¥e. : We have dozens of these books, with pitterns for crochet tatting and knitting. 10c. books on sale at Te. Remnant Counter A During stock-taking on sale as remnants. many small ends were put In the lot are shaker, linen towel- lings, serge, cottons ind many others at greatly reduced prices. some ) Li i org are dl ing sets i in camels hair or kurly cloth x sold at half price. I Serge Bargain This serge would be suitable for school dresses or skirts. If is all wool, 36 in. wide, and comes in the following colours: Black, Brown, Grey, Burgundy or sonte ready-to-wears. Skat- Green, mmm ---------- SPRING BUTTERICK 25c. Sale price 59¢. yard. Men's Overcoats 'We have six of these Men's Heavy Winter Over- coats of a good weight ulster cloth. They come in a three-piece belted model in two shades, Dark Grey and Lovat. These coats sold regularly at $28.00. We are advertising them for this week at $16.75. Watch for window display. rT F. W. McINTYRE RRRnNnRinis Men's Heavy WorkPants Now is your chance to get a real serviceable pair of wor pants at a greatly reduced price. These pants were our regular winter stock of the first quality tweeds and worsteds. We are advertising them for this week at a 20 per cent. reduction off the original price. They range in price from $2.75 to $4.50 Sizes 32 SOME OTHER LINES THAT ARE 'REDUCED ARE: Men's Work Sweaters in a good weight union yarn, heather shade. Regularly $2.50, for $1.98 Men's Woollen Underwear in good weight cream wool. * Regularly $1.50 to $2.00, for $1.19 We are also giving a general reduction in all of our winter lines which will pay you well to come in and see. HH 4b 444444 TEES 444 444 44 4460000004 Mamas esaacdasssanosens saan sans d February Delineator Price 25c.' ASHBURN . . Intense interest was very evident at the Community Club, on Tuesday "evening last, the time having arrived "for a debate--'Resolved that the life ~~ of a farmer is preferable to that of the city man, who works for a salary" The affirmative side was taken by{ Miss Pear] Studdaford, Messrs, Will ~ Heron and Herb. Ashton; Mrs.. Rus- sell Richardson, Miss Hazel Moles] and Mr. Wesley Routley, taking the negative side of the question. Each 'speaker did their best to carry thier point in the argument in a creditable ~~ way &nd at the conclusion of the de- bate, the judges Mr. Fred Hicks, Mrs. Gordon Fisher and Miss Florence Luke, after much discussion, decided that the negative side won the debate. | We hope to have the pleasure of hearing another debate in the near + future as this is a splendid way for our young folk to accustom them- selves speaking in public. Miss Lizzie Anderson, who has been with her "sister; Mrs. W. Brown, | of Stratford, during the illness of her husband, returned home on Sat- Mr. Brown, has. almost re- A sleigh load of our villagers at- Bo oraokiin Caw we one: day. last week. t also Mr. Asling, st Mr. 8, MeDonald's proposition the department would consider it. This was practically the same information the Minister of Public Works gave the local deputa- tion the other day. rt nm () (Prosi, UTICA NEWS - Mrs. J. H. Ackney was visiting Mrs. Charles Mitchell, one day last week, Mr. Geo. Davie spent last Tuesday with Mr. Manuell. Mr. Thos. Lane is spending a few days in Toronto with his son, who is ill Miss Aileen Brooks spent Sunday with Mrs. Frank Kendell. Mrs. George Kerry is spending a few days with relatives in Toronto. . Laura spent Sunday at Mr. Frank Hortop's. Mrs. Chas. Lakey was in Oshawa Lon Sunday. 3 The prayer meeting held at the home of Mrs, Rusnell, last Thursday, | was largely attended. Let there be as good attendance at the next one, at the home of Mrs. Simpson, Pine Grove. i : Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walker at J. Dobson's recently. 'Mr. Fred Wilds is visiting at the 'home of Mr. Fred Ashton for a time. pmoved. on the Blewett farm. Mr, Louis. Wagner was in the City Mr. and Mrs, Russell Harper. at 'Mr. Richard Harper's recently. Mrs. Albert Bailey, son Malcolm, tains list of English and Irish Courts ; of Chancery and unclaimed dividends : list of Bank of England. Your name or your ancestor's may be in the list. Send $1.00 (one dollar) at once for! book. International Claim Agency Dept 351 Pittsburg, Pa. U.S.A. Adve. WANTED In your locality, lady to demonstrate "Fit-Form" Rubber Hot Water Bottle, combined with special domestic sanitary attachments; something en- tirely new. Household necessity. * Write for pamphlet. The Sampson Rubber Company Ltd. Belleville, Ontario. Mr. Frank McClintock and daughter | |' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Flewell have | @ W. A. Eye Specialist CONSULT US ABOUT YOUR EYES HARE 1" Oshawa At McKee's Jewelry Store every other Thursday. NEXT VISIT FEBRUARY 14th, "We can give you eye comfort" ENGAGE 'HARRY S. WHITE to do your baking for 1924. It will save you work and money. = ; The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you 'want in choice; clean, ¢ palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. © If you want it geod : BERT MacGREGOR Willdo the rest. ; + Ring up Phone 72. : This is the time to buy Con her Check - Books. in many years. Act Quickly. Port Perry Star. There is a war on among the makers and prices are cut to the lowest rate w To Investors F Wish to or sell Victoey Tom vs I rc Vio mind you hat ou eancheen Toronse Associate of the Ottawa School of Music and Peterboro Conservatory. Only complete guitar musically eor- rect course given to-day. FOR SWEETS GO TO RUDDY'S Large assortment of Lowney's box and bulk Chocolates, also one hundred different kind of choeo- late bars to choose from. Try Ruddy's 50c. Dinner Largest assortment of Tobacco and Cigarettes in town, RUDDY'S RESTAURANT Phone 96 Miss Estelle Bull Piano and Vocal Bell Phone 31 | Jy 7 Business Career by attending Elliott Business Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto. Our former gradu. ates have succeeded. You can also. We admit students any time. Write for particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal W. J. COOK REAL "ESTATE Box i Myrtle Station Pi quickly and satis- factoril Lona sold and ex- changed on reasonable terms. Large list to select from. Bell Phone 120 r 2 Start now! Get ready for.a. .. i , pa FTI 5 is $ ,