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Port Perry Star, 13 Mar 1924, p. 5

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'are : § in ale season's most popular styles and colors, at 0 moderate as to exclude any c¢ ~ You are cordially invited on Tuesday a the | lowing days to Inspect our Showing of Millinery SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Week we will also show the new . width, i Fras. e Coats come in two; riticism in this pe is the popular dress material this season, Fo, ng erg wool, and Pure wool. We. ng these in the new shades for Spring. ~ Checks and broken plaids are also popular for cous, separate skirts, and combination effects in esses. For Suits, Tweeds, Serges, and Tricotines are used. Crocodile Silk is the most exquisite waist material we have yet shown. We have a number of exclusive waist lengths in dainty combination of colors. tt tt iin 3H Errata OOOO DOD Haale ana +444 New Ginghams 3 Xe have some smart new de- 8 in English and Canadian gingham i in 27 in. and 32 in. Dress Trimmings A very striking trimming silk comes in 20 inch width. The ground is moire with a satin stripe. Comes in Brown, Tan, and Flame One of the season's novelties in dress trimming is an embroidery edging, embroidered in colors on a plain organdy ground. Prices: Colors: Maize, Rose, and Orchid. Checks are the most popular design, and we are showin some pretty combinations o colors. F444 4 444444044444 Ce sassss Rosset and 1 Te cheapest motor car is fiot : . necessarily the most genom, Jo ar ew 1924 McLaughlin-Buick Master-Four ig the logical car for r person to whom economy and ce are of prime importance. This. high-grade Four is so rugged . and go well constructed that repairs | are seldom needed and upkeep ex- 3 is at the A ree The ter - Four MecLau, Et vo '4 Bo On Sensations 9 ; The Master Fous is so Oo. an t it delivers day in and' Pat with very little de- the man who £) r=] Your can get a ; | the owner 'Production' Greater CONSULT US ABOUT YOUR EYES W. A. HARE Eye Specialist ~~ Oshawa At McKee's Jewelry Store every other Thursday. Next Visit, March 20th, 1924 "We can give you eye comfort" TE profits from your herd depend large- ly on how much their feed is costing you. If you could lower the feeding cost and get & greater milk production, © wouldn't you doa? Schumacher Feed will accomplish this. It . produces more quarts of milk per dollar of cost. It is made from milled products of Corn, Oats, Barley and Wheat, with Linseed SRR by delaying to deposit your Meal. Cattle eat it greedily and digest every AH savings. _ bit of it. There is no waste. ) = . Do Not Lose Interest F you cannot visit us personally, send your deposits by mail. Have the satisfaction of knowing that your money is safely protected and is earning interest regularly. © THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up $20, PR 220000, $20,000,000 E. B. Walker, Manpger Give Schianacher a trial. You are sure to find it most profitable for your dairy herd and for young cattle, hogs and horses as well. \ , Port Perry Branch Write us regarding your hog and dairy problems. - Our Live Stock Service De- and Its advice is free. MILLINERY OPENING Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 13, 14, 15. We are e showing a beautiful assortment of the very latest styles is Spring Millinery. Leading features of the.showing are All ver Cloths, which are exceptionally dainty, the place of silk in the Early Spring 3 sors are also some chic embroidered de- anda gr at-abundan of harmonizing Ss coming season ei tw Start now! Get Heads for a Business Career by attending Elliott Business Yonge and Charles S : Toronto. Our former gradu- ates have succeeded. You can also. We admit students any time. Write for particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal W. J. COOK Dealer in REAL ESTATE Box 47, Myrtle Station Property quickly and satis- factorily bought, sold and ex- changed on reasonable terms, Large list to select from. Bell Phone 120 r 2 DEALER WANTED We want a dealer to handle the Shinn System of Lightning Pro- tection in Port Perry territory. Good returns for small invest- ment. Man who will yeasonably apply himself can easily make from $250 to $500 a month. Man : |with car preferred. Write for personal appointment with our representative. Shinn Mfg. Co. of Canadas, Ltd. Guelph, Ontario. Sm ------ I TA Rn, OUR BABY CITY. Oshawa 4vas made a city on Saturday, March 8, 1924, and the Oshawa Reformer pays this tribute to the pioneers: Oshawa has been a Post Office and an organized municipality for 82 years. Away back in 1842 a few people living in the little cluster of houses, then kmown as Skea's Corners peti- tioned the Government for a Post Office. After much consid- eration and heart searching the name of "Oshawa' was suggest- ed by an Indian Chief, the name meaning "The Crossing of a Stream." From those few peos ple in 1842 Oshawa has grown to a City of over 15,000 souls. These early settlers were like all those which made Ontario the greatest and wealthiest Province in the Dominion. In some cases settlers were men and women of United Empire Loyaligts stock--staunch Brit- ishers who refused to remain in a land which had severed its connection with the old Mother Country. They gave up home, friends and all their worldly possessions and journeyed into a wilderness whose only lure was that it was British. . Other pioneer settlers came direct from the British Isles enduring every kind of privation and hardship in the small crowded sailing vessels which took any- where from two to four months to make the journey. Arriving at Quebec or Montreal these set- tlers made their way up the St. Lawrence in rafts or bateaux, and then along the shores of Lake Ontario until some par- ticularly inviting spot attracted their attention, or possibly they arrived at a settlement where friends had already located. Then a landing was made and the great task of building a home in the virgin forest com- menced. What these pioneers did for their children and for the nation has never been properly ap- praised. They laid the founda- tion structure of our social, po- | litical, economic, industrial, re- ligious and educational system. They found a country clothed with a virgin forest, inhabited with hostile tribes and infested by wild animals. They toiled early and late for their aren In retrospect we see them in their task of home making. We visualize the little log cabin ris- ing amid the towering trees of the forest. We see the

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