] ent i It is .00 ili made Po full sized and irts with long ers. Sizes 32 Boy's Cotton Worsted Bloomers 98c. Boy's Bloomers made of good quality cotton ~ worsted in neat stripe and check. Regular price $1.25. Sizes 26 to 31. : . Sale Price 98c. PL sunge Shirts $1.59 irts in this lot stly 14, 141% 5 and sold reg- om $2. to $3. ms, prints and '$ are the ma- terials and they are made up with soft double cuffs. Clearing Price $1.59 = Children's 5 Dresses 98c. Dresses 98c. Children's dresses made from heavy quality These dresses of good : chambray i in cadet blue and " pink with trim: mings of plaid gingham. Each dress has a! pair of bloomers to match. Sizes 3,4 and: 6 yrs. Reg. $1.25 Clearing Price 98c. Women's Percale - quality percale made of J |bv the children of Cadmus Sunday combination material. Nestleton choirs. The church was Skirt in polka cloth and | |Get os "i voor of made in order to enable the H School girls to be present and b week of the Exhibition. ; On Sunday last both services in ary services and were conducted by Rev. Mr. Irwin, of Oshawa. The music in the morning was furnished School and in the evening by the two a filled to its utmost capacity both both minister and choir were appre- top is plain in shade to J |: . Misses Alberta and Evelyn Ritchie match. Sizes 38 and 40 and Miss G. Belcham, all of Toronto; are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Clearing price 98c. - J [sn Ritchie. Mr. Geo. Crawford, of Toronto, spent the week end with his mother, on BUTTERICK 3 TF W. MCINTYRE Mrs. Robert Crawford. CLEAN UP OF TRIMMED MILLINERY J [xi sc et tor th west last week on a visit to relatives and We have about 8 trimmed hats left, pattern hats friends. We wich Sient & safe fous and made hats that are marked $7.00 and $7.25. | ----o00 THE MELVIN BUSINESS OCLLEG Your choice of these hats for $2.95. = (See window) The Melvin Business College, Us- bridge, will re-open on September 8, A thorough training in bookkeeping, shorthand and all allied subjects will September Delineator be uy et eve Price 25¢c. employed. Students contemplating a business course will be well advised to write to the Principal, A. McF. Mustard, Uxbridge; BE : === = lust arrived--a House-Cleaning Time . Brandram-H #'s not half the work it used to be, Ereptingi die cnet, 1A Anchor Sh do it easier, and do i ick or phous for kim fo some aay movi === ELECTRICAL @ | PUMPS and or 'GUARANTEE C. A Rundle, Every Brush bearing the Fuller trademark carries the following ab- shipment of enderson ol ene, Paints and Varnishes ingle Stains Nice READY ROOFING SUPPLIES PIPING Port Perry Y= IMPROVE YOUR HERD Our policy is to assist farmers in in- creasing their live stock holdings, and to secure a Better Grade of Stock "Call and talk the matter over. mm THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - . $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - . $15,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH, E. B, Walker, Manager. ation. Hawaiin Guitar mop : DIED b HARRY WAGNER In Cartwright, lot 5, con. 5, on Sun= Teacher day, August 19, 1923, Russell Edward associated with Ottawa School of [Arnold Darcy, aged 4 months, and 3 Musie, (London College of Music, days, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- England) and Peterboro Conserva- ward Darcy. tory of Music. "Only complete musi- 000 cally correct course for Hawaiian "Floral Festival Day" is one of the Guitar. Pupils guaranteed to play |inovations at the Canadian National { and transpose their own music. If | Exhibition when among other inter- interested leave your name. at the | esting features there will be a floral = Star Office. Enrol now as time is | parade and battle of roses. The date limited. is Saturday, September 1. solute guarantee: 1. The handle will not pull off. place any brush with any of the ---- Thinking of 3 a run up to the City about for yourself. 'Let us assure you that Jog at HALF PR st. Charles. Hotel Block 2. The wire will not rust, Rg i 8. The bristles will not come out. ' M Have Been We shall cheerfully repair or re- Footwear a i! w Wl Du g You may have been thinking that you would take air time; and, while there, buy boots for the family, or perhaps just now there is no need to go away from Port Perry in order to be suited in Footwear, We have a wide range of modern _ styles in stock; and our prices will compete with the lowest city priees--quality for quality. Special for Saturday ak airs of Running Shoes, Oxfords, and Laced JAMES McKEE & SON PORT PERRY = to be given in the basement of the r The Fretful Cow Gives Little Milk hungry cow is always fretful. She wanders all over the dried-up pastures looking for food. A fretful cow cannot make milk. Feed your herd Schumacher Feed when grass is poor. It is a sustaining feed that is helping hundreds of dairy herds to give more milk. Cows eat Schumacher greedily, digesting every scrap. Schumacheér-fed cows are con- tented, well-nourished cows. They produce more and richer milk. Schumacher Feed will bring hogs along to market at an early age. It Piaduces good sound flesh. Write a" 'regarding your ho and dairy problems. Our Live Stock Service De- partment can help you. 'Its advice is free. ---wheat where possible. Dominion Departm : No single farmer can expect to keep his corn crop free of the European Corn Borer unless all his neighbours are also fighting the pest. For this reason some sort of co- operation is essential. You can organize your whole neighborhood by arranging a mutual plan of campaign whereby each farmer undertakes to account for the Corn Borers on his own farm. This plan will assist in 'Welnging the Corn Borer under control, but without such co-operation, satisfactory resylts be obtained. A Very Impo Cut corn crop low and ready. Burn all corn stalks, corn should all be pulled ea Plough down all corn s very carefully. Seed to pamphlet, post free. Agriculture