children. Apply to St. Mary's Cement,| All Kinds of}: at Port Perry 1s paying 32¢. per Ib. for butte Js peing can lor or butter more money by sending your |cream to Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode, Proprietor. W. E. HARRISON Blong Block, Port Perry. - Manufacturer of ' Hand-made . Harness and dealer~in Robes, Blankets, Whips, Mitts and Gloves, Club 'Bags, suit Cases, etc. Church of the Ascension PORT PERRY" On Sunday, June 8rd, 1928, being the Birthday of His Majesty the King, special united services will be held in the above church at 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Copies of the Order of Services will be provided. A very cordial invitation to attend these services is offered to J. LINTOTT TAYLOR COURT OF REVISION The first sitting of the Court of Re- vision will be held in the Clerk's Of- fice on Monday the 18th of June at 8 o'clock p.m. E. H. PURDY. Clerk. -- HOUSE WIRING Done by a graduate of Burgess Electrical School. Work guaranteed. J. GOULD Bell Phope 97 r 8 YOUNG GIRL WANTED Young girl about 14 years, to play with baby 18 months old. Ap- ply to Mrs, Conley, Caesarea. Bell Phone 104r1-3. DOMINION REDPATH CHAUTAUQUA 4 ATTRACTIONS INCLUDING Creat Comedy Drama "The Bubble" Pam Pamga Players and Singers Lillian Johnston Company Troubadour Male Quartet Cope, Humorist Extraordinary Notable Lectures on Timely. Subjects. : Port Perry Chautauqua July 6 to 10, 1923 tad. Mrs. Robert Thompson, Box 661, You needn't worry hii ining 58 capacity can be prompt Shanged at low cost, long The Separator with the One-Piece Bowl you buy or already possess a MAGNET SSR your herd, just: send your machine i ks and its 'Magnet square-cut gears 3 to turn and assure © aft foyah Bets are funsing er years « "service. about the capacityeeif; ry Goole s Creamery | Never before have 'we offered ip oom Tad combini n ~ such unusual beauty with unusual service, For. the home-maker this luxurious suite is ideal. Not on last word i in smart design, and upholostery, but it or ET EEA Your Ambition whatever it may be, will te more easily achieved if you have crea:- od a strong ally in the shape of a Savings Bank ce. It gives courage in nt difficulties Lm ds 0 beginning is too small and no aim too high. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL . . $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . - . $15,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH, E. B, Walker, Manages. 9 ~ New Supenion-- ~~ CHEVROLET Desired By All : For Very Evident Reasons THE reasons for the remarkable popularity. of Chevrolet are very evident to anyone: = who has examined the New Superior Mddels _and compared them with other cars Selling at. or near their price. Chevrolet, as a pleasant, comfortable, efficient . economical means of Sranshortation, leaves nothing to' be desired. construction ensures comfort on 'the: longest trip; its mechanical design makes certain that it perform as a good car should; its economy o operation is too well known to need comment. Not only is Chevrolet desired for its abil to do things well, but also for its looks. ~ a handsome car--long, low Sines, hi ator and c¢ d 1

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