The cha 'membership' includes young 'men formerly connected with Scout troops in many parts of Canada. Af- hopes to put on a Winter Training sistance of Mr. Rodney C. Wood, Do- ~ minion Camp Chief, of Ottawa. How can a : second-class Scout do first-class hiking with a tenderfoot? Scouts Prevent Auto Spill Quick thinking and a disposition to oy to keep alive their interest in ter the Christmas holidays the Club! * Course for Scout Leaders with the as-| : BYDR JL ! 'The death rate from cancer'is not increasing for males up to 45 years of age and for females up to 60. The most rapid increase is occuring in ex- treme old 2 - ess of cancer' in its early stages is one. of the most insidi- thers, displayed by two Toronto | Thanksgiving Day, pre- might have turned out to nt, on the steep circuitous road that winds past Old Mill on the Humber River. ids were sauntering up the ly ering what their | deeds for the day should be, when notic automobile backing 'down the roadway. The car was filled J 'es would not grip on the slippery pavement.' There was danger of the automoblie party being precipitated into a dangerous gully at e side of the road. With alacrity the two Scouts ob- ined stones a rdy impe meiits from the side of the road an cast them in front of the skidding heels, bling the driver to bring your town joined 8 family of Scout towns yet? If you e interested in securing the forma-, A trdop In your community, | sweet and regular. + | the ideal laxative lets are 8 rel 1st] minor ailments of childhood such as constipation, colic, indigestion, colds '| good--never harm. The Tablets are ous dangers since it leads the patient to delay in seeking medical advice. Were cancer as ul in fts early stages as toothache there would be the patient first seeks advice when the cancer has reached a stage beyond all but palldtive treatment. Medical advice should be sou, lonce should a lump be found breast, if an ulcerated condition exists on the tongue, lip or skin which does not heal in a few days, if there is blood or mucus is passed with the 'HEALTH EDUCATION Provincial Board of Health, Ontarie Dr. Midddeton will bé glad to answer questions on Public Health med fers through this column. Addrese him at Spadina House, Spadiun fewer of these pitiful cases in which, gf ght at n the persistent hoarseness, if a mole orias the skin of the face, lips, insides of wart shows a tendency to grow, if cheeks, tongue, MIDDLETON : stools, if there is bl discharge at other [monthly periods, especially at the | change of life or after it has passed. Even with the greatest care and skil doubtful cases occur; but only after !eareful medical examination can it be decided whether such conditions are or | are not indicative of cancer, and those who seek advice in these circum- stances are taking a wise course quite apart from cancer possibilities. An normality is there and whatever it {is due to it should be treated and not nursed in secret, The statement is repeated that pro- longed irritation is the cause, but all | tissues are not equally liable. The !palm of the hand is probably in the deeper parts than in the nipp e, Some 'tissues show a special liability such oody or offensive than the normal lower part of the bowel and neck of the womb. TEETHING TROUBLES Baby's teething time is a 'time of worry and anxiety to most mothers, The little ones become cross; peevish; their little stomach becomes deranged and constipation and colic sets in.. To 'make the teething period easy on baby the stomach and bowels must be kept p This can be done by the use of Baby's Own Tablets-- for little one and simple fevers. They always do sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' | Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. 'your chances of a long r.than those ofa "Naturally; I deal only ads, not: hosls of 1give. their help where it was needed. | disaster by a few minutes, a Japanese 'black: | a | Brtificial lak Ever Ready. Survivors of the great earthquake In Japan who arrived in Vancouver, Bri tish Columbia, about the middle of Septémber, gave graphic accounts of what they had witnessed of the awful results of the catastrophe. But in the midst of the widespread sorrow at the terrible loss of life Canadians must feel some gratification that' their fel- low countrymen and fellow citizens of the Empire were among the first to One of the despatches was to this ef- fect: . "Officers and men of the Canadian ship Empress of Australia were par- ticularly commended for their courage and calm efficiency." This also is worthy of note: "The most impressive sight of the whole experience was furnished by a British cruiser, which came racing in from God knows where, and went straight where she was most needed," declared Arthur Jackson, who is ac- companied by his wife. "We passed her while on the rescue ship bound for Kobe. She flew past us at the rate of 85 miles an hour. She missed being the first warship at the scene of the ship beating her by a narrow margin." The same old British navy, whose rescuing destroyers during the great war seemed to come suddenly from no- wheére to give their ald wherever need- ed, still rides ready, as kind and im- partial and humane as she is dauntless in the face of danger. POSE Cy A Man-Made Niagara. A gigantic waterfall, that will rival Niagara, is now being constructed in the Swiss Alps, near Martigny. It is at an altitude of over 6,200 ft. and is designed to supply electric power for the federal raflways of Switzerland. The scheme also provides for mak- ing a huge dam across the noted Bar- 'berine cascade, thus forming a vast] lake o x | one smart youth exclaimed: "Please, disaster. ORPHANED BY THE JAPANESE DISASTER Nine-months old Baby Nicoll is one of the many little British refugees who have arrived in Vancouver since the great earthquake in Japan two months ago. For 36 hours she lay without food or shelter on the Bluff at Yokohama until she was discovered by rescue parties and eventually restored to her father, H. R. Nicoll, with whom she travelled to Canada on the "Em- press of Russia." Mr. Nicoll's wife and other daughter were lost during the STOMACH TROUBLE DUE T@ THIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears When the Blood is Made Rich and Red. Thin blood is one of the most com- mon causes of stomach trouble. It affects the digestion very quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive flulde are diminished 'in their activity, the stomach muscles are weakened and there is a loss of nerve force. In this state of health nothing will more quick- ly restore the appetite, digestion and normal nutrition than good, rich, red blood. Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills act directly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles and awakens to normal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids. This is shown by an improved appe- tite, and soon the effect of these blood, enriching pills is evident throughout the whole system. You find that what you eat does not distress you, and that you are vigorous instead of ir- ritable and listless. If your appetite is fickle; if you have any of the dis- tressing pains and symptoms of indl- gestion, you should at once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and profit by the your blood. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BE a. Hunting by Aeroplane. An interesting aerial development has taken place in Spain, where aviat- ors have been hunting birds. The principal victim of these hunts is the great bustard, a bird found in large numbers in Southern Europe. Bustards fly in flocks of eight or ten, and the average weight of each bird is about 361b. Owing to the fact that they are ex- tremely timid and can fly very quickly, bustards have always been difficult to hunt on land; so the novel idea of shooting them from aeroplanes was hit upon Sometimes the aviators follow the birds until they drop from sheer ex- haustion, but another method Is to shoot at them from the machines as they rise from the ground. To_ hit the birds while the machine is rush'ug through the air requires considerable skill, as the hunter is hampered by the limited range of the gun, due to the many struts and wires on the aeroplane. However, many bus- tards have been shot in this way. Gracey? A gentleman was taking a class at the village school, and asked: "Can anyone give a definition of the word 'grace'? 'There was a moment's pause, then sor, it's 'fat out o' the mate.' better. condition in which they will put | EASY TRICKS No. 55 Fly Away Balance a visiting card --or a playing card---on. the tip ofethe forefinger of your left hand. On this, directly over the forefinger, place a half dollar. The problem is to remove the card without touching the half dollar and without causing the half dollar to leave your finger tip. All that you have to dao is to snap | the forefinger of the right hand so that tt.will strike the corner of the card. If you do it correctly--and you'll get the hang of it after a few trials--the card will fly away, leav- ing the half dollar on the finger tip. There 18 a little knack about do: ing the trick but the knack will come with very little practice. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) tt ------he------ Seven Mistakes. "There are seven mistakes of life that many of us make," said a famous man to the writer; and then he gave the following list: 1. The lusion that Individual ad- vancement {s made by crushing others down. 2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or cor- rected. 3. Insisting that a thing is impos- sible because we ourselves cannot ac- complish it. 4. Attempting to compel other per- sons to belleve and live as we do. b. Neglecting development and re- | finement of the mind by not acquiring the habit of reading. 6. Refusing to set aside trivial pre- ferences, in order that {mportant things may be accomplished. 7. The failure to establish the habit of saving money. Sens MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money .Order. Five dollars costs three cents, ESSER Gad The Teacher Caught. "If a banana cost three cents," sald the teacher, "what will a dozen cost?" Willie hesitated, then gave it up. "Well, do you suppose you could do the sum if we were to play at keeping shop?" Willie thought that he coufd, and consented to enter the make-believe market and address the shopkeeper. "Have you any good bananas to- day? "Some fine ones at three cents a- plece," was the reply. "I'l take a dozen, if you please," sald Willle, digging down into his pockets for imaginary cash. "And how much will that be?" Keep Minard's Tinamant in the house. An Irish mother: reproving her son! AXES ; , "I wish your father was tains proper directions. Handy boxes of Be Dicte cost few cents. Drug. was 3,600 years ago, but it be far away. circle to be drawn from a radius of thirty feet. Inside of that circumfer: ence the Pole is always to be found. It is quite possible that the crust of the earth slips, because the shell which forms its envelope has consider. able elasiicity. The earth goes round on what is called its "axis cf rotation," and it has another axis, an "axis of energy." At one time these two coin. cided, but now this is no longer the case, and their deviation produces the slipping which is the cause of the wob- bling of the Poles and the correspond ing changes in latitudes. ei SS , Patronize the merchants who see to it that their horses are well treated, not overworked, overdriven, or other- wise misused. Look Younger Care-worn, nerve-exhausted women need Bltro-Phosphate, a pure organic New York and Paris physiclans pre- scribe to Inerease weight and strength and to revive youthful looks and feel- ings. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co, 26 Front St. East, INDIGESTION, GAS, STOMACH TROUBLE "Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, gases,! flatulenee, heartburn, --seurness, or stomach distress caused by acidity. A fow tablets give almost immediate | stomach relief, Correct your stomach | and. digestion now for a few cents. ! Druggists sell millions of packages of | 'Pape's Diapepsin. Mother! Give Sick Child "California Fig Syrup" Harmless Laxative for a Billous, Constipated Baby or Child. Constipated, bil- | fous, feverish, or | sick, colic Babies | and Children love | to take genuine | "California Fig] Syrup." No other | laxative regulates | the tender little | bowels so nicely. | It sweetens the stomach and starts | the liver and bowels acting without griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say "California" to your druggist and avoid counterfeits! | Insist upon genuine "California Fig! Syrup" which contains directions. ASPIRIN Say "Bayer" and Insist! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get: ting the genuine Baye: product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Barache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tublets of Aspirin" Bach unbroken package con: > ists also sell bottles of 24 und 100 would not From a given centre; suppose al phosphate dispensed by druggists that | | it was a INFLUEN Don't wait till you get the flu. Inhale Minard's night and morn- ing. pat preventive, LinmeNT GIRLS! A GLEAMY MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR 35-Cent "Danderine" So Im- proves Lifeless, Neglected + Hair. An abundance of tuxuriant hair full of gloss, gleams and life shortly follows a genuine toning up of neg- lected scalps with dependable "Dan- derine." Falling hair, itching scalp and 71 the dandruff fis corrected immediately. Thin, dry, wispy 'or fading hair is quickly invigor ated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Danderine" is' greasy! Any drugstore. Face Disfigured With Large Pimples Cuticura Healed 'For somé time my face was af- fected with pimples and skin erup- 4 tions, which by times {| would very irritating. The pimples were very hard and large, and turned bluish when rubbed or icked, which caused dis- it. ent Midi eated but it did not ory. Iread an ad- pet sng for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and decided to try them, and after two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Earl Cooke, Box 374, Napanee, Ontario. | Cuticura Soap daily, with Cuticura Ointment lly, Prevents 4 pimples or other erup are « pleasure to use, as is also Cuticura Talcum for perfuming the skin. SRE tp BEFORE MY BABY CAME § Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sydenham, medicine before my Pinkham's 'Com oul tool a few bottles and RB re delightful on the hair; a refreshing, ; stimulating tonic -- mot sticky"