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Port Perry Star, 13 Mar 1924, p. 8

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being completed; the event was and several good musical num- celebrated with a supper And Rev. Mr. Everson presided, bers were given by Miss Flossie Everson, Messrs. Roswell Dob- son, Fred Hunter and Richard Thompson, An amusing pla; was staged, in which Mr. Cech Heayn took a leading part. Mr. E. Wagg and daughter arived home on Monday of last week. It is rumored on the street that we are to have another garage. Mr. Matherson left last week for the City. Say what you will of forti- tude; will you point out to me the man who can submit with patience to the laughter of fools when they have secured some advantage over him. It is only when thiis silly talk is without foundation that he can. easily endure it. Mr. Ira W. Belknap invited a few of his gentlemen friends in for supper just to demonstrate his good cooking as he is keep- ing bach these days. However, his wife came home in the meantime so it was all off. We wonder how a man can paint a fence in the summer time with three coats on and be able to do a good job. Friends of Mrs. W. J. Martyn are pleased to learn that she has recovered from her severe cold. Mrs. Josiah Smith and grand- daughter, who have been visit- ing in the west, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lamb- kin have returned to the Village for a time. We are sorry to learn that Mr Andrew Marshall, who was one of our neighbors for some time, is seriously ill in the Lindsay Hospital. Last week was very busy in ur influence in the House to have the request for "proper granted. * : = to the benefits to the population at large of th Port Perry W. C. T. U., wish to state that w rosclution by the Sub-Exe of the Christian Temperance Union, and ask "Whereas, it is the belief of the members of the Wi Christian Temperance Union that the opinion of jority of the people of Ontario has not ¢ in e Temperance Act; And, whereas, the present Government, or a future Government, of the Province of Ontario may desire to test the present or future opinion and desires of the people of the Province on this important Jjestion; Be it therefore, resolved: t the Executive of the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Ontario petition the Government of the Province, which owes muc support to the individual members of this Province-wide organization, that, should his Majesty's Ministers of the Province of Ontario deem it necessary or advisable to con- sult the electorate by means of a referendum on the pre- sent wishes of the people on this important question, suf- ficient notice of any such intention should be given to the leaders of opinion on both sides of the controversy of pre- senting the case to the people, and that both sides should be consulted as to the date upon which such a vote should be taken." : We further urge our belief that the Act should be given at least two years more in which to demonstrate. its benefits, urging more rigid enforcement of the O. T. A., particularly in the scrutiny of papers made out for the export of intoxicating liquors by the manufacturers. MANCHESTER Mrs. Harold Archer and Miss Beth, of Port Perry, spent Sun- day with Mr. I. M. Vernon. Mrs. L. Stanton, of Raglan, with her sister Mrs. Bond, for a few days. Miss Alpha Crosier, of Toronto Normal School spent the week end with 'her parents. . Many from here attended the euchre and dance in Memory Hall, Utica, on Friday evening last. Come to the concert in the Hall here on Friday evening next, March 14th, and enjoy a laugh. Lunch served after program. Miss Lorna Evans, of Raglan, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee, recently. yer Spencer, of Bloomfield, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. D. unro. \ UTICA NEWS Mr. Fred Ashton and Mr. Jos. Webster called on Mr. William Cook, of Epsom, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlem Wagg and family spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wagg, Prince Albert. Mr. Frank McClintock and daughter Laura spent Saturday at the home of Mr. Frank Hortop. : Mr. W. J. Mitchell had the misfortune of getting two of his our village with social functions of various kinds--house parties, club banquet, choir social, snow shoeing parties and hockey. Just what we expected would happen! The High Park Dramatic Club presented their four act play in Epsom on. Thursday evening of last week under the leadership of Mr. Cecil Heayn. The entire cast exhibited un- usual interpretative abiliity but Mr. Cecil Heayn was particular- ly effective. -- OO NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Joseph C. Bell, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.0. 1914; Chapter 121 and amend- ing Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Joseph C. Bell, who died on or about the twenty-elghth day of January A.D. 1924, are required to sénd by post, prepaid, or deliver to Jno. W. Crozier, Solicitor for the Executors of the said estate, on or before the nineteenth day of April A.D. 1924, their name, addresses, and descrip- tions, and full particulars of theif claims, and security, if any, held by them, duly certified, and that after +" the said date the executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the . said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then 'have notice. Dated this 13th day of March, A. D., 1924. Executors--Rev. R. J. D. Simpson, Toronto, Ont.; Mrs. Ellen Bell, of fingers taken off while runhing a buzz saw. We hope he will soon have the use of his hand again. JL MissLulu Rusnell visited with Miss Ola Medd on Sunday. Miss Hazel Christie is spending a few days at the home of Mr. 1 W. J. Mitchell. Mr. Russell Lane has gone to Toronto for a short time. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hortop entertained a number of their friends to a progressive euchre party on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mitchell and Mr. Victor Willis, of Hill View Farm, spent Friday at the home of Mr. Fred Ashton. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Council was held on March 1st with all members present. > Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Communications were read from Municipal Association and the Hydro Electric Association. a = Owing to some misunderstanding the Toronto General Hospital A member of the Council received a letter from Mr. Udell not to take any action as he was paying his own fees. The Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for timber on road allowance con. 7, lots 22 and 23. . The following orders were passed: Good Roads Association, $5.00; Reeve, expenses to Road Association meeting, $10.00; W. Beacock, as Registrar of Birth, Marriages and Death, $11.50; N. Mountjoy, S.S. No. 1, $97.50; G. Prout, S.8. No. 7, $250; M, E. Fallis, 5 cords of wood, $20.00; J. R. McLaughlin, services and Treasurer and postage, $85.00. . Receipts--Reach Township, $16.25; Darlington Township, 3.12; G. Forder, for mixer, $1.50. . Council adjourned to meet on Monday, April 7th. Get the Most for _ "want to see you get full returns for : brig ony or Son oa is bul to tin ll the tay food value of the com--and cattle fed on this kind of silage will give more mulk and make better bed. i! sent notice to the Council that Fred Udell was in the Hospital. | Your Work and Money || Mrmr Sona | money. open grates, furnaces, heater of ranges. $13.00 a ton delivered. - DRY CEDAR for kindling deliv at $450 a half cord. DRY HARDWOOD delivered, $13.50 a cord in 4 foot lengths, or $4.50 in single cords of 12 inch lengths. $14.00 a ton All orders promptly filled. P. Figary Port Perry ~ Ont. PHONES Office 94. 'Res, 214 Goode's Creamery at Port Perry I ing 46¢. 1b. for butter : a es labor ond make more money by sending your) cream to Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode. Proprietor. C. C. Stenhouse ARCHITECT Houses, Stores and Public properly designed and supervised. Union Bank Building, Oshawa, Ont. iss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO 'AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 1691 2 Port Perry JOHN BELDON LUNDY L.D.S, D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons and University of Toronto Office hours 9am. to 5 pm.. Even- ings by appointment. Bell Phone, office 68 r 2. Residence 68 r 8. Office over Morrison's Drug Store. 70 PA - HAD » sleltio 0 » DHOKE'IS olol® . . Get Ready for Spring ~The selvages are partially severed in the process of manufacture, and all that is needed to accurately trim the paper is to tap thé ends on the table. These papers can be hung quite easily and successfully by folks who do their own papering. - - : You will enjoy choosing wall papers from our new stock. The pat- terns are so novel and varied; the color harmonies are so effective that you will soon find &n ideal paper for each room that needs reno- yauug. These papers will make your home as charming as you wish it were now. s We invite you to come in and inspect our stock. You will be under no obligation to purchase. ; SPECIAL--1000 rolls of Bedroom papers in Chintz oul stripe patterns in all lsading colors, cut out borders ob Rolle of Ride P SPECIAL PRICE 12%c. Roll olls of Kitchen Paper in neat stripes, good vari- "ety of colors. 12%4c. Roll. pes, 2 yan All Last Year's Papers Go,at 26% Discount. Used In Every Field of ~ Transportation Truly ; is the versa tility of the Ford. ] Inp P tion the Ford car has achieved unparalled' popularity. In freight transportation the Ford One -Ton Truck has proven pre- eminently -- 80 that it has been adopted in almost every conceivable consistent economy, two out of every three com- mercial users in Canada | NRC) : -- Staunton's Semi-trimmed Wall Papers Ssve Time. Lo Eo

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