disused arrangements t, board, ete., could be the Y.W.C.A. committee. have a contest in the County during the summer. The girls seem very much interested in-a Judging contest and expect to make some arrange- ments with the girls of the various townships regarding this matter. 'Mr. Smith, having a greenhouse here-in the city, invited the girls-to visit the hothouses and gave us a very interesting and instructive talk on "flowers and shrubs. Mr. Smith has an 'excellent collection of butterflies, which was 'especially interesting to the teachers. One : evening the Junior Farm- ers. and Elgin Girls held a "sugar- off" in the bush on a farm near, Jona and though the weather was very threatening and it had rain- ed in the early part of the day, we hdd an attendance of about one hun- dred. 'We had four iron kettles hung over the fires from tripods; .the girls and "boys were divided into groups, each: one: being responsible for the kettle of syrup: allotted to their group. The 'boys made ladles and each per- son was given: a dish of hot: taffy; some pickles and rolls were also brought for the lunch. Then we had a mystic walk around "through the bush and back to the camp fire. Song sheets were given out and each group selected one of the songs, singing in contest then all joined hands, making a huge circle, and sang two or three songs. A gentle rain began to fall at about 11.30 p.m. and the party dis- Jared, bringing to a close a very appy first outdoor meeting of the season .of these two associations. The convenors for the Cowal Dis- trict put on an At-Home during Eas- ter week.--Cora Hicks, Sec. The Elgin girls keep things stead- ily moving. At their March meeting they had an illustrated lecture on the growing of shrubs and flowers. Dur- ing the month, in co-operation with the Junior Farmers, they had a party with a musical program and progres- sive euchre. "The members in one community are getting up a play which the whole county will turn out to see at its presentation. STRATFORD. The monthly meeting of the Strat- ford Junior Women's Institute was held in the Agricultural Rooms, Sat- urday, April 19th. After routine business Mr. M. C. McPhail, - District Representative, gave a very interesting and helpful demonstration on milk testing. I @r- tainly would advise every Institute if possible to have this demonstration. It is of such benefit. An invitation from the Junior Farmers to spend a pocial evening with them on April 22nd was a very pleasing feature. We are indeed very pleased to wel- to our large family all our new faby Institutes. Hope they continue to grow.--Jeanette Roadhouse, Sec. Miss Roadhouse omitted to mention fn her report that the Stratford girls have made a layette, and that they are planning to have a sewing course. FREELTON. Our Girls' Circle is much pleased about our new County Girls' Institute for North and South Wentworth, Jick we organized in Hamilton at Dept. of Agriculture on April 5th. _ Hamilton is well known as the ambi- tious city and we are proud: to hold 'our meetings there. A room has been gecured at the Y.W.C.A. for $16 a gr and we will hold our meetings gre the first Saturday in the month "mt 2 pm. We are'having Dr. Anna Ross of Macdonald Institute, Guelph, with us at our first meeting and we mre also looking forward to a good provided by the girls. Any any of you Junior Institute Girls are in Hamilton the first Saturday in the month we would only be too pleas: to have. you. drop in. te anyiof our meetings. At present.our Girls' Cir- gle. in the Freelton Branch, together pith the Junior Farmers, are plan- ing to give a concert in the school undertake to do them all, but perhaps some one or do then Aly the list will 18 appeal to you as appropriate for your| ~~ ty: 1. Arrange for summer games and outings--a girls' softball team; "twi-! In light athletics" for the whole com- before : munity in the school yard or on the their armies. w athletic grounds; a' community auto- fterra) ns which mobile excursion to the 0. A. College, quests. af the ations 3 re Guelph, or some other place of 'inter- ggg king Jehu, est. (But if you plan an 'exeursion B (, 745 there came to the throne of for young people alone be sure to take Assyria' a soldier of great energy and chaperon8 with you. Even if they be ability whose name:was: Pul-(2 Kings both blind and deaf they should be 15:19:20), who. assumed: the ro i f th-pileses.. Under this there.) {title poe, Kigiath pileses. ne empire ex- 'Sea' and' 'made con. | Get the Junior Farmers to help. "of a as far as 8. Start a Home Beautification In A Bl Sy- paign, every ber contributing wig' to: subjecti After a vain but to the beauty of the countryside by stubborn. resistance, the kingdom of beautifying her own home surround- Israel came to an end with the fall of ings with flowers, shrubs, trees, win- Samaria in' B.C. 722, and in B03 ' dow boxes; bird houses. | Judah was ihvaledyimany sities taken; A. Arrange to take a course in 8nd igreat-nuimbery-of Pepple reduced Food Values and Cooking, Home 2WAY-capive. Jer B Yes & almost to the last extremity of des Nursing, Sewing or Millinery. air, but 'was not ti , "al 80, 5. Arrange for an instructor from though subject to 'Assyria; the king the Department to give'a demonstra-! dom of Judah continued for another tion in canning. hundred and fifteen years: 6. If you have not had a Judging| During, these terrible years of war Competition: this 'year, interview: the and suffering and overwhelmin Agricultural Representative to see if catastrophe, the prophets of Irae he will arrange a competition for all and Judah Jendored Ee oe roi, the girls of the county at the same' They si ke for u him to be 'the God time that he has the Junior Farmers' BE hands. were the destinies of competition in stock judging. The i the nations. They interpreted the Department will send a teacher to calamities which had' fallen upon the give the girls some training and te people-as the just nt of their arrange the final competition. | sins. They urged a: sincere repentance 7. 1f you have some expert sewers and reform,.and promised a great. de- in your Institute you might conduct liverance. Jsaia] and is _younges a sewing class for junior:girls.of from contemporary lead Judah and Jer- ten to fifteen re. If you sre in. f2ith and courage o i Joens Sea Jo usalem in the 'most trying : times. terested .in this, write us for Par: mhey declared Assyria to-be but the particulars. regarding, girls' garment: rod in Jehovah's hand with which he making Clubs, | chastised rebellious people, and that 8. If your members are interested Assyria's pride, selfish' greed, and in poultry raising ask your Agricul. cruelty would in as Tanelve the tural Representative to give you a Same punishment. tha Son ne demonstration in culling the flock. born of Eaith a] that the pre 9. Have a garden' party io. raise hii armies would not take Jer- funds for whatever money-requiring usalem, but 'would be destroyed by the schemes you have in view, such as a hand of God, and our lesson shows skating-rink, a community hall, a how remarkably this, promise was library; relief work next winter. 'fulfilled. : 10. Order a travelling library made Isa. 87:14. Hezekiah. This king of up especially for a Girls' Institute. Judah, is well spoken of by the his- If you wish, we will help select the torians. He did that which was right books. Otherwise apply to Mr. W. O. in the eyes of the Lord. For the story paid them tribute. In |78 al Was! 80: umbers that the | remnant. went back to Assyria ithe 2. Hold a Community Field Day. King and hissuce rapidly over ai the J "AS Be here, : A some fearful plague, ory broken out in' that Sountryi the Assyrian army was an out having completed the conquest of udah. dicated. APPLICATION. dn XL. Isdiak is the prophet of faith: 'Béfore him Amos was the prophet of social justice. Hosea was prophet lof 1 divine love an fora enesaiieon was the prophet of the vo groaned under Ricasiien: ut dhe landlords. RK) the most royal ; among phets, dauntless, ways lifting up the pt and government > alike; - and their attention to the spiritual sources of 'power. ; ! 2, Isaiah's character "was revealed by . the. crisesiin: the crisis was when Syria and northern Israel lared war on: little Judah, The account is given in Isa. ch. 7..The timid monarch, Ahaz, was struck a fatal panic. The g prophet (the 2 was B.C. 135, ws Isaiah was still in his twenties): endeavored to strengthen; his. couraie, and gave him eminently wise political counsel for the emergency. But'Ahaz trusted in Assyria rather than in' the Lord, and Lo ut J Ration under he of' the' 'eonqueror: "ni tional crisis rod at: the beginning) of Isaiah's long: career, Our "lesson deals with a er crisis somewhere near the close of 'the prophet's life, and: this' time: he was triumphantly successful. 8. Isaiah's faith in God was on one sides Joga confidence in the: suprem- acy of brute strength was on the op- posite side. Which deserved to. win? Over against the Assyrians' shallow confidence 'in military" might, let us place the spiritual faith of the pro- phet that the. Lard. still had his:pur- pose to serve by the preservation of the city of Jerusalem, and that the virgin daughter of Zion might laugh Carson, Libraries Dept. Parliament of his reign see 2 Kings, chs. 18-20. this time the Assyrian armies Bldgs, Toronto, There is no expense aL in Judah, and the Assyrian king, in connection with a travelling library who was laying siege to the fortress except 'the express charges when "it of Libnah in the south; had heard that arrives. You may keep 'it for six an : Egyptian' army was coming months and return it, collect. {against him. Unwilling to leave so! 11, - Entertain the Senior Institute strongia alld sity au Jerusaless un- at one of your meetings, oceup I i And don't' think' 'that. yéu should Er os. To. attempt te do more than one or two boastful character of the letter is] of the above things in one season. imitated by Isaiah in his prophecy! there is anything that we.can do to ¢h. 10:5-14. A previous expedition | help in any way, just let us know. {against Jerusalem, commanded by one, Faithfully yours, lof the king's chief officers, had if (Sgd. ETHEL M. CHAPMAN, {turned unsuccessful. Hezekiah, 'have ; Asst. Supt. ing no-confidence that he could hold, (the city against a determined attack! ------ ee by his_eflomies, in She, extremity of i 1 his need, went up in e temple an Live Stock Markets in March. 7.2, "¢0¢ BEL IR 50 Ore ove the Lumping: every. species of cattle to-' Lppd," with a simple and earnest gether there was a slight increase in prayer for deliverance, vs. 15-20. the average prices at Winnipeg in vy, 91.93. Isaiah had opposed the March, compared. with the same preak with Assyria and. the alliance month last year, according to the re- with Egypt which had led to the pres- ports of the Markets Intelligence Di- ent war. See Isa. 30:1-7 and 81:1-8. vision of the Dominion Live Stock He had urged, apparantly, a policy of Branch. Calves were a little lower 'Peace which would have meant con- and swine over a dollar off. Lambs tinuing to pay tribute to Assyria. Many years before, in the reign of were a dollar and ten cents up, and Ah Je had od reli Ahaz, ad opposed reliance upon sheep, light and common; a bit down. Assyria as he now opposed reliance At Calgary and Edmonton the aver- upon: Egypt, ch. 9. But his counsel age prices of cattle showed an upward had been disregarded and the ealam- trend. Calves, lambs and sheep were ity of a war. ot invasion which he had also up, the last mentioned quite a foreseen (ch. 5:25-30; 8:6-8) had bit. At Toronto and Montreal aver. come upon Judah. Now the king and age prices for cattle were rather bet- his ministers turn Jo hin in Bele dies ter, calves were as nearly as possible JC, bore the sri, he A x stationery, lambs were up and shecy {jo king a message .of comfort, "Be about stationery at Toronto and up not afraid" Now he sends an answer at Montreal. of splendid defiance to Sennacherib's Total sales of live stock for the first |letter. It is the propliet's faith and quarter of the year at the five prin- Courage that & _the heart of cipal markets of the country compar-|the king and save the city. Th ed with the first three: months of last| the mouth of the prophet comes ¢ year were: Cattle 160,675 'against|*"*Wer compare other hi 331,908 inst . 262,704; sheep |! to 42.460 against 88.385. | earlier sayings: of Isaiah in which he 169,011; calves 40427 against 85,988; V. 20. I wil turn thao back. It will| the proud battalions of Assyria to scorn, 87:22, - 4 The lesson-shows us what one man, with a large: view and an all- conquering faith, can accomplish, Isaiah saved: the mation in its day of peril by bringing. it--not Ixeah Inti, ry reinforcements, or new itical treaties--bu hin 1: simple confidence in'God. Always our greatest helpers are, not our scien tific inventors (although their work is important), or our' clever politicians, or finanefers," or: soldiers ~but. the deep thinkers and prophets who make us brave to dare, strong to. yosiat, ambitious to do God's holy will, ------ ---------- a" [ea SSS SS SESS SE SES SSE PE ES SSS SS SE ESS SEES SS SSSETen RSS ESSSEseEsS Be Loyal! modity which the farmer ls entitled to at firat cost. : Every sheaf tied with U. F.0. "Blue Bell" Twine helps to reduce the ESSE AAE1T, and Pa 4 e Suh as has] faith of Isaiah was vin<| r peasants| : 54 ve | g nation's history with which. he-had. to, deal.. The first with * courage, || f _ . - Farmer--To the Farmer Fe and to advange th welfare of | Ig New yeriand hae swept-uside 'the old-fashioned Idea "have to d'a fot of money for SE car. : "down behind = re naturally your wheel of this 'Bly New Overland. ngers| close on the convenient gear shift lever, er ur Get the 'thrill of this hill-con- Wiring. powes as. you d! up, up and on, over the hil ' Feel the deep, Ii oom of those well upholste "seats. The blg oar riding ease of patented eigen Sprin cua angie bakes aramal ish of the al stan ody now the con woar axle, n overy Overland. driver. : the.amaxing vera oooh nol nd gasoline. More miles. to the:galion. More service from: Your Overland dealer will gladly demonstrate to. you the many features that 'make folks call 'Overland: the: most) automobile: in thesworld for.the money.: ; id ; Winnipeg Regina HEAD ETAND FACTORIES: TORONTO, CANADA Branches: Toronto . Mentreal i i EES SES SEE SE SEE REE SEE - Buy UFO. "Blue Bl" Ban Tanita. ] HONEST TWINE--FULL YARDAGE--AMPLE STRENGTH INSECT PROOF Yd ity. Distributed Direct. From the Ea) flaxseed 84 against 17 '| ed at Ottawa indicated that on vision, will be conducted as a separate service. The establishment of a Di- vision of Dairy Research was an- nounced in January. The work of cow-testing, carried on hitherto by the Dairy Branch, has been a ito the Live Stock Commissioner. = 2% ler i . Percentage of Crops or Han - At'the end of March, according to" 'official figures, 15 per cent. of last year's wheat crop was still ii farm- ers' hands. Last year at the same time the amount in farmers' hands of the 1922 crop was 14 per cent. In other words the wheat crop in farm- ers' hands on March 81 was 70,766, 000 bushels of the estimated total 4 yield. in 1023 of. 474,199,000 bushels. In 1923; at the same time 54,771,000 bushels remained of the yield in 1922 of 899,786,400 bushels. Oats remain- ing was 44 per cent. against 85 per cent., barley 28 against 25. per cent, 'rye i cent,, buck- wheat' 20 against per cent., corn husking 18. 22 per cents, per cent., po- tatoes 84 against 85 per cent., tur- nips 12 against 18 per cent., hay.and clover 26 against the same percentage last year: L At the end of March, re; ta Tegel Fe TD euiamiftomentongy + A Gentle Reminder. when, | through sheer surprise at some of his. | son's playing, the father uttered & mild oath. The mother, who was on- - raised the sash-and, calling gently to the father, said: "Willie, you know I do not allow: 'boys who say bad words to play with - Wo '| The father of two boys was playing 'ball 'with them. The game was fast Joying the game from her window,