Clearing price $ Pleated Serge These Skirts are 'made of all 7 8 a 2 in Bad or 8 or Bide only. 'They are x plea Clearance of Women's Flannel and Homerpus made up in smart tailored style with acco Dresses $7.85 Ladies' Dresses made of all wool sport flannel in ] retty one-piece style, 3 Pocket collar and cuffs trimmed with narrow white sll braid and buttons. ADVERTISING | FOR ADVERTISING i bi i, TT ] = dt] SERVE. | Sora reduced prices. iece style, lee 00. Sale price $7.85 Women' 8s Crepe de Chene Waists Less Than Georgette. dainty combinations of shades. to clear $3.95 Girl's Wool Serge Middy Suits $3.95 We have just two of them, one is 16 year and the other 18 year size. Made of all 1 wool ergs and trimmed with cream flannel. Material comes in heather mixtures suitably trimmed. We have a large range of Ladies' Waists made 'of Crepe de Chene and There are many different styles to choose from and some very | purpose, u it ma be auickly Cred into cash. ortunity. Remember the sale SarteSaturday, angary Sth, 1924. : Regular Regular $10. 50 for 7. 8. Women's 8 Homespun Dresées made up in smart one- nN | Half Price Sold regularly at $7.00 and $10.00. Sale price Res, $a. 00, , Sale price 5.0 95 THE PALACE SHOE STORE For High Grade Footwear Owing to the mild weather, the Heavy ubber- business has run quiet, and we have decided to slanohter prices from now on. You can puréAHse roo bers in all sizes in Men's and Boy's at Also, Heavy ocks at cost prices. We are also overstocked in some lines of shoes and we will cut prices to reduce our stock in order to make room for our spring goods that will be along soon. You will all need these Get in on them at bargain prices. JAMES McKEE & SON ST. CHARLES BUILDING PORT PERRY WE ARE AGENTS FOR TORONTO WINDMILLS and Pumping Outfits 'waste your time and strength water, and doing other heavy instal machinery that sell and cheaply. Jotnary Delineator Price 25c. Achievem ent! A Savings Bank balance built up by careful economy and self-denial will give you greater satisfaction than an equal sum secured without difficulty or exertion The advantages of such a reserve are worl a genuine effort We welcome accounts, small or large. "THE 'CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE * PAID-UP CAPITAL - . $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND R . $15,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH, E. B, Walker, Manages. The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it geod BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. Ring up Phone 72. BELL PIANOS A CANADIAN PRODUCT MADE PERFECT day oto 23 By his solieitor W. E. N. Only completé guitar tiged 3 rect course given to-day. FOR SWEETS RUDDY'S Large assortment of Lowney's box and bulk Chocolates, also one hundred different kind of choeo- late bars to choose from. Try Ruddy's 50c. Dinner Largest assortment of Tobacco nd Cigarettes in town. RUDDY'S RESTAURANT Phone 96 Miss Estelle Bull Piano and Vocal Bell Phone 31 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE j NOTICE is hereby given that Wil- liam Smith Scott of the Township of 4. East Whitby in the County of On- "tario, in the Province of Ontario, farmer, 'will apply to the Parliament = § of Canada at the next session thereof, = for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Florence Alstyne Scott of the Oity of Ottawa in the County of Carleton in the Province of Ontario, married women, on the ground of adultery and desertion, Dated at the 1 of Os sh awa in the County of . Province of Ontario the A.D. 1928.. WiLL M Siri. 7 clair X.C Oshava, Ontario. " NOTICE T0 CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Eliza D. Sexton, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontazle, spinster, deceased. | Notice is hereby given, pursuant | R.S.0. 1914, chapter 121, and amend ing Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the sal Eliza Sexton, who died on or ak the 1st day of November A.D. 9 are required to send by post, or deliver to Jno, W.Crozier, for Walter 'A. Sexton, Sdiuinistoaiar 10th closes your opportunity of faying 8. {4 fom. fi 11 Piano at Drices previoust y off oF the selling price of any model, with free, purchaser to. choose oose their own