greater than our supply. Write today for free catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, dency vole provnd on : Small Boys' Khaki : Boys' Khaki Overalls of ratine in white, 36 inches. Play Suits $1.50 $1.25 || REAL ESTATE Box 47, Myrtle Station Boys' Play Suits in one piece style. These Overalls are made of heavy facto Fray. tp Tunic has long sleeves and pants long khaki drill, with bib and shoulder straps § |§ 8 O fesaluble terms legs. Closes in back with drop seat. of self material. The sizes are from 6 .. Bell Phone 12072 Made of heavy khaki duck. Sizes 4 to to 10 years. j 7 years. x Per pair $1.25 WEEKLY LETTER, APRIL 25th Price $1.50 Looking back from a ten' days' per- spective upon the proceedings of the . : . : : 3 : : 1924 session of the Legislature, the White Nainsook, 36 | Women's Cotton Women's Summer | |i iiss i owe pun ni der Towelling 29c. in. wide, 19c¢. yd. Hose 29c. pair Vests 25c¢ tromendons importance from a public standpoint of what transpired before the Public Accounts Committee. Roller Towelling woven from heavy Fine white Nainsook made of high . Women's Cotton Hose in black. Women's Summer Vests, made of [| |, Curie 'sccentustod because th linen' yarn. Comes in white or natural . grade cotton in soft finish. Especially | Made of heavy cotton yarn. Good fine quality cotton yarn. Made in J |Government investigators left an | linen color with colored stripe border. suitable for undergarments of all kinds. | stocking for everyday wear. Sizes 9 to sleeveless style with lace trimmed yoke. [J |:rperently dirty floor still unswept in Width 16/17 inches. ~~ - 36 inches wide. 10. : Sizes 36 and 38. of Pisiic gars the Toll facts of i : Per yard 29¢. : Per yard 19¢. » Per pair 29¢. Price 25¢. disposal of the mysterious $25,000 cheque, which was drawn to cash by a the Home Bank authorities exactly at the time of the 1919 election. a HE Stet ett asses aa What little the public heard about the disposition of the $25,000, it owes : Summer Butterick Y Nori, 8 | to the efforts of W. E. N. Sinclair, K. Quarterly 25c. F. Ww. M C IN T R E May Delineator De er ores sting of the Drury Government and its ministry, as elicited from witnesses by Government examiners, suddenly, just before the wind-up of the com- mittee, Mr, Sinclair moved for the ap- pearance before the committee of J. C. Whitacker, Supervisor of the Home Bank, H. J. Haney, former MARTIN -SENOUR * President of the Bank, Assistant 3 ELF-INDULGENCE is admis. Treusurer Chas. A. Motihows, former MARTIN-5 STA IN ek ted to be a sign of a weak, and Bsenae Trauo 59 gL = for furniture Floo oors & godork ey {4 self-denial of a strong character. . itce about the Are you building up both your cham $25,000. Wie nr EASY a acter,and your Savings Bank account iyo wich che one wilness which by thoughtful economies and the de- the committee were able to get for posit of all your surplus wages each Mr. Sinclair, the result was startling. My. Whittaker, who previously had W. L. PARRISH pay Cay " : : Fously not thrown light on the disposition of Port Perry, Ont. We welcome accountay laces er small, $25,000, in cash, which the former THE CANADIAN BANK Home Bank Manager, J. Cooper Mason, drew, said he remembered OF COMMERCE that Mason had told him the money was going up to the Parliament Build- Capital Paid Up 320000000 ings b! gs by H. J. Haney. That was new Reserve Fund $20,000,000 evidence by the broadside of questions Port Perry Branch E. B. Walker, Manager with which Mr. Whittaker was in- 4 stantly deluged by Liberal and Con- \ servative examiners, i ° It was also a fact that there was no A Balanced Ration chance to cross-examine Mr. Haney : on account of his illness and Mr. : Clarkson was also called to give a statement in regard to Mr. Haney, ° 4 . and it should be remembered that Mr. 18 - Always Best McGarry swore that he and Mr. a) ARRY ~- WH ITE Mason handled the loan of $4,000,000 ° from which the rake-off came. It is ¢ : milk duction x also a fact that when Mr. McGarry ) obtain the maximom Prodiue left office in 1919 the deposit in the from your herd, the ration must be per- : Home Bank was $3,600,000. fectly balanced. It must contain the ; : With that startling statement of flesh-building and the milk-producing ele- er an on eC joner intention to send $25,000 to the Par- ments in just the correct proportion. ~~ , " liament Buildings before the commit- tee the Liberal and Conservative Schumacher Feed is cheaper than straight questioners started out on different heqase of So soseles § ge ol is You can depend on our baking and confectionery, [linet of attack. Livers members ig and Wh Lect Med, Let us do your baking for you this summer. lection that he had seen the bank's Oats, ey eat, 3 car with Mr. Haney in it swet for Cows eat it all--digest it it all--thrive on it-- the Parliament Buildings, and con- servative members secured a state- ment that he now thought Manager "H. S. WHITE PORT PERRY. [met that be now toute Memes ett eT 5 . al of $25,000 of funds to be "a blind" The committee ceased operations with that $25,000 matter hanging in the air, just at the point where the Liberal members had managed to bring it. Assistant Treasurer Mat- thews was not brought forward, al- though Liberal members almost daily, SEE-OLING SELF-REGULATING J mt Le Si: er and Fisher made pointed brought the money to the was ill, but made a bed-side