i: Seaty for outdoor meetings, re- J - swatting the ad- guard of 'the summer's swarm flies, cannot fail to be interested in 'the Scout who, half scared perhaps at 'his own temority, points out to her the fact that her own garbage can and dishwater drain are responsible" for her unwelcome visitors. 'and what housekeeper has not--one "microphotograph showing how the deadliest of germs are picked up by 'the housefly's feet and then depositd 'upon the bread and butter which her "children eat, makes her.a red- "'oruit for the militant forces. ita- Woman's tongue has heen the sub- ject of many unkind remarks. Let wus "pause and reflect upon what it accom- plishes when it is set a:wagging for a cause like this, It' means 'Jess flies and more Scouts before the sun goes down. p "Safety First" is second nature with a Scout, for the prevention of acci dents is one of his earliest subjects of instruction. Most accidents can be foreseen, Every Scout is staught to Jook for them and by removingythe causes to prevent the consequences. . Many communities are indebted tu the Scouts for the distribution of lit- 'erature on fire-prevention 'and on 'other subjects of vital importance, for planting trees, protecting parks, paint 'ing the fire MNydrants, establishing town clocks, testing street lights, help- "ing in public playgrounds, cleaning lewalks, assisting in campaigns for id roads, co-operating with the ne\ Society, serving on relief , aiding the blind, provid- port unsanitary conditions, des- troying tent caterpillars, maintaining scout wells, @ecuring community Christmas trees, distributing Thanks- 'giving "and: Christmas 'baskets, taking flowers to hospitals, "adopting" friend- 'less old people, gathering old clothes for the needy, searching for lost per sons, acting" as ushers at pubHe- gath- erings, conducting first ald and infor- " mation tents at fairs, fighting forest fires, removing furniture from burning houses, arranging for safo and sane holiday ' celebrations, decorating the graves of veterans, guiding convention delegates, removing unsightly signs from pubiic highways. - The Scout's service has a double value--it helps ithe city and it edu- cates the boy. of a piece of service for his town or city will do more tb develop his civic and national pride, and prepare him to be an intelligent voter and office holder than a year's: study of civic . government from books. A community ' that neglects to foster an organiza pve 'which produces such results de- eerves whatever it may have of un- justly high taxes, lax law enforcement and juvenile delinquency. Ey Ava > «A Practical Demonstration. Standing -in-a shop recently, one of the Inspectors of the Toronto Humane Bociety saw -a beautiful insect with "Just what are you going to'do with The accomplishment You can' these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mall, posts paid, at 50c a box from the Dr. Wik liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. lp ------ 'EASY TRICKS No. 45 Easy When You Know How 'Place eight coins or checkers on "the table Ina row as indicated In the drawing. Now lift one coin up, pass it over two coins and place it on another. If you do it correctly, you will have the coins in the posi- tion-shown in the lower illustration in four moves. To do it, pick up D, pass it over E and F and place it on G. Pick up F, pass it over C and E and place it on B. Pick up A, pass it over F and B.and place it 'on C. The last move is to pick up H, pass it over Dand' G, 'which are together and place it on E. Another way is to place BE on B, Con G, Hon Fand D on A. (Olip this out and' paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) BABY'S OWN TABLETS OF GREAT VALUE Mrs. Hermadis Chagnon, Ste. Theo- doste, Que. writes:-----"Baby's Own Tablets have been of great value to me in keeping my little one well and I would mot be without them." Thou- sands of other mothers say the same thing. They have learned by actual experience the value of the Tablets in regulating the bowels and stomach; banishing constipation and indiges- tion; breaking up colds and simple fevers; and keeping the baby free from the many simple ailments of childhood. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or-by mall at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A ERT a AR, Wet Weather. It is the English in me that loves the soft, wet weather-- The cloud upon the mountain, the mist upon the sea, The sea-gull flying low and near with rain upon each feather; The scent of deep, green woodlands where the buds are breaking free. A A world all'hot with sunshine, with a hot, white sky above it-- Oh then I feel an alien in a land I'd call my own; The rain Is like a friend's caress, I jean to it and love it, _ 'Tis like a finger on a nerve that thrills for it alone! It' is 'the secret kinship which each new life is given 2 To link it by an agelong chainsto those whose lives are through, That wheresoever he may go, by fate or fancy driven, The home-star rises in his heart to keep the compass true! V 1 might; for upwards to the ocean, but I river is between Kin wide known as the of a thousand miles HERE are thousands of beauty spots along the St. Lawrence river, 'stretching as it does rhaps the most ideal s ston and Brockville. ke of the Thousand Islands be- from Lake Ontario |' t on the world- C., 8. L. "Torente™ leaving Alexandria 'Bay. cause of the myriads of magnificent islands that dot the river and add grandeur {o this wondrous sectlom of the St. Lawrence, It would be invidious to attempt at an extensive description because space will not per- mit, but Kingston was founded in the seventeenth eentury as a trading post under the name of Cataraqui |. and in 1673 Frontenac erected a fort under his name but the Iroquois Indians destroyed it and massacred | the- inhabitants Swenty years later. Eventually Em- pire loyalists established themselves here and called 'it Kingston. The Toronto-Montreal boats make a call at Kingston en route for Prescott. It was the naval base of the British fleet operating in Lake Ontario. jAfter leaving Kingston no stretch of imagination can describe the wonderful kaleidoscopic view that meets the eye of the Manatoana, the garden of the at epirit, as the Indians describe this part of the St. Law- rence. Here tradition has it that the mighty Hia- watha met two dusky Onondagas and counselled the alliance of the Six Nations. Here it is that our American neighbors chose to erect their summer mansions, which are pointed out ag famous places of interest. The Lost Channel is'among these islands, where in 1758 the British, under Lord Amherst, on their way from Oswego to Montreal, entered it by mistake and were ambushed by the French and their Huron allies. However, they emerged victorious al- though a small boat with coxswain 'and crew never found its way out, hence its name. The Thousand Islands are famous for history. Carle- ton Island was the rendezvous of Thayendanagea, the terrible Six Nations chief who fomented massacres, and during the revolutionary war it was a famous refuge for the Tories of New York, Pennsylvania and Thousand Islands. Another favorits is Lost Lover, Island, where an Indian maid was drowned on a fruit-/ less search for her lover. . | Clayton, on our 'way down the river towards Pres- cott, where C.S.L.' passengers for the metropolis and the lower St. Lawrence are transferred to!the Rapids boat, is often called the Gateway of the Thousand Islands. It is a very popular resort, especially for Americans, and from here the journey across Alex- andria Bay, numerous islands are passed with their magnificent homes. Hart Island stands out promi= nently, and future history will doubtless rehearse the story connected with the great mansion erected here, by a wealthy American at a cost of over a million dollars and now showing signs of decay." According to the pathetic story, the huge house with its eut- standing turrets, was built by a loving husband for his devoted wife, who, before its completion, died. He was so disappointed that he had neither the in- clination to finish the work or live there, and it re- New Jersey. Another island, named "Devil's Oven," was the home. of "Bill" Johnson, the pirate of the mains just as it was at the time of her death. packet 80% ask for OEDELTS Good at the Bank "Every time that singer goes up the scale in her wonderful trills it means money to her." . "Yes, from dough to dough every note"s good at the bank." America's Ploneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Address the Author. H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Ins. 129 West 24th Street New York, U.S.A. ------ BY DR. J.J. Crescent, 'Toronto. Where and from whom are children to receive education on sex matters? The question is an important one, for investigation has proven that ninety r cent, of children receive this in- 'ormation at a tender age from thor- oughly improper _sources. The child should be repeatedly impressed with the fact that the source of informa- tion 'on such matters should be the father or mother, not friends or com- pani So training in chivalry and idealism, a proper reverent atti- tude towards sex and the great pur- poses of nature, thorough traniag for marriage its responsibilities-- these "constitute a. foundation upon which parents can build the future happiness of their children. Yet in op te of this, it has been proved that . great majority of children obtain r tt m on sex 8 companions, not often of the right type. 'What does this state of affairs lead to? It leads to a biased and im- proper viewpoint of the whole ques- tion of sex. It blinds the high pur- poses of nature; it develops cynicism, carelessness and sometimes the starting point for careers of ill health and gree 9.4 : Red cheeks, sturdy limbs, clear vision, 'happiness alike in 'work and play; and useful lives; should be the lot of your ehildre 'But for iat -tho! the pic- ture is and will be, sadly different. Blindness, deafness, Jusani nsanity, loco- motar ataxia, heart ese are only a few of the serious results of the devastating plague of venereal dis- leases overihelm 3 A Surely 'the heritage of our children d he, t to bé well-born-- these n. ' "of people - Fad gonpionh iis Boar it Bid i di HEALTH EDUCATION MIDDLETON ' Provincial Board of Health, Ontarle Dr. Midddston Will be glad to-apswer questions on Public Health med ters throtgh this column. Address him at:Spadivs House, Spadina i have married in full knowledge of the {fact that they are free from all dis- ease. And yet, eighty per cent. of blindness in "the new-born is due to gonorrhoea; and syphilis is respon- sible for the birth of thousands of dis- eased children, four out of five of whom die in infaney. . Both of these diseases thrive on ig- norance and cowardly silence. Ignor- ance can be dispelled if citizens and arents will only study the situation. rely when they understand, parents and all citizens, will do their part for the sake of the children of the land. No parent can sit back and say "This is none of my affair." Pre- ventive social measures dre important. Careful supervision of and attention to the heeds of normal children will prevent much of the trouble. Normal recreation, good books and proper companions are all real preventive measures. The cost of venereal diseases takes rank with the tremendous costs of war. Early death and widespread dis- lability as a result, are matters of levery day comment among those who have 'studied the question. The fact t we pay unnecessarily' Tor Hospi. tals, 'insane asylums, Homes for In- curables, jails, institutions for the blind and reformatories implies a wastage of public funds that should make every taxpayer think. pry" EC Experiments are being made with Mexican hemp as to its adaptibility for paper pulp. | tis not what happens to you but the way you take it that shows what kind of 'man you are--Mr. Lloyd, ree. Rheumatism, Too, Says Contractor Woeks with this rheumetism and a bad ease of grippe. I lost about eight felt pounds-and- miserable. _ "Three bottles of the Tanlac treat: 'ment, besides greatly improving my fheumatism, has made my eating and "better than they ever were. well-| I have regained my lost weight, and teellng extremely well. Tanlac is 1-good drug- Good Sign. Thése who notice the rapid growth { of their finger nails should be happy, | for it is considered to indicate good health. wt ab -- MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dollars costs three cénts. TR EA "T jist likes to let her in at the door," said an Irish servant one day, of a woman I know, whose face was always cheery and bright; "the face of her does one good, shure!" Ask for Minard's and take no other./ Housework ranks as high as any of the professions.--The Duke of Con- naught, Classified Advertisements ILVER FOXES--NOTES FROM MY DIARY (Booklet). Nine years' experience ranching 35 cents Dr. iovdall. Truro. Nova Scotia WASHYNGTON HAND PRESS, E HAVE AN ENQUIRY FOR A WASHING WW TON Hand that will take 3} pages of Dominton Express Money Order. Five | § columns. long. Co, Lia. 1 Adelnios Bt W.. CUTICURA HEALS LARGE PIMPLES OnFace.ltchedandBurned. Caused Loss of Sleep. "I was troubled awfully with pim« les on my face. Little white spots lormed at first which later broke out in large, red pimp t fi d First American Coins. The first coins made in America were in Mexico, in the mint establish- ed there in 1585. The coin was called the real. They are now worth from six shillings to two pounds apiece. : For Your // EYES Cleanses and Beautifics § Write MURINE CO,, CHICAGO 2 for Free Book on Eye Care Attractive Proposition Jor man with all round weekly gewspaper experience and $400 or $600. Apply Box 34, Wilson Publishing Co, Ltd. 73 Adelaide Street West. W ARTS Minards, applied fre- quently, dries up and removes Warts. and scaled over. They itched and burned causing loss of sleep, and my face was disfigured. "Other remedies were used with- out A friend ded Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I purchased some, and after usi them about a week I got relief. continued using them and in a month was completely healed." Signed) Miss Lilian Warner, Wil- jamsburg, Ontario. Daily ua of Cuticura Soap, Oint- ment and Talcum helps to t skin troubles. 73:19 proven 'Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. are not getting =} A : pAYE SPIRIN UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you Aspirin at all I SE) kc (E72 Colds "Earache V Accept only an "unbroken package' of "Bayer Tablets of "Aspirin," 'which contains directions and dose worked 'out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for : Headache "~~ Teothache - Neuralgia Lumbdgo * "Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Rheumatism Neuritis = Pain, Pain f 0 means Bayer « | Bet the Arade thnrle RA knirn {hat ATT of Ma +i GT, IE RE SL nd WOMANSUFFERED FOR MONTHS Weak and Nervous. Made Well by L; E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Webbwood, Ont.--**I was in a very weak and run: nervous condition, always tired from the time I got uj until I went to bed. Bleep did not on me at My recommended