© who nad been or who'were Boy Scouts "prevent 'the is we : ES ERETED t this interesting Le nei we Jou, IE ame m vérious. a a age and' was-aroused, Alas! to our amazement Ee Tecra las! he Er thing' was a "put up job," end We esuse it willingness to fill any useful role. "Tributes to the Value of Scouting. - _ As great an authority as Lord Rose. 'my rs it ay 'be this; that ec theman- : Syge 'bea nation of 'which wag exclusively eomposed of-mien land who were traimed in the Boy| chutithaary. 'Such a nation wouldibe SE o Foe Spa given 'to Yo Ae (fhe Jisturss were for advertising pur- vi were not disappointed in rofl 5 pe least in it Seite a mock affair be. of Sleep. El . bug still lyin childhood #4 There have been 'made in France 'experiments in the distillation, with "ithe electric arc, of various metals .and ie She REA aye had f course foods given them. attended « ethics; theihygeinist, for. its "raining; the parent for its ability to | there exists no known substance that "| eannot be distilled in our laboratories. The ebullition of iron is very diffi ot. 'cult to produce; yet one experimenter claims to have distilled 400 grams of iron In twenty minutes with an elec, "heart; | tric current of 1,000 amperes at a pres: id code of sure of 110, volts. its physical ga(d, the various of the metals con- }dense in the form of a crystalline dust, In all cases, it la : keep his Debout of nischish but from | possessing all the chemical properties e star educator, i Hi pO for converting the restless, frresponsible, self-centred boy | fq . of. those metals when reduced td" the] form of ponds Into 'the straightforward, dependable, helpful young citizen. To the boy who will 'give himself to it, there is of:work that dooks like: : (of excellence Which he can! SER te, rules of conduct which he A mh positions 'of responsibility hed : 'be may occupy '88 8000 88" he imself-| expe! to throw ght on the probable :tem- perature of the sun, where iron and; the other chemical elements exist in @ state of yapor. The maximum: tem, perature of the electric arc is about 8,600 degrees centigrade. But, owing to the greater pressure produced by gravitation on the sun, it Is probable 'that the temperature of ebullition of An-l ihe. elements there 18 higher them on the earth. ------ie-- | Soft slippers are craved by. the | oldest man' and the youngest boy. " "glow and sure" is all right if ects" were and -the-bables so rn 'veferred 'to 'the family babies, had prepared at 'time of £ Birch and A bafunr, - tht o slothes thes com] comple aa clo rs to eleven babies, and eight others had part outfits given them, 'Many thanks due the D: ters of the Empire for their al sistance given at all times." ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleeps well and [during its waking hours Is never cross but always happy and langhing wt | only the sickly child that is cross: | pedvish: 'Mothers, if your: children do not sleep 'well; if they are cross. and ory a great deal, give them : Baby's Own Tablets and they «will soon. be well and (happy @gain. The Tablets are a. mild but thorough laxative which regulate the howels, sweeten the stom- ach, hanish constipation, colic and in- digestion and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free le as- t| from opiates and may: be given to the 'new-born. babe with perfect safety. [The new sales: tax 'will not increase the price of Baby's) Qwn Tablets, as the scompany:«pays the: tax. | You can patil] obtain :the. Tablets through any medicine «dealer at 25. cents a box, or by mail, post paid, trom The Dr, Wil- liams' Medicine Co.; Brockville, Ont. ------ennsp-- "Leap-Year Customs. There are twenty-nine days in 'this year, for 1024 is a leap year. - A leap yearis one whose num- ber in the Christian era can be divided by four without remainder, | 8 | critical condition. Bhe 3] [tae 'century | Ago," says Miss Fran- Plenty, Sask, "my alter Hankla, was {stricken ill Which was fon a time, ina to ot. over the prominent symptoms of the trouble bat did not regain her strength. Some weeks later her weak- ness developed 'into sinking spells in twhich: she would: almost smother. Not- 'withstanding medical aid these spells continued and she was constantly srewing er, until she was prac- Ftieally ced to skin and bone. : Her nerveus,.and sufaped from indigestion and Lpaipliation, of the heart, At this triend- of mother's, who lived at aidistance, game to see her, and strongly \ad¥iied her to try Dr. Wil Hams' Pink Pills, which, she said, had greatly helpéd.-her In a critical fllness. We: got these-pills and ;mother began taking them. The improvement was alow at firat, but we could see that the sinking spélls- were growing less fre- quent, and 'that strength 'was return- ing. The treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was continued, and day by day health:and strength returned, un- tilishe was again.able to go;about, and help with the work of the honse. The .}improvement this medicine made in her case. was simply remarkable. "I may also say," adds Miss Hankla, "that in my own case these pills were of the greatest benefit. Last winter I was in a badly run-down condition, and very nervous... My appetite: failed land I had:no eelor. Knowing what Dr. Williams' Piok 'Pills had done for mother, I began taking them with the result that they. soon made me as strong and. full. ef wiger as the other girls of my age! I may just add that: think we owe mother's life and my good health to the pills and I hope our experience will be of benefit to some other. sufferer." '¥ou can. get these pills from any medicinerdealer or by mail at 0c, a box: from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, ™ Evidently Worth a Lot. "Always thought Jones didn't think his 'wife worth much; but I hear he's 'bought her a fine plece of ground." "In that case he evidently thinks she's worth a lot." lips and gyms were colorless, she, was | ar for the tr.ck Is e that in which eome of little cigars come. This a 2 big enough to hold & cards are /shufled by a A spectator Js asked to hold the box. The performer then tells the names of the three or four cards which are on the top of the pack. When the box is opened and these cards examined the trick- ater is found to have spoken truly. 6 box may then be examined. A second hox is used. The label is soaked off the inner part of the cover and is pasted on the back of a playing card. On this card half a dozen cards are placed and the little packet placed in the | cover of the box. The trickster ' keeps the hidden cards from ftall- "ing by pressure of his fingers on the trick card aud at casual ine spection, the label being in view, there is nothing about the box to excite suspicion. When the cards . put on, the cards fall on the pack. As 'the performer knows which cards he pat on.the trick card, it is an easy Hatter to Bris ine Ui a clusion. e box hy aT of course, but the. k.gard ghould be removed from the pack a¢ the earliest op- portunity. (Op this. ont and paste it, with other of the series, in a ho series. 18 a Sropboqh) Next to Come. Wifie--"Now' that we've gotten the dining-room completely furnished, what will come next?" Hubby--"The collector." M---------------------- A tree that for a long time held superstitious natives in fear is the "sneezewood," of South Africa. It makes no particular noise, but has the same effect as snuff upon any one who saws into it. Even the little dust pro- duced by planing will sométimes throw the. workman into a violent fit of sneezing, Insects of every kind Jet this tree severely alone. It's a tree to be sneezed at. Send a Dominion Bxpress Money Order. They are payable everywhere. It. is mot in Heaven that we find God, but in God that we find Heaven. ky M. Stansifer.' The best way to get ahead is to make good use of the head you al- ready have. It is better to show your neighbor how. to live than to tell him. are pnt in the box and the cover Always ~ fragrant Always -- the same Always ~in good condition Wherever and whenever you buy it, 11 Parrot--"Gee, I wish I didn't live with an old maid--I'd lke to learn a few real cuss words!" fp ir sin, Ask for Minard's and take no other, The man who is wronged can for. get it; the man who wronged hin never can, Gwod excuses abound in the service of evil intentions. Clear, a and we Write Murine Co. Chicago. for Ere Care Book Is Your Blood Starving For Want of Iron? Without Plenty of Iron In Your Blood You Don't Get the Strength and Nourishment Out of the Food You Eat, When over-work. lack of sleep, improper food and impure alr sap the iron from your blood and make you feel weak, nervous, irritable and -out-of:worts, it Is important thst you should at once put more tron 'Into your blood. Without {ron tbe hlood loses | the power to change food into lving tissue and therefore nothing that you eat does you the proper smount, - of good becsuss you don't get the full strength out of it. Your food merely [asses through If you run esolive engines in cold weather, oil them up well after they stop and before they get cold, and you need not fear that they will get hot bearings upon starting. Just see how much oil you get into a bearing when the thermometer is at 10 or 20 deg. Fahrenheit. FOR SALE OOLGROWERE, YQUR OWN wool manufactured or exchang- ed for yarn or blankets. Woollen Mills, ills, Georgetown, O Ontario, MAE JONG, FASCINATING hinese me. with ull touts fea postpaid. W. Aslett, Sari Sarnia, Ont. Ww ONDERFUL D DISCOVERY, Charges batteries in 10 minutes, Gallon free to Agents, Radiolite Co., St. 'Paul, Minn. CATARRH ! For quick relief heat Minard's and fnhale, 'Splendid for cold in head, throat or chest. GEER Ae TRACACICTINCICIOLCACTICTS Cause of J Early Old Age The celebrated Dr. Michenhoff, an authority on early old age, says that It is "caused by poisons generated In the Intestine." When your stomach digests food prdperly it Is absorbed without forming polsonous matter. Pol sons bring on early old age and } premature death. 15 to 30 drops of "Selgel's Syrup" after meals years--1900, and so on--being pxcept- fh he fret til 'Weiioswhon we He + downto alee {8 to 'close: our eyes. Lo Pish, hy er; being. without are to gleep--whed 'they sleep--with their eys open. There o hasrbeen:considerab) akes your digestion sound. 10 i 0 ICAI IOEICICT OW ISTe MRS, MISENER'S ACHES AND PAINS " Vanished After Using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound your system MNke corm through a mill with the rollers 50 wide apart that the mill can't grind, Because of this steady starvation of the blood and nerves people often become Jroakeued, ad out: | nervous and rundown and freque sorts of symptoms. But the nif -- -- ~Nuzated Iron----is supplied a multitude of danger- ous symptoms disappear in most cases, the flesh becomes firmer, the muscles get 2a x da Friggin and the roses of health bloom pale and sickly looking. No matter what other so-called remedies you may have tried, If you are not strong, vigorous, hearty and well, you owe it to yourself to make the { following test: Bee how long you can work or how | far you can walk without becoming tired. | take two five-grain tablets of ordinary Nuxated Tron, | three times per day afler meals for two weeks, Then test your strength again and sed for yourself how much you have gained, You can obtain Nuxated eure quite sure you're not too slow: GIRLS! HAIR 'GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35-Cent *Danderine" Does Wonders for Lifeless, Neglected Hair. A gleamy, mass of Juxuriant hair full of gloss, lus: | tre and life short. | ly follows a genu- ine toning up of neglected scalps' J Wild Oats.for Him. _ Little Percy was always carefully guarded against germs. The telephone 'was - sprayed, the. drinking utensils sterilized and public-conveyances. and places were forbidden to him for fear of lurking bacteria. g ~+#Pather," he sald one night In a|.: The necessity for leap years les in the fact that the solar year consists of '864 days 6 hours 48 minutes, and therefore periodic readjustment "18. necessary. The most famous: custom associated with leap year is the one which gives {women me Wivlioge of proposing | on every 20th of ruary. " Ltone of desperation; "do- you know "This privilege 1s "legendarily ald wnat 1 am going to do when I grow to have been cajoled out of St. Patrick up? _ | by St, Bridget. In-more recentitimes "What?" asked the father, preparing the rightsias, apparently, been. extend- ed to, gover, theswhole year. Though it 1s a woman's privilege to propose during leap year, there fs cording to: one old: authority; should | the man to whom she offers her hand decline it shé may claim from him 'silk dress, but only. if. at the. time, certain' etiquette" to, /bejobserved. 'Ac-| for the sorst. "I am-going to eat-a germ." ~Jgnorant. Motoriat--"It's preposterous to say I was. driving dangegously. Fm .an ex- 'What 1 know gbout driv- y would All » hospital. Give us your name and address now." . il a book. " Ig she is wearing a.scarlet pet-| Cons le--"And what you don't Bowes: of Baby or | with dependabln "Danderdine." i Falling halr, itching scalp and the dandruff fs corrected Immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair is quickly invig- orated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Danderine" is delightful on the Lair; a refreshing, stimulating tonic -- not sticky or greasy! Any drugstore. « . asain tanative 0 edo Clan ve and TH standing that If you are not fully satisfied your money wi od. ------------------ Jron from your druggist on the distinct under- ¢ Branchton, Ont.--" When I wrote to you for help my action was mostly Jrompted by curios- wondered if of my Lviia am's Vegetable abla tnd a bottle of